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how social justice warriors are problematic

StukaFox says...

Because calling people niggers, spics, retards, kikes, gimps, dagos, sand-niggers, dot-heads, crackers, spear-chuckers, nig-nogs or faggots really makes people understand each other better and leads to less violence and hate.

What's your alternative, Bob: Two-Minutes Hate and a weekly cross burning?

bobknight33 said:

PC should be wiped off the face of the earth. It is destructive by its very nature.

How do cats use their Whiskers?

JustSaying jokingly says...

Now I wanna tape a laserpointer to a cat's head and watch it go insane....

Everywhere it looks, everywhere, that damn red fucking dot.

Payback said:

I understand they also come with optional head-mounted lasers, just like sharks.

Lawdeedaw (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I already answered that clearly, but here it is again since you apparently didn't read it....

I find this so inappropriate.
The moderator made a ruling that didn't go your way.
Now you threaten to make the moderator's life hell as a moderator because of it.
Please stop.

I find your threats to flood @lucky760 with requests for rulings on any video you can find with any death, (apparently including videos already ruled on, and others such as weather events where death is not evident in the video and war reports where death is not evident in the video (or is at best dots before the explosion, not clearly people), all because you're pissed off that he ruled against your blatant snuff video,) both inappropriate and insulting to the entire sift community, and totally personally insulting and threatening to lucky. EDIT: on top of being nothing more than sour grapes, clearly, since you have no issue with posting a snuff video but now feel a pathological need to root them out from years back, not because they bother you but because YOURS was removed. While there's nothing wrong with calling snuff "snuff", your reasons for doing so at this point and in the method you have chosen are, to be more than generous, somewhat suspect.

Because this action was prompted by my tagging your video as *snuff (and having him make a ruling), it seemed totally appropriate for me to vote on your comment/actions.
You may note you've made numerous comments I did not vote on at all at the same time as the one's I downvoted because you were intentionally insulting or threatening.
And now you backhandedly threaten to try to get me banned for (properly) downvoting your insulting and threatening public comments?

...just quit it....please.

Lawdeedaw said:

@newtboy, are you jerking off on downvoting my comments? Remember to downvote them on content, not because you are pissed. The other comments? I can understand you downvoting them, but the last one I posted directly to lucky, as he is a mod and we were talking directly about mod issues, is suspect...I told @lucky760 A-Take his time, B-I am fine with this ruling but all must now be fair, and C-Be ready to discard the other snuff that has escaped to ruin the sift...

So please do tell, what part of that content offended you or was intellectually devoid? If nothing, then stop spamming my comments with downvotes. I wouldn't want people to get banned for downvotting based on bullshit reqs.

San Antonio football players target ref after a bad call.

Babymech says...

The video is too low-quality to see it clearly, but I'm pretty sure that in an HD version you'd be able to see the red dot of the sniper's laser sight on the ref, just seconds before those brave players saved his life.

Eric Idle from Monty Python: "I like Chinese"

Retroboy says...

I debated that part of it when posting but then realized, hey, if South Park can make a Canadian look like a PacMan with two dots for eyes and a fully bisecting mouth, this has gotta be at least reasonably okay.

noims said:

the mild racism somehow comes off worse

Stare at the dot

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

For your daily entertainment -- or depression:


[But] Schäuble was consistent throughout. His view was “I’m not discussing the programme – this was accepted by the previous government and we can’t possibly allow an election to change anything. Because we have elections all the time, there are 19 of us, if every time there was an election and something changed, the contracts between us wouldn’t mean anything.”

So at that point I had to get up and say “Well perhaps we should simply not hold elections anymore for indebted countries”, and there was no answer. The only interpretation I can give [of their view] is “Yes, that would be a good idea, but it would be difficult to do. So you either sign on the dotted line or you are out.”

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Virtual reality, explained with some trippy optical illusion

lucky760 says...

@newtboy - I'm blown away at how certain you are it's all fake. I suggest you do what I did: Instead of using paper on your screen, just take a screenshot and insert into an image editor and inspect things there.

I cut the three tiles out and pasted them side-by-side and they are in fact the same color:

I dragged straight lines on the checkerboard before and after the dots were added, and it has only straight lines.

I copied/pasted the blue tabletop, rotated it and it fit perfectly on the other one:

Nothing was fudged in the video. It just shows how powerfully your brain is latching onto what it believes it is seeing.

It's like that dress photo from a few weeks ago. "Is it white and gold or purple and black?!" Many people were hardcore in one direction or the other.

The only one that left me confused is the pills. 1) He said they were red and blue, but they were yellow and turquoise. 2) They had holes in the pills allowing the background color through; it was only there that they looked colored, otherwise they were just gray. I suspect they were just trying to shoe-horn in a red pill blue pill Matrix reference.

Virtual reality, explained with some trippy optical illusion

newtboy says...

OK. Looking extremely closely and using paper to block out the image, I have to say they fudged things on some of them.
I saw two grey pills the whole time.
The colored tiles fade to grey as they "mask off" the other tiles, they start no where near the shade of grey they end up as, their color has faded a lot in the process.
The grey tiles on the floor also change shades as they are 'masked off' quite clearly. I went 1/4 speed, and also tried masking them off myself, they clearly faked this one.
I put a straight edge on the checker board and sure enough, those lines are slightly curved....just barely but they are.
The two table tops are NOT the same size at first, I measured and the vertical table is definitely longer on the long side. That one's obvious. (EDIT:I'm wrong about that)
The spinning dots does work for me, as do convex images and auditory illusions.
So I'm not ready to call 'fake' on this, but IMO it's fudged badly.

"Eye of the Tiger" on a dot matrix printer

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Eye of the Tiger, Printer, Dot matrix, Old school, MIDI' to 'Eye of the Tiger, Printer, Dot matrix, Old school, MIDI, Rocky' - edited by Grimm

Finnish parliament elections just got epic!

Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains the Third Act of Interstellar

ChaosEngine says...

I read a really great explanation of n-dimensional space a while ago... trying to find it but the basics were:

If I have a point, that has 0 dimensions (note: not a point on a plane, just a dot).

if that point position changes, I have 1 dimension (a line)
if the line position changes, I have 2 dimensions (a square)
if the plane position changes, I have 3 dimensions (a cube)

Easy so far right? but if I take a view of time, then that cube (in fact, all of 3 dimensional space) is a dot again.

if the cube exist for 10 seconds, it has moved through time. Now we have a line in four-dimensional space.

Now here's where it gets tricky. Let's go back to the point and the line.
When we have 1 dimension, I can move the point along a line, but I cannot change the line. Think of it like a train on a single track. It can go back and forth, but the track doesn't change. If I want to change where the train goes, I need to move the track.

Same with the line. To move a line I need two dimensions.

And same with time. To change time, we need FIVE dimensions. With 4 you can only go along the time line (hell, we can only go one way). But if you want to change time, then time must be on a plane... a 5th dimension.

The Pale Blue Dot - THE SAGAN SERIES

Laser Attached To Dog Collar

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