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Cain: "Gay Is A Choice" on The View

ChaosEngine says...

Ok, I think we've actually put up with QMs bullshit for long enough. He has crossed the line from being a misguided, moronic, but occasionally funny, troll into either deliberate spiteful trolling or full-on bigoted fuckwadery. I fail to see how his contribution to this community outweighs the numerous threads he has derailed with his own unique brand of portmanteau-based idiocy.

HERP DERP, I'll call it "the Gay"... for fucks sake, grow up. I haven't hit anyone outside of a dojo in years, but I think I'd punch you in the face if I met you.

And actually, while I'm on the subject, who fucking cares if being gay is a choice? If two consenting adults decide they want to screw each other, who is anyone to tell them not to?

Man, I've got to stop watching american politics on this site. It's so depressing to watch the worlds biggest economy dictated by a political scene that the rest of the world regards as frankly retarded. Honestly, when Obama came along I had some hope, but it's just more of the same shit.

Stupid in America (Blog Entry by blankfist)

JiggaJonson says...


Research that purporting that teaching is a difficult job based on 6 criteria. I suggest the whole document but here's the jest of it.
---------->Societal Attitude:
The participants in this study believed that the attitude of society toward the teaching profession was unfair and detrimental to their overall functioning. They did not believe that they were valued, despite their advanced levels of education. In a recent nationwide survey of over 11,000 teachers and teacher candidates, Henke, Chen, Geis, and Knepper (2000) found that only 14.6% of the teachers surveyed were satisfied with the esteem in which society held the teaching profession.

--->Denise, a high school English teacher addressed the issue of respect:

"There is a lack of respect for teachers. It's not just the money, but also the attitude I get from administrators and politicians that teachers are trying to get away with something. We have taken these cushy jobs where all we have to do is stand up in front of a bunch of kids and BS for a few hours, and only work ten months of the year, at that teachers have it easy! Every time we ask for something (like, in my county, that the county pay our contribution to the state retirement system, for example), they make us out to look like whiners - give 'em an inch; they'll take a mile. The truth is, though, that teachers care so deeply and work SO much beyond our "contract hours." I can't tell you how many come in for weeks during the summer, as I do, and take on clubs after school (for which we are not compensated), and work during vacations. This lack of respect for teachers gets me down."
---------->Financial Issues:
On top of the perception that they are not being valued by society, teachers are notoriously underpaid in our country. Four years after their graduation, Henke et al. (2000) surveyed a large sample of college graduates between 1992-1993. They found that the teachers were tied with clerical staff and service workers for the lowest salaries. A recent report from the American Federation of Teachers (AFT, 2000) found the following to be the case for the 2000-2001 school year:

For new teachers, the $28,986 average beginning salary lagged far behind starting salary offers in other fields for new college graduates. For example, accounting graduates were offered an average $37,143; sales/marketing, $40,033; math/statistics, $49,548; computer science, $49,749; and engineering, $50,033.
The $43,250 average teacher salary fell short of average wages of other white-collar occupations, the report found. For example, mid-level accountants earned an average $52,664, computer system analysts, $71,155; engineers, $74,920; and attorneys, $82,712.
The majority of the participants in this study related that they were simply not paid enough to live comfortably. They drove old cars and lived in inexpensive apartments. Others struggled to save enough money to buy a home.

--->Calvin, a high school science teacher, talked about his pay:

"I love teaching, but I don't know if I love it enough to deprive my family and myself of necessities. I have a baby and another on the way. I can't see how I can ever save enough to make a down payment on a house, even with a second job in the summer."
---------->Time Scarcity:
Many new teachers were physically and emotionally fatigued to the point of exhaustion. They reported that they worked long days at school, and then took home lesson plans to create, papers to grade, and parents to call. They also worked nights and weekends on school-related work.

--->Jessica, a high school math teacher:

"I work 70 hours a week, and after 3 years it's not getting any better. When Friday night rolls around, all I want to do is fall asleep at 8 p.m.! Obviously that doesn't lead to a very exciting social life, or much of a "life" at all, if I can hardly stay awake long enough to go out to dinner with my friends and family. Even at holidays there are always papers to grade."

