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Gavin Newsom Wins Recall Election In Landslide

newtboy says...

Aaaaahahaha!!!!! You're really "bragging" about Trump getting Newsom's old sloppy seconds!? Aaaaaahahahahaha!!!
If he's like pops, there's no bigly or yuge, just a funky mushroom that's all cap, no stem.

Maybe Newsom prefers poised, intelligent, beautiful, caring, and sane over bat shit crazy, screaming, vitriolic stupidity from a distant shrieking harpy. (Her wiki photo looks like Caitlyn Jenner)

He traded up....WAY up, married two years later and ever since....she definitely traded down....eventually, after a decade plus she's finally got a "rich" boyfriend. See what happens if he goes to prison! She doesn't like him, she likes his money and political clout.

She's a power whore, her biggest claim to fame is the powerful public figures she's slept with.

Ms Newsom has a long and quite successful career away from her husband, and a long marriage with him.

ROTFLMFAHS!!!! Please, oh please. More MAGA tears. We're in a drought in California and you whiners are keeping the rivers flowing.

Hallelujah - Death Metal Edition

Most Popular Sci-Fi Movies 1968 - 2019


moonsammy says...

Finally got around to watching (have had it open in a tab since you posted it), quite excellent. Beautiful country, though I'd personally not want to walk the whole damn thing. I'll *promote since it seems to have flown under everyone's radar

How to uninstall McAfee Antivirus

Explaining Pink Floyd's First Masterpiece

StukaFox says...

It's impossible to find now, but Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab's Ultradisc of 'Meddle' has a recording of Echoes taken from the original master tape. If the only version of the song you've heard is the muddy version on the original release, the MFSL version is almost like a totally different song. It takes something that's already beautiful and deifies it. It is the absolute definitive version of the song.

Also, David Gilmour's version of Echoes off "Live in Gdansk" is uplifting, powerful and heart-breaking all at the same time. Richard Wright plays keyboard; he knows he's dying of cancer and he knows this is the very last time he and his friend David will play the song together. Gilmour feels like he's pouring his heart out to Wright and together, they give the song, and the legendary keyboardist, the sendoff they both deserve.

Richard Wright died one week before "Live" was released, passing on too early at 64.

The Dome in 4K

Josh Groban - Bean Song

‘This is not a zoo’: Biden administration blocks filming

moonsammy says...

See, my distinct impression of the Trump administration's policies and actions surrounding immigrants at our southern border was that it... wanted them to fuck off and/or die. "Remain in Mexico" was abhorrent. Family separation was a humanitarian disaster.

What *specific* policies or actions did the Trump administration take or promote which should make me believe they cared? That they had even the tiniest shred of humanity regarding people who've suffered enormously and struggled to reach what they hoped *might be* a less shitty life for themselves and their children?

"Come in legally" is fine, so long as we live up to being the beacon of hope and freedom that we like to think we are. Which would require allowing in a LOT more refugees than the Trump admin tolerated.

Ever read the poem on the base of the Statue of Liberty? It is beautiful, and if the US can manage to live up to it for a change then perhaps we'll have made America great, for the first time.

bobknight33 said:

Trump cared more than Biden.

I've always cared. Come in legally, so you wont end up trafficked and or packed in Covid infected cages.

So are you finally realizing Trump had a better plan?

System of a Hoedown - Chop Suey

After Ice

Something went terribly wrong with this ship's controls

EMPIRE says...

When that metal portion of the ladder going from the pier into the water, starts scratching the side of the ship, it was hard to watch. Such a beautiful vessel in such a beautiful color.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Claims without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Hrmph, looks like your bullshit has run the gamut of newtboy's patience as well. Can't say i blame him. What blinders?

Is this the section you're referring to ?

"Though much of this activity took place on the left, it was separate from the Biden campaign and crossed ideological lines, with crucial contributions by nonpartisan and conservative actors. The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election so calamitous that no result could be discerned at all"

"crossed ideological lines, with crucial contributions by nonpartisan and conservative actors"
"crossed ideological lines, with crucial contributions by nonpartisan and conservative actors"
"crossed ideological lines, with crucial contributions by nonpartisan and conservative actors"

I'm trying to wrap my head around this. Did you read that and did your eyes go fuzzy and then your brain said "THE LEFT DID IT"???

"The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election ... w/no result"
"The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election ... w/no result"
"The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election ... w/no result"

Did you read that, hit yourself in the face with a rolling pin, and then see "THEY ONLY WANT TO STOP TRUMP"???

HOLD ON, newt, gotta speak thenidiot language. I'll translate.

No collusion! No collusion! Hoax, the fake news media. Hillary! Hoax! Lock her up! Beautiful delicious wall. No collusion! Unfair!


Seriously though, newt I think you're missing something. You missed what he said here. Bob said that voters determined the election.

bobknight33 said:

The left subverted the election and admitted it in the article.

They colluded with the media, big tech, local and state governments with the sole purpose to sway voters and block opposition on a national scale.

I can read but can you take you blinders off?

I Was "The Ugly" Korean.

Melted Owl

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