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I Crashed My Plane

StukaFox says...

The FAA is up there with the TSA, DHS and the NSA as far as TLAs you should NEVER piss-off.

I got pulled over by DHS while I was driving through North Cascades National Park a few years ago. They weren't even marked trucks. One pulled ahead of me, the second one was right on my rear bumper and the "PULL OVER NOW!" was like the voice of God.

I was going camping and they made me pull every fucking thing out of my Subie. Then they went through it all. They confiscated my two pre-rolls and my pipe ("you're on Federal land"), then they called "backup". I sat on the side of the road at Newhalem for about two hours while they dug through all my stuff like a half-dozen times and kept asking me the same stupid-ass questions ("why are you here", "do you know anyone in this area?", "have you ever been arrested for a crime in the US or abroad?") over and over. People where driving by and looking at me and my wife like we were the whitest ISIS fighters ever.

They gave me the ol' "You're free to go" and drove off.

Fuckers took my dope!!

Ashenkase said:

The FAA report will be out in a year. I hope this goes to criminal charges, a complete disregard for human safety (not his).

Jaywalking Karma

Horrific Multi-Car Freeway Wreck - Los Angeles

eoe says...

I understand people don't like being good samaritans by default, but it would have been smart (and nice) to just leave your car in front of the cars with your emergency lights on and just wait at the side of the road. Even better if it's a big rig or a large truck. You'd likely prevent more cars piling up for the price of your patience and time. And, depending on how good you are at Frogger, your safety.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

That wall that cost billions, stole private property, broke dozens of environmental laws, fell in many many places, can be thwarted easily with a ladder, rope, angle grinder, truck, or climbing skills and hasn’t slowed illegal entries one whit? That wall? Ha! You’re funny.
Remaining in Mexico (as major targets for organized crime) during the lengthy asylum application (sometimes for years)….maybe you’re too ignorant to know that never stopped.
Regaining an energy independence that never existed? Um….yeah. We had a minor surplus last year, not because of more production but because the Trump recession and the Trump pandemic lowered demand to the point where oil producers were giving oil away for free. Yes, in summer we exported some oil, but never as much as we import in winter. This is another Trump lie you repeat without a thought and certainly without verification…because you still believe what he tells you despite everything he’s ever said being a blatant lie for his entire lifetime, multiple fraud convictions, being banned from charities because he stole from veterans and children,….the list of his crimes of moral turpitude is never ending.

Goo start….nice unintentional pun. (Sad you can’t help but fail at English even as you correct your original hilarious mistake).

Increasing our oil output is a goo start, but a god awful plan. It’s actually a non starter, Biden pushed oil companies to increase production for months, but they preferred high prices and high profits. They have millions of acres with drilling rights they don’t want to use because the profit margin is 5% lower and blame the fed for not giving them access to the last pristine national forests and reserves….so again I’ll ask you, nationalize oil? If you want to blame the government, they should have control, otherwise you’re just a whining baby crying over spilled milk and blaming the wrong people.

Requiring better fuel economy from vehicles and industry, phasing in electric vehicles and more green electricity production are actually GOOD starts, and what Biden is moving towards despite total opposition from Republicans on ANYTHING. That’s how you get actual energy independence….the only way in the long term.

bobknight33 said:

Returning to Trumps policies of building the wall, Remaining in Mexico and regaining our energy independence is a goo start.

Horrific Multi-Car Freeway Wreck - Los Angeles

newtboy says...

The fact that both cars were black was likely a factor.

Anyone who’s driven at night on LA freeways would expect exactly this. Between oncoming semi trucks with their brights on, signs, intermittent street lighting, etc, night vision is non existent. Anything not lit is invisible beyond 30 ft ahead.
Also, out driving your headlights is the norm almost everywhere. Low beams illuminate about 150 ft ahead, at 65mph it takes over 500 ft to stop on average (according to google), farther for heavy vehicles, worn brakes, and trucks. A recipe for disaster.