--->Fred, a high school English teacher also had difficulty with the amount of time required to do his job, pointing to the effect the time constraints had on family relationships:

The time commitment is the worst. During my first two years of teaching I worked 70-80 hour weeks, including time worked during the school day, in the evenings and over the weekend. Time commitment varies with the subject taught and with experience, but this aspect of the job nearly ran me out of teaching on several occasions and I witnessed one great new teacher leave teaching for this very reason. "It's my job or my marriage," she explained. "I never see my husband, and we're living under the same roof."

The data reveal that it is nearly impossible for a conscientious teacher to complete all that is expected of them in one school day. At the high school level, teachers were teaching five or more classes in a traditional school, and three in a block schedule school. For each class this meant that the teacher's task was to design a complete lesson lasting at least one hour. This lesson had to follow the state curriculum, be engaging and interesting to students, and include various components as required by the school district, such as a warm-up, class activities, and homework. The teachers wanted to use outside resources such as the Internet to connect the material to real world applications. Additionally, they reported that there were often several special needs students in the class, and each of them needed some special accommodation. They found that planning was not a trivial task; it took several hours to design one effective instructional plan.

According to the teachers in this study, class sizes were another difficult feature of the teacher's day. In public high schools, most class sizes ranged from 25 to 35 students for a total of 125-175 students in a traditional school, and 75-105 in a four period block school. Henke et al. (2000) reported that the average number of students taught by secondary teachers each day is 115.8.

--->Abby, a high school history teacher explained the effect of large class sizes:

"Imagine any other professional trying to deal with the needs of this many "customers" at one time. If a physician were seeing patients, and grouped this many together, it is readily apparent how ridiculous it would be to expect her or him to address the needs of each person. The same is true for teachers.
Each student is an individual, with needs and issues that must be addressed. In a class period, the teachers expressed frustration because they could not address the needs of 25 or more students.

--->Gina, a former high school science teacher described the variety in her workload as well as in her students' abilities:

"What I least expected was the amount of paperwork I had to do. Grading papers, progress reports, parent conferences, English-as-a-Second Language, exceptional students, ADD paperwork, and even work for absent students seem to take more time than "teaching."

To compound the issue, teachers also related many learning issues, where students had questions or misunderstandings that could easily have been cleared up with a few minutes of one-on-one time. They also reported discipline issues that got more serious when they were not addressed. Some students were bored. Some lacked basic skills and could not perform without help. In general, the teachers expressed being frustrated because they are educated professionals who could address these issues, if there were time to get to everyone. There was simply not enough time to address the variety of issues that simultaneously too place. Farkas et al. (2000) reported that 86% of new teachers report that the change most likely to improve teaching is reducing class size.

--->Eva, a high school English teacher summed up her frustration with large class sizes.

"This was not a matter of poor time management; it was a matter of too many students with too many needs and one harried teacher trying to be superhuman. There were times that I had a great lesson plan, only to have it totally derailed because of one or two students who needed individual attention and could not get it."

The total number of students that this professional was expected to evaluate, plan, and care for each day was as many as 150.
---------->Working Conditions:
School administrators varied in their support of young teachers, and many teachers reported that this support was inadequate. The new teachers felt that they were evaluated and judged, but they would have preferred real feedback and suggestions for improvement of their teaching. They felt that they were often not supported in discipline issues or in conflicts with parents.

--->Carol, a former high school math teacher:

"I was very frustrated with the lack of support from my principal/administration in that after three observations I never got any feedback either in written or verbal form. I never really knew how I was doing. I felt I was doing a good job, but did not think the administration cared one way or the other."

--->Fran, a high school mathematics teacher expressed a need for more funds:

"Teachers should be given all the supplies that they need - $25 is not enough! At all other jobs that I have worked at, whatever you need to do your job is provided."
---------->Relationships with Students and Parents:
A common problem reported by beginning teachers was student apathy. Many of the novice teachers reported that students had no interest in learning. In addition to attendance problems, a number of students often came to class without pencil, paper, and textbook. It was difficult to force or entice them to participate in classwork, and virtually impossible to get them to do homework.

--->Owen, a former high school mathematics teacher, was frustrated by his students' apathy:

"The vast majority of my students had no interest in learning math and I quickly tired of trying to force them (or entice them). They refused to bring paper or pencil to class, refused to do homework or classwork, and frequently came to class late or not at all. Most of them, to my great surprise, were not at all belligerent or confrontational about their refusal to do anything in class; they just had no intention of working at anything."

