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mintbbb (Member Profile)

Train Derailment Cleanup Fail in Brazil

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Train Derailment Cleanup Fail in Brazil

Young man shot after GPS error

Stormsinger says...

Nope, I'm not qualified to do real research into the causes and scope of gun of violence, and apparently neither are you, if you think all it takes is looking at FBI numbers. Just looking at FBI numbers wouldn't associate violent crime with leaded gasoline, but there is an extremely strong correlation there, and a path for possible causation as well.

I prefer to let those with the experience to do so meaningfully, adjust for factors like poverty-levels, drug bans, environmental isses and all of the myriad other inter-related factors. I know enough about it to know that to do it right takes years of study. When you have such training, or if you can point to a study by someone who does, then I'll look into credentials to see if it's worth looking at.

Again, -my- point was that we have no such research, because the NRA killed it. Try as you like to derail that point, I consider it pretty telling.

Jerykk said:

Care to provide any specific counter-arguments to any of the points I made or the evidence I cited to support them? Again, do the research yourself because politicians and lobby groups have no interest in anything that undermines their agendas. If you're waiting for them to provide objective and thorough research, you'll be waiting a long time. Of course, if you're only interested in research that supports your own opinion, that will probably be easier to find.

Check out the crime statistics on the FBI website. Compare Florida's violent crime rate to DC's violent crime rate. Compare the percentage of violent crimes committed using assault rifles, handguns and melee weapons. Look at the percentage of crimes committed using legally-obtained guns. Look at the results of the ban on drugs today and the ban on alcohol during the prohibition. If you can look at all that and still believe that banning guns will significantly reduce violent crime, you clearly don't need any amount of research to support your opinions.

Landslide Takes Out A Train

Plonq says...

The brakes locked the whole length of the train as soon as the air hoses came apart. Still, this would have been a much more interesting derailment if it had involved full loads of potash or something heavier than those little container flats. Even though the containers look intact, I would be willing to bet there is damaged merchandise for a good dozen cars back from the derailment; shippers never strap their stuff in as good as they think they do. BN's going to be dealing with lots of damage reclaims.

On a boring, anecdotal side note, I picked out one of the readable car numbers going by and looked up its movement history. If the guy posted the video within a day or so of the slide then I can confirm that it happened on the BNSF not far from Seattle.

grinter said:

Wow that train stopped quickly.. I mean, landslide aside, that thing stopped quickly!

Teen: NYPD Paid Me To Bait Innocent Muslims

Yogi says...

>> ^shagen454:

Whaddya mean? You think a bunch of rural terrorists with weapons from WWII took out two humongous buildings that each fell the exact same way? Not likely. But, I digress I don't really want to talk about nine eleven.

ehem nine eleven
Come on man, you're better than that.

You're derailing this shit, take it to PMs.

Active Sexism on MSNBC - Mika is FURIOUS.

Stormsinger says...

>> ^Phreezdryd:

Joe doesn't seem to be listening to Mika at the beginning, and derails her comments by saying he thinks the focus on binders is lame. Over 17 minutes in and that other guy restates what Mika said, and finally Joe gets it. I'd be a little frustrated too.
I don't know how distracting being on a set with cameras and people talking in your earpiece is, but I'm going to assume that's part of what makes for conversations where people don't seem to be listening to each other.

Maybe...or it could just be that the positions tend to go to attractive people with good voices, and brains just aren't considered important. Given the state of television these days, my money is on the latter.

Active Sexism on MSNBC - Mika is FURIOUS.

Phreezdryd says...

Joe doesn't seem to be listening to Mika at the beginning, and derails her comments by saying he thinks the focus on binders is lame. Over 17 minutes in and that other guy restates what Mika said, and finally Joe gets it. I'd be a little frustrated too.

I don't know how distracting being on a set with cameras and people talking in your earpiece is, but I'm going to assume that's part of what makes for conversations where people don't seem to be listening to each other.

A Christian's Guide To Sinning

shinyblurry says...

>> ^Murgy:

>> ^shinyblurry:
Lilith was never in scripture and was written about over 1000 years after genesis. It was written as Jewish folklore, and developed mostly in the middle ages. Today it is particularly embraced by pagans, gnostics and radical femenists. It's yet another lie, out of millions, that tries to derail the Creation story and that people buy into without doing any research. There is no lilith conspiracy..she never existed.
>> ^xxovercastxx:
@0:34 "Ever since the earth's first woman..."
bzzt! Eve was the earth's second woman.

The very concept of Pagans and Agnostics including a story, altered or otherwise, from a book collaboratively written by groups of Judo-Christians in their religious beliefs is truly laughable. That's before even considering the fact that both spiritual ideologies existed prior to Abrahamic religion. Furthermore, your "Lilith was never in scripture and was written about over 1000 years after genesis." statement is completely invalid. A figure pulled from your metaphorical nether-regions, if you will. Your later complaint of "people buy into without doing any research" truly cements your spot on my "Wall of Hypocritical Nonsense."
I could go into further detail about your closing comment "It's yet another lie, out of millions, that tries to derail the Creation story. There is no lilith conspiracy..she never existed" in regards to your views about the integrity of a tale claiming all of humanity is descendent from two humans who sprung up, fully formed, out of the earth. Instead, however, I think I'll let your previous misinformation speak for itself.

