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Mordhaus (Member Profile)

George Lucas on his decision to "break up" with "Star Wars".

Chairman_woo says...

Poor George, doesn't really get it even now.

It wasn't the fantasy/family subtext that drove your fans away, if anything that's part of the reason Starwars has such universal appeal.

It was that you quickly became a psychopathic alien toad-man overlord with an ego visible from space!

Episode 4, Written and directed, but not produced by GL. Good.

Episode 5, neither written nor directed nor produced by GL.

Episode 6, mostly-written but not directed or produced by GL. Passable. (half baked script that gave us a glimpse of what was to come IMHO)

Episode 1,2,3, almost entirely written, directed and produced by GL.

Why I REALLY am quitting social media -- Essena ONeill

shang says...

Jeez using her white privilege to feed ego by luring in the countless white knight beta males.

The misandry is stupid

How to subdue a machete-wielding man without killing him

Lawdeedaw says...

Um, safety must mean something different between you and I. The guy was way, way to close to be stopped should he have chosen to simply lunge at the officers. In no way am I trying to take away from their pacifism. The fact that they saved the man's life is to be applauded. Much better than shooting the man at first site.

Now, I also think you assume they are using reverse psychology on the guy...I think they are genuinely afraid to kill the man even if necessary. That isn't lack of ego, that is uncertainty.

artician said:

The only difference here seems to be a lack of ego. These guys aren't acting like they're constantly under threat of looking stupid, or need to maintain control via threat of physical violence. They're controlling the guy by letting him think he's in control, while everyone's still safe. Reflecting on what we see of the american police force online, it really makes them look like a one-note cannon when it comes to local civic diplomacy.

the enslavement of humanity

coolhund says...

Yeah its getting too long and youre putting words into my mouth and I cant stand people that cant even do a simple Google search on their own. It means they are not objective at all.

Anyway, you made a huge post, but most is just completely beside what I actually said and thus worthless, because I dont see a point going on with someone who obviously knows very well I am right, but then just put on his blindfold and pulls stuff out of his ass to save his ego...
For example I never said its exacly like slave labor in the past. But it is a good analogy and what you said are no good point in any way. I also didnt say they had a much better life 500-1000 years ago. I only said they had more free time, didnt work as hard and were happy considering those times.
Whatever... Keep downplaying problems for the whole worlds because someone proved you wrong.

How to subdue a machete-wielding man without killing him

artician says...

The only difference here seems to be a lack of ego. These guys aren't acting like they're constantly under threat of looking stupid, or need to maintain control via threat of physical violence. They're controlling the guy by letting him think he's in control, while everyone's still safe. Reflecting on what we see of the american police force online, it really makes them look like a one-note cannon when it comes to local civic diplomacy.

have you found yourself longing for the apocalypse?

shagen454 says...

Needs more warnings at the end - May cause poisonous burns, itching, rashes, scars, insects / bites, decapitation, potent hallucinogenic plant experience ego death (this is a good thing), wild fire, sneezing, rashes, pulled muscles, sweating, potential flash flood, tornado, blunt force death (hail storm), suffocation (ie quicksand), dehydration, drowning (helicopter drops retardant on you or otherwise), hypothermia, freezing, lethal stings, booby traps, rednecks, cannibals, serial killers, getting lost and starving...

Two Female Teachers Teach 16-Year-Old Stud How to Threesome

newtboy says...

Don't forget the husband. He's pretty clearly a victim here too. He now gets to raise 3 children as a single parent, and his finances will be destroyed by her defense costs and fines, not to mention the loss of her income in the household and the severe damage to his psyche/ego from having his wife cheat on him with a kid and another woman. In my mind, he's had it the worst of all victims in this case, but he's not the only one by far.

ChaosEngine said:

No actual victims? Tell that to the 3 young kids who might have to visit mom in prison.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Transgender Rights

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Wow, what dribbly b-ball.

By this logic, you and your alter ego lantern shouldn't have any rights on Videosift.

Out of hundreds of accounts, there are only like 5 of you that consistently say..

Ignorant, bigoted, racist, jingoistic bullshit that added absolutely NOTHING to the discussion.

The majority of us should just petition Lucky or Dag to revoke your privileges and replaced that nice fat "P" next to your username.

But instead of probie.. it would stand for something more appropriate for you..

Prickface.. perhaps.

p.s. -
sound out the big words and double check if you get confused

bobknight33 said:

Because the 0.0021% matter.