--->Mattie, a former high school history teacher, could not deal with the frustration:

"I just became very frustrated teaching to a class of 20 students and about 5 were interested or at least concerned with their grades. I decided not to return, because I was so exhausted and depressed at the end of the year. I just couldn't see "wasting" my time in a classroom where the kids don't care about themselves or what you're trying to accomplish."

--->Eugene, a former high school math teacher, also reported problems with apathy:

"I was frustrated with the apathy of the students. Many days I felt as though I was standing up there talking to myself. It was the longest year of my life. I was an emotional wreck because I felt as if the kids/parents didn't care enough to try or participate."

Interview with Pepper Sprayed Protester Chelsea Elliott

marbles says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^lurgee:
F ck the police!

This is the point I'm always torn with. Everyone always says their are good cops...I'm sure there were cops there that didn't like this strategy thought it was wrong and unethical. And people say we shouldn't lump all cops together like they all believe in this stuff and suppress people in the way that they do.
Well why the fuck don't they stand up? Why are the cops that have a problem with the shit that's going on just standing there...not having a problem with it. This is why the idea of "Don't Snitch" and "Fuck the Police" gains ground. If you're not going to stand up for what's right in your OWN DEPARTMENT, you will get lumped in with everyone else.
We are the American People. We don't trust you, we don't believe in you, we won't cooperate with you. You are there to protect and serve, just what does that mean anymore? (toward the end of the page):

This was an attempt to make us weak, this was an attempt to destroy or derail our message, our conversation. It has not succeeded. We have grown, we will grow. Today we received unconfirmed reports that over one hundred blue collar police refused to come into work in solidarity with our movement. These numbers will grow. We are the 99 percent. You will not silence us.

The Time to Fight the Death Penalty is Right Now

DerHasisttot says...

>> ^hpqp:

I don't know how it works in Germany, but here the garbage from public trash cans is simply dumped in landfills or burned. Besides, there could also be non-criminals making license plates, etc. The point is not to take someone else's job from them, but to make serving a prison sentence productive yet unpleasant, so people don't want to go back. Right now (in CH at least) if you get sent to jail (extremely rare; most offenders are let off with a fine, often paid for them by the state, i.e. the taxpayer) it's practically a hotel. No wonder so many people are being drawn in by the rightwing xenophobic propaganda.
This discussion is kind of derailing from the video's subject. Feel free to pm me
>> ^DerHasisttot:
>> ^hpqp:
Yes, but that's not what I meant. I meant labour that profits society, not a private run prison system. For example, they could sift through the city's trash (that from public spaces) and separate the recyclables. It's unpleasant but useful.
>> ^DerHasisttot:
>> ^hpqp:
A bit repetitive, but definitely right. The government should not be in the business of killing people, period. Besides, what's so bad about the death penalty? Instead of paying with their life (which doesn't seem to be very dear to some of them) I would much prefer to see criminals productively paying their debt to society, in the form of (very very) hard labour for example.

The problem with forced labour is that you can get a inhumane competetive economy like in the US prison-system going.

But there are non-criminal people employed in that line of work, in the recycling factories.

I can't remember in which country it was, but in some socialist commie utopia in Europe the criminals are basically in a high-security school, having to do school half their day 5 days a week, and this I really like. "Oh you can't get out? How about you read 3 books and do a test?" It's mild torture, they get an education, and have shit to do.

The Time to Fight the Death Penalty is Right Now

hpqp says...

I don't know how it works in Germany, but here the garbage from public trash cans is simply dumped in landfills or burned. Besides, there could also be non-criminals making license plates, etc. The point is not to take someone else's job from them, but to make serving a prison sentence productive yet unpleasant, so people don't want to go back. Right now (in CH at least) if you get sent to jail (extremely rare; most offenders are let off with a fine, often paid for them by the state, i.e. the taxpayer) it's practically a hotel. No wonder so many people are being drawn in by the rightwing xenophobic propaganda.

This discussion is kind of derailing from the video's subject. Feel free to pm me

>> ^DerHasisttot:

>> ^hpqp:
Yes, but that's not what I meant. I meant labour that profits society, not a private run prison system. For example, they could sift through the city's trash (that from public spaces) and separate the recyclables. It's unpleasant but useful.
>> ^DerHasisttot:
>> ^hpqp:
A bit repetitive, but definitely right. The government should not be in the business of killing people, period. Besides, what's so bad about the death penalty? Instead of paying with their life (which doesn't seem to be very dear to some of them) I would much prefer to see criminals productively paying their debt to society, in the form of (very very) hard labour for example.