BSR said:

Correctomundo, but I don't believe that many drivers were not paying attention. The person taking the video had a light on the very first car and also during the whole video. There were enough brake lights from cars approaching the wreckage but that didn't seem to slow down oncoming traffic too much. I'm thinking there must have been something distracting that many drivers before they could notice what was happening up ahead. Billboards, neon signs, other drivers can be a distraction that calls for your attention also and can be distracting no matter if you are a good driver or not. "Expect the unexpected."

Kansas City Police Officer Found Guilty In 2019 Killing

newtboy says...

The best part is the 30 seconds at the end when, after his conviction, the convict hears the growing cheers from the crowds outside. Yes, the public is happy you’re convicted and most hope you die in prison.

This was a case of no crime, no suspect, but a helicopter THOUGHT a red pickup truck was chasing a purple mustang, and there might have been a collision, but none was reported, ever, no injuries, no victim, no call to police, indeed no crash, no hit and run. The victim had no gun, one was found later in the house and it sounds like they planted it in his car, probably on body camera.
Put him in gen pop, along with the other officers that backed up his lies. Another instance where every officer involved is a lying accomplice to murder and should be in prison for life without parole or special treatment just like citizens who murder a cop and stage the scene to justify an unjustifiable shooting should be.


JiggaJonson says...

I only watched the court proceedings. Like I said, I hope he's in your neighborhood not mine @bobknight33 I don't want to get Rittenhoused, which is apparently legal.

I'm surprised he didn't feel like he would lose his life if the court took it. But just like that poor kid who got boxed in by a truck, he was running, so...

bobknight33 said:

How much did you watch or did you just get the slanted spin on your news feed?

Car Hauler Vs Amtrak train

Ashenkase says...

Looking up at speed, especially if there was a curve could derail the train. That train was at speed and even if the engineer locked it up it would have been the same result. Another reason why the brakes might not be engaged is that the engineer ducked down into a part of his cab that is a bit more safe... remember those guys take the brunt of these types of collisions sometimes. I really feel for the poor truck driver... he sounds like his livelihood just vanished and he is realizing it.

newtboy said:

Ok, I understand the train likely couldn't stop in time, but it sure looked like it didn't even try to slow down. Was there even a driver up front watching the tracks? It appears to be a long straight track section with excellent visibility. I would expect the train to be under full emergency braking before the impact, but it doesn't look like it is. Hmmmm.

Car Hauler Vs Amtrak train

surfingyt says...

top comment:

"To those who wonder why all crossings aren't rebuilt so that auto haul trucks specifically can clear them... first, this would cost an ungodly amount of money - for one specific type of truck. Professional drivers wouldn't let themselves get caught in this situation. Carhaulers ride very low and their drivers know this. They know this as a fact. I'm a 30-year veteran truck driver, and that includes auto haul, and there is no way a professional auto hauler would have even attempted to get over that sharp crest.

Trailers only bottom out if the drivers puts it there. Trailers only hit low bridges if the driver puts it there. In short, trucks only go wherever the driver puts them - and a low-slung trailer is a hazard the driver is responsible for knowing how to negotiate. Period.

Absolutely no sympathy for this idiot who could very well have killed any number of people. My thoughts are with the locomotive crew, seeing that truck looming ahead and knowing this could very well be the end of their lives and there's nothing they can do about it."

Tow truck driver having a badddd day

Car Hauler Vs Amtrak train

eric3579 says...

The guy trying to get the train to stop by jumping around and hollering is not something you generally see and hear in these type videos. The truck launching into the air is almost movie like.

The public toll road with no speed limit

New Zealand PSA - Trade School

vil says...

I dunno it depends. We used to have two years of compulsory military service and while you could get some basic qualification like truck drivers licence, for 99% of people it was two lost years of bigotry and bullying.

Poor planning of truck route

FedEx Truck gets stolen while package is being delivered

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