Bill Maher: Donald Trump Is the White Kanye

MilkmanDan says...

Remember Howard Stern's movie "Private Parts"? a quote:
Researcher: The average radio listener listens for eighteen minutes a day. The average Howard Stern fan listens for - are you ready for this? - an hour and twenty minutes.
Pig Vomit: How could this be?
Researcher: Answer most commonly given: "I want to see what he'll say next."

Maybe Trump has the same thing going for him. He's crazy enough and ego-inflated enough to serve the "Ross Perot" or "Ralph Nader" role in losing the election for his party.

I'm all in favor of that, as someone who would tend to agree with a lot of the foundation principles of the Republican party, like "small government" and "fiscal conservatism". The problem is that the modern Republican party has exchanged those "foundation principles" with batshit crazy counterparts. It needs to go ahead and implode already to let some measure of sanity back in.

Jerry Seinfeld does not want to be on Seth Meyers Late Night

Professor Hunter- Epic Chemistry Teacher

poolcleaner says...

I'm saying I literally quoted him word for word -- because he did like winning conversations. His comedic wit alone, invalidating both his ego and all ego around him.

Think about it -- the only valid move in a game of checkers is a tie. When chess is solved, will the correct opening move always lead to tie or will it depend on who goes first for the win?

Groucho had social interaction solved. Whether it lead to a tie or a win is a matter of conjecture.

newtboy said:

Odd, I saw it as Groucho's way of speaking. I never saw his characters as 'winners'.
If it's wrong, why are you doing it too? ;-)

American Loving Redneck Has Some Thoughts On Racism

eoe says...

The cynic in me really hopes this isn't a really good actor pretending to be a redneck.

Not many people are capable of such a massive paradigm shift late in life. It can make your entire ego crumble and you become a heaping pile of 'What the fuck am I?'

If he's legit, bless, because damn that's some major introspective aweseomeness.

Tel Aviv - Incredible Amateur Audio/Video Mashup

Sagemind says...

That comment is a reflection on what I hear on a daily basis.
Perhaps my wordage is off, but the stuff coming at us 24-7 is created by studios, not musicians. So much of what I hear is produced by guys sitting at mixer boards and computers.
My comment isn't aimed at every person out there making music, in fact I know there are lots of musicians out there with talent and skill..., but we never get to hear them over all the crap being dealt out by the industry which is breeding Egos as musicians. (I'd choose Beck over Beyonce any day of the week.)

Sure, I know, it may seem like I'm digging a hole and jumping in but the system is broken and the good music is being squelched. Maybe not 100% of the time, but listen to the music. The electronic age is filtering everything out of the music, no more drummer, no guitar, auto tune, synthetic voice. where is all the character? Where are all the happy accidents that real music serves us. How many of today's artistes (on the charts) can serve us music without a guy mixing it to make them sound good, double tracking, and keeping their voices in tune? I know these tricks have been used for years but never to the extent they are being used today.

I remember a quote by Niel Young, way back when he was recording. The guys at the board keep telling him he wasn't hitting the note, and his answer was "Hey, that's my style man!" So they had to leave it in, and the result was great. Pure Niel Young.

So, I guess it's not so much the musicians out there, so much as it is the recording studios, and the system of pump out the next clone hit...

It was Tony James that initiated this era, back when he created Sigue Sigue Sputnik. He had a dream, a vision of what the band looked and sounded like. He hired people that looked like what he wanted, none could play music, he taught them three chords and they they became the number one, unrecorded, unsigned band in history, and EMI finally Won (relative term) by offering them the most money. From that point all the music was produces electronically in the studio. It sounded like crap, but I loved it. It was new and sounded different. And people ate it up. The studios caught on, and realized they didn't need musicians any more, they always wanted money. It made more sense to hire nobodies, they were a dime a dozon and they could be made to sound any way they wanted them too. Just like the Boy Bands and Girl Bands (Spice girls, Pussy Cat Dolls)

Okay... so I'm rambling now..., it's been a long day...
The industry feeds us synthetic garbage because it's cheep, makes money and is easily replaced by the next song/artist.

Meanwhile the real artists are doing everything they can to get recognized and struggle to make a living giving us their soul served in a song and doing everything they can to be heard over the sounds of the industry.

ChaosEngine said:

That's great, but your second post is a pretty far cry from

Koenigsegg Agera R's Electronic Stability Control Is Insane

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