A fallacious argument from incredulity does not provide a refutation of anything I've said; indeed, what I've said is well supported:

"In Jewish folklore, from the 8th–10th centuries Alphabet of Ben Sira onwards, Lilith becomes Adam's first wife, who was created at the same time and from the same earth as Adam. This contrasts with Eve, who was created from one of Adam's ribs. The legend was greatly developed during the Middle Ages, in the tradition of Aggadic midrashim, the Zohar and Jewish mysticism.[3] In the 13th Century writings of Rabbi Isaac ben Jacob ha-Cohen, for example, Lilith left Adam after she refused to become subservient to him and then would not return to the Garden of Eden after she mated with archangel Samael.[4] The resulting Lilith legend is still commonly used as source material in modern Western culture, literature, occultism, fantasy, and horror."

With all your scoffing you are alluding to an intimate knowledge of the subject, certainly enough to call my arguments "laughable" and "Hypocritical Nonsense". So I'm all ears to hear the research you have uncovered with disproves my argument so succinctly.

A Christian's Guide To Sinning

Murgy says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

Lilith was never in scripture and was written about over 1000 years after genesis. It was written as Jewish folklore, and developed mostly in the middle ages. Today it is particularly embraced by pagans, gnostics and radical femenists. It's yet another lie, out of millions, that tries to derail the Creation story and that people buy into without doing any research. There is no lilith conspiracy..she never existed.
>> ^xxovercastxx:
@0:34 "Ever since the earth's first woman..."
bzzt! Eve was the earth's second woman.

The very concept of Pagans and Agnostics including a story, altered or otherwise, from a book collaboratively written by groups of Judo-Christians in their religious beliefs is truly laughable. That's before even considering the fact that both spiritual ideologies existed prior to Abrahamic religion. Furthermore, your "Lilith was never in scripture and was written about over 1000 years after genesis." statement is completely invalid. A figure pulled from your metaphorical nether-regions, if you will. Your later complaint of "people buy into without doing any research" truly cements your spot on my "Wall of Hypocritical Nonsense."

I could go into further detail about your closing comment "It's yet another lie, out of millions, that tries to derail the Creation story. There is no lilith conspiracy..she never existed" in regards to your views about the integrity of a tale claiming all of humanity is descendent from two humans who sprung up, fully formed, out of the earth. Instead, however, I think I'll let your previous misinformation speak for itself.

Media Have Become an "Enemy of the American People"

enoch says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

When Chomsky said, "the stupid masses", he was characterizing an elite point of view. (I looked it up) He wouldn't be the Noam Chomsky we know and love if he had that much contempt for his species. If you agree with that sentiment, then you identify with the elites Chomsky was criticizing. Chomsky may be cynical, but he is no nihilist. He is a humanist. (and so are you!)
If the human race is truly stupid, then there is no point in seeking positive change, and we are all doomed to suffer whatever cruel horrors fate has in store for us.
Underinformed? Sure, that is fixable.
Stupid? Fuck that kind of collective self loathing.
We are all we have. Everything that happens to us -short of an apocalyptic act of nature- , good or bad, will be a result of human action. If we think ourselves stupid, then stupid we shall be. If we loathe ourselves, it only makes it that much easier for the rich and powerful to dominate us. If we think ourselves elite in a world of fools, it just makes it that much easier for the real elites to divide and conquer (yes, I'm looking at you, rightwing libertarians.)
We need to start a humanist revival. White tents. Gospel music. The whole nine. And we are going to need some rebel preachers. Are you in?
disclaimer: dft has a strong pro-human bias and should probably not be trusted.

totally agree my man.
guess i should have paid more attention to how my comment may have been misconstrued in regards to chomsky's quote.
"manufacturing consent" is the book that started it all for me and the more time that passes ...the more it seems chomsky had it right from the get-go.
the man is brilliant and i have the utmost respect for him and his work.

and if you took the metaphysical aspect out of my worldview,what you would have left is a secular humanist.
i feel very strongly that my fellow humans have been utterly and thoroughly duped into believing that their happiness is tied to what they do or what they own and that somehow their success/failure resides solely in their ability to "pick themselves up from their own boots-straps".

this paradigm is utter bullshit of course.
it was a creation.
specifically designed to create good consumers.
the carrot on the stick.
you are not smart enough...
you are not pretty enough...
your skin is too light...
too dark...
nose is too big..
too small..
everything you wanted or desired is just inches out of are so close you can almost taste it.....
if you purchase this skin cream,or that pair of sneakers..
this make/model car..or home...
YOU can achieve happiness and everyone will love you and you will be so popular and content.
so buy NOW!operators are standing by!

the irony is that the very companies selling you this happiness are the very people who created your own discomfort in your own skin.
its the great flim-flam and it has worked brilliantly.

what were we talking about again?

Teacher has Anger Issues

MilkmanDan says...

I asked my wife, who is Thai. She said she has seen the clip before on Thai TV news as well as via internet sources. According to her, the standard reaction/assumption amongst Thais who watch it is that it was a real event, not staged.

I/She/we could be wrong, but I still think it is most likely real.

From my own teaching experiences here, suffice it to say that the cultural aversion to confrontation or showing emotion can be ... difficult for Westerners to deal with. There is a Thai phrase "mai pen lai", which basically means "no problem", "forget about it", or "nevermind". Very frequently, some smallish issue will crop up that the Western mind sees and says "let's nip this in the bud right now before it gets any bigger". But present that train of thought to a Thai, and you'll get derailed by a wall of "mai pen lai".

Sometimes, from a Western perspective, it seems like that system of suppression can perhaps limit the number of temper-related "snaps", but the ones that ones that do break through are likely to be more intense and less controlled. Maybe that is a good thing, maybe not -- a very subjective question. But, Thais seem very comfortable with their system, so I guess I'm just along for the ride as long as I'm here.

Tricks of the Sift (Howto Talk Post)

Huge explosion of freight train carrying ethanol!

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