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Just your everyday harassment, courtesy of the NYPD

lantern53 says...

I don't recall saying that, Genji, so if you could show me, I'd appreciate it. But I'm quite sure I never said racism is over...I do recall saying that until you get over your massive butthurt from what racism that does exist, that you will never succeed in life.

Is there sound on this video, because I think that is important.

In my experience, most perps won't just say 'yeah, i'm the one you're looking for', so you have to use some aggressive policing because people don't respond to the British method, not being British and all...

these cops are very brave to go into these projects and take out the criminals, who prey on old ladies, women, and other non-warrior types because they are a bunch of cowards....
here's another:
another (believe these are all from NYC)

also, these cops are there to protect people from these cowards, so I think they deserve everyone's respect and support.

But if you support the criminal element, go ahead and try and brand cops as racist, bullies, liars, etc. It's good that people know where you stand.

Hugh Jackman teaches Jimmy Fallon how to eat Vegemite

Cop Kills Mexican For Slowly Shuffling In His Direction

lucky760 says...

Speaking of which...

I wonder what their assessment is of all the beheadings and drug cartel violence in their country. They would probably do well to focus on their own police... who is corrupt as fuck. I wonder if they consider them cowardly. Or maybe they think corruption is the brave act of a hero.

bobknight33 said:

The Mexican government's assessment. don't mean dick.

Black Man Vs. White Man Carrying AR-15 Legally

SFOGuy (Member Profile)

Today on C.G.W.-Cop Goes Into GTA Mode And Runs Down Suspect

newtboy says...

As long as my 15 friends with rifles, shotguns, and pistols pointed at your head come with me, and the instant you start to point the rifle at a person they get to fire, then fine, name the date and place, I'll be there with bells on to get to taser you and 'detain' you afterwards. This guy only pointed his weapon at himself, and only fired a single shot directly a warning shot...a thing cops have apparently forgotten exists.
If you need 100% guarantee of safety in your duty, you should NEVER be a cop, or even be in public.
It's funny you always take that position that cops should be able to kill with impunity instead of taking the slightest risk to their own safety, for instance you often say they should never even try tasers even with massive backup because tasers MIGHT not stop the person, so they should just shoot to kill instead if there's ANY risk to themselves (or if they think they can make up a risk...'he grabbed my taser' comes to mind), and you also take the position that cops have this incredibly dangerous job and are all 'brave little soldiers' we should look up to...which is it?

lantern53 said:

How about I arm myself with a rifle, then you come at me with a taser?

Starboard tack does NOT have right of way over a ferry...

robbersdog49 says...

I was wondering about the spinnaker pole too, seemed a bit of a brave move in those conditions! As did completely un-reefed sails. Looks like they'd read the book as far as 'let the sails out to slow down or stop' but not got any further.

One thing they could have done to avoid the collision is just pull the main in, hard. Would have screwed the boat round into the wind and either stopped it there or more likely forced a tack, leaving the boat sailing happily away from the ferry. The guys sailing it just panicked and did nothing. Fortunately it looked like there wasn't too much damage done but this sort of thing bothers me. Ignorance like this kills.

ChaosEngine said:

Looks like a Sydney ferry, so *downunder.

That boat was not under control at all. The jib is starting to rip and god only knows why they had the spinnaker pole attached.

Institutionalized 2014 - Body Count

Grouper Eates Lionfish

shinyblurry (Member Profile)

His Slide Technique Could Use Some Work

Jinx says...

A perfect example of the resonant frequency of a typical toddler, or the harmonics of the slide. We salute you for your brave contributions to science lil guy.

StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void - Blizzcon 2014 Trailer

Retroboy says...

The Protoss bravely fight for Aiur.
They stand during times that are dire.
This cool cinematic
Shows events climactic?
Heck, that's why I'm a Starcraft buyer.

Canadian Sergeant-At-Arms back on duty the next day

Asmo says...

There is something to be said for lauding a person acting bravely and doing his duty at great risk to himself, acting in the defense of others, but I can't help but think all he's saying to himself is "I ended a life yesterday..."

What narcolepsy really looks like

Top 10 Slow-mo Moments of All Time

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