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Democrat Campaign "Ad"

Samantha Bee, Full Frontal - Voter Suppression

newtboy says...

I never did homework or paid attention in class either.
My teachers insisted I only did well on tests because I cheated, so they separated me from the class for a test....the class average went down a full grade, not me. After that I never had to turn in homework.
On my binder I wrote clearly "I learn by osmosis" to warn my actually seemed true.

BSR said:

Gotta love him for that. He's the guy you'd want to copy test answers from in school if you didn't pay attention in class or didn't do your homework.

You know, because you were busy doing "important" things like smoking cigarettes and drinking liquor.

The Day Liberty Died

BSR says...

Speaking of LBJ, my 7th grade teacher told us that whenever LBJ invited dignitaries to the White House for dinner, he would always order fried chicken from the kitchen.

He did this because he wanted to watch these people of fashion, quality, rank and standing, eat with their fingers.

Why we need a new education system

transmorpher says...

Indeed, criticism is easy.

I'm personally a huge fan of the Khan Academy's method. That and also paying the teachers a massive salary.

That will of course never happen, because the rich people in charge are stupid, and they also want the general public to be stupid so that they can easily gain their votes.

Anyway, seems like the next generation of workers will all be robots, so perhaps we should all be learning how to run for our lives. ;-)

noims said:

While I agree with everything he says, he's pointing out a lot of problems without giving solutions.

To improve a system you need to introduce a better method, and ideally a way to transition to it; it's not enough to point out problems with the current one. I'm not saying it's not valuable to point out problems, I'm just saying it's not enough.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

18 Teachers In Oklahoma Calling It Quits

18 Teachers In Oklahoma Calling It Quits

18 Teachers In Oklahoma Calling It Quits

18 Teachers In Oklahoma Calling It Quits

wtfcaniuse says...

One of my teacher's had a poster of that.
"It will be a great day when our schools get all the money they need and the air force has to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber"
- Robert Fulghum

On a side note, they teach dance at school?

StukaFox said:

Let's reverse the budgets of the DoD and the DoE -- let the generals hold a bake sale to buy another B1 bomber.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

b4rringt0n (Member Profile)

Mordhaus says...

Thanks! What hit me the hardest was the teacher who said they didn't want to get rich, just make enough money so that they only had to work one job to survive.

b4rringt0n said:

*quality and *promote

It was very moving listening to these teachers.

I lived with two newly qualified teachers in a house share a few years ago. Both of them were already thinking of leaving after only one year because of similar issues here in the UK. Low pay combined with incredible pressure to perform, discipline students, growing classrooms and zero support.

It's sad that we seem to prioritize entertainment, sports and fame (to name but a few) instead of education which is the light of civilization.

Choate Rosemary Hall School Spirit - Fidelitas et Integritas

18 Teachers In Oklahoma Calling It Quits

newtboy says...

Public school should not start this year until the teachers are paid reasonably, and classrooms funded. None of them. Just don't show up teachers, they can't fire all of you....they can't afford to fire any of you.

When China is poaching our teachers and paying them fully 3 times what they make in America, we failed.

Trump's education policy so far has been "Screw em, most public school teachers are liberals".
No surprise he doesn't value public education, his base are the uneducated. Cutting education makes him more voters.

We're hosed, start learning Mandarin or Russian if you want a job in 10 years.

18 Teachers In Oklahoma Calling It Quits

b4rringt0n says...

*quality and *promote

It was very moving listening to these teachers.

I lived with two newly qualified teachers in a house share a few years ago. Both of them were already thinking of leaving after only one year because of similar issues here in the UK. Low pay combined with incredible pressure to perform, discipline students, growing classrooms and zero support.

It's sad that we seem to prioritize entertainment, sports and fame (to name but a few) instead of education which is the light of civilization.

"You Shall Not Pass!"

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