The problem with forced labour is that you can get a inhumane competetive economy like in the US prison-system going.

But there are non-criminal people employed in that line of work, in the recycling factories.

Evidence for Dog's Existence

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^dannym3141:

>> ^Maze:
(Hopefully not derailing the thread..)
Use light at a known wavelength, let's say 475nm (blue), then record your response and my response. If we both say "blue" then it would indicate we're both seeing the same blue.
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
I can't even prove that the color blue I am seeing is the same for you as it is me, proof is hard

I think you're wrong so i'll try and help out.. The point is that the blue that you know may not be the blue i know. Although the wavelength of light is the same, our perception of that wavelength of light as it is translated by our brains may not be the same. We will always agree that blue is blue if all other things are equal, however blue to you may look like what i think red is.

Indeed, there is a difference between collaborative subjective experience, and objective distinction. David Hume has wreaked my world, and I find myself unable to put it back together in any meaningful shape. Proof, to me, seems to be something our minds weren't meant to do.

Evidence for Dog's Existence

dannym3141 says...

>> ^Maze:

(Hopefully not derailing the thread..)
Use light at a known wavelength, let's say 475nm (blue), then record your response and my response. If we both say "blue" then it would indicate we're both seeing the same blue.
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
I can't even prove that the color blue I am seeing is the same for you as it is me, proof is hard

I think you're wrong so i'll try and help out.. The point is that the blue that you know may not be the blue i know. Although the wavelength of light is the same, our perception of that wavelength of light as it is translated by our brains may not be the same. We will always agree that blue is blue if all other things are equal, however blue to you may look like what i think red is.

Evidence for Dog's Existence

Maze says...

(Hopefully not derailing the thread..)

Use light at a known wavelength, let's say 475nm (blue), then record your response and my response. If we both say "blue" then it would indicate we're both seeing the same blue.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

I can't even prove that the color blue I am seeing is the same for you as it is me, proof is hard

Parkour Cat is Parkour

Teen Daredevil Narrowly Misses Train

Size of Galaxies Compared

Scary Train Ride Through a Dense Forest

Scary Train Ride Through a Dense Forest

Stonebreaker says...

He also says that they derailed four times that day.

>> ^Stingray:

Ahh information... (from YT):
The South Carolina Railroad Museum has 11.5 miles of track that was once the Rockton & Rion Railway. The western 6.5 miles of track is known as the Museum's "West End" and is more than 40 years old and badly overgrown with weeds and small trees. A small crew is clearing and reopening this track. The video is taken through the windshield of a small self-propelled railroad motor car known as a speeder. The speeder was moving at idle speed and had already made three trips through the weeds that morning before the video was shot.
Some of the comments also go on to say that they were spraying weed killer.

A Christian's Guide To Sinning

shinyblurry says...


Lilith mentions

c.40-10BC Dead Sea Scrolls - Songs for a Sage (4Q510-511)
c.500 Gemara of the Talmud
c.800 The Alphabet of Ben-Sira
c.900 Midrash Abkir
c.1260 Treatise on the Left Emanation, Spain
c.1280 Zohar, Spain.

Genesis was written around 1400 years before any of these.

>> ^enoch:
>> ^shinyblurry:
Lilith was never in scripture and was written about over 1000 years after genesis. It was written as Jewish folklore, and developed mostly in the middle ages. Today it is particularly embraced by pagans, gnostics and radical femenists. It's yet another lie, out of millions, that tries to derail the Creation story and that people buy into without doing any research. There is no lilith conspiracy..she never existed.
>> ^xxovercastxx:
@0:34 "Ever since the earth's first woman..."
bzzt! Eve was the earth's second woman.


A Christian's Guide To Sinning

enoch says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

Lilith was never in scripture and was written about over 1000 years after genesis. It was written as Jewish folklore, and developed mostly in the middle ages. Today it is particularly embraced by pagans, gnostics and radical femenists. It's yet another lie, out of millions, that tries to derail the Creation story and that people buy into without doing any research. There is no lilith conspiracy..she never existed.
>> ^xxovercastxx:
@0:34 "Ever since the earth's first woman..."
bzzt! Eve was the earth's second woman.


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