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School coach Keanon Lowe disarms student

newtboy says...

I'm all for the compassion shown by the teacher, but I'm with you about the sentence. I think it's not compassionate to let him off with just probation, neither for him nor his classmates. It's imperative that kids learn actions have consequences, serious actions have serious consequences, and imo probation hardly seems like any consequence at all unless there's also lots of community service AND mandated counseling. Even with both it seems minimal considering what he attempted. I would have included at least a few weekends in jail were I his judge.

viewer_999 said:

Without hostility, I gotta be honest here: I don't really know what you're trying to say. My best guess is, "Treating him with compassion is good for [me]." In this case, at least, I disagree. If I were immortal and/or striving for sainthood, perhaps. But I have one life with limited time, as do those I love and seek to protect. Those who are in search of said sainthood may care for this person all they wish; and may they do it away from society and the rest of us who choose life.

It is foolish to issue probation to someone who brought a loaded gun to class. They've already demonstrated intent to harm and thus should have the option/means to do so again removed.

Next generation vertical lift Bell V 280 Valor

newtboy says...

Sorry. I have to call bullshit on that.
Each one costs as much as 500 average teachers salaries, not including operating costs. ;-)

Why are they trying to make the Osprey 2.0 anyway? We already have better, more capable, cheaper, tested aircraft in our fleet. I think someone is just infatuated with Avatar...Someone who doesn't care about the national budget or military readiness but loves being the only kid with a new who could that be?

StukaFox said:

It was either buy this thing or hire another 200 teachers.

Next generation vertical lift Bell V 280 Valor

A Tribute to Monty Python from South Park

BSR says...

I learned about Monty Python from my high school print shop teacher in my freshman year. We would listen to 'Monty Python's Previous Record' while sorting out all the lead type in the California job case while laughing our butts off. Good times.

Fun Fact:

To remember which letters go into the correct slots in the type case, we learned short phrases. Basically 3 rows held the basic alphabet and the 3 phrases were:

Be Careful Driving Elephants Into Small Foreign Garages - BCDEISFG
Let Money Not Hinder Our Young Peoples Workings - LMNHOYPW
Vern Underwood Took (3-em spaces) And Ran - VUT(3-em spaces)AR

This is good to know in the event that you get asked on a radio quiz show.

You're welcome.

What is the Second Civil War

newtboy says...

You're going to have to explain how you think Christian teachers should be evaluated by scripture, yet you don't condemn Jim Baker. He has been a charlatan his entire career, swindling mostly the elderly to make his fortune and live the high life.

shinyblurry said:

Rick Joyner is a false prophet. Unfortunately, people from his circle, which is the most abhorrent wing of the Charismatic church, have become the public face of Christianity.

Christian teachers should be evaluated by the scripture. The scripture will expose their wrong teachings and motives, and what they really are will be proved out over time. If someone is pushing an abhorrent form of Christianity, they should be called out and condemned.

This session that we watched is extremely unfortunate. The participants failed to discern that Rick is a false prophet, and like the false prophets described in the bible, he comes with dreams and visions he claims are from God but are actually against the purposes of God.

I do not condemn Jim Baker, or David Barton or the others..I think they are sincerely deceived. They need to be corrected and discern the true spirit behind the false prophet Rick Joyner.

What is the Second Civil War

shinyblurry says...

Rick Joyner is a false prophet. Unfortunately, people from his circle, which is the most abhorrent wing of the Charismatic church, have become the public face of Christianity.

Christian teachers should be evaluated by the scripture. The scripture will expose their wrong teachings and motives, and what they really are will be proved out over time. If someone is pushing an abhorrent form of Christianity, they should be called out and condemned.

This session that we watched is extremely unfortunate. The participants failed to discern that Rick is a false prophet, and like the false prophets described in the bible, he comes with dreams and visions he claims are from God but are actually against the purposes of God.

I do not condemn Jim Baker, or David Barton or the others..I think they are sincerely deceived. They need to be corrected and discern the true spirit behind the false prophet Rick Joyner.

When you get too Swole

Ron Howard Teaches Directing

newtboy says...

To elaborate...
Failure is the best teacher. Spectacular failures can lead to spectacular they're far more entertaining.

BSR said:

"Fail spectacularly!" -newtboy

Kicked Out of Class for Saying There are Two Genders

newtboy says...

You posted it happily as fact. If you post/repeat someone else's lie, you are a liar.

The teacher knows better why he acted than the ignorant obstinate disruptive kid that won't listen. Derp.

Still lies. You LOVE lies. Grow a pair and stand by them. I get that, in your efforts to support Trump, you have trained yourself to believe any right leaning lies and claim any non right wing fact is fake news, that doesn't mean the rest of us must support your psychosis.

Sure, kid gets to lie, you get to repeat it and claim it's not a lie because you didn't create it, just repeated it. That's pathetic, Bob. Infantile, dumb, and pathetic.

Bob. Learn to read. I'm not going over it again. I answered that question in the previous post. Doubly pathetic.
Do you still have any teeth?

Bottom line, the kid is an ignorant obstinate idiot who believes his uninformed opinion outweighs any other, including the school boards, and that he may exercise his right to free speech anywhere at any time with impunity.

Bottom line, kid is a disruptive, ignorant dumbass....and I'm not a bit surprised you're backing him and contradicting rules, laws, authority, the English language (that you seriously need to learn better, Vladimir), logic, civility, and fact to do so.

Guess you've never heard of hermaphrodites or neuters. Not surprising. The words/concepts are only a few thousand years old, created by those Greek libtards to muddy the language and hurt Trump. Your arguments get dumber every day. *facepalm

bobknight33 said:

I did not write the title -- still not lies.
Kid say kicked out for gender questioning. Teacher indicates kicked out for being disruptive.

Its the kids video - he get to title it.

On big issues like this ( ie debating on school lunch) , if one believes that school policy is wrong , is not acceptable to speak up?

Granted a better forum would be a school board meeting.

Bottom line the teacher is afraid of loosing his job and hence pushes the position of national policy.

Kicked Out of Class for Saying There are Two Genders

bobknight33 says...

I did not write the title -- still not lies.
Kid say kicked out for gender questioning. Teacher indicates kicked out for being disruptive.

Its the kids video - he get to title it.

On big issues like this ( ie debating on school lunch) , if one believes that school policy is wrong , is not acceptable to speak up?

Granted a better forum would be a school board meeting.

Bottom line the teacher is afraid of loosing his job and hence pushes the position of national policy.

newtboy said:

Dishonest stating it in a way that strongly implies he was kicked out for his opinion, and hides from the fact it was for speaking out repeatedly, disruptively.
That's a lie by obfuscation.

Did you even watch it?
The teacher was clear, he was kicked out for continuing to argue after being allowed to state his opinion...a right he did not have but a privilege he was granted. That is disruptive, as is requiring individual attention a second time to discuss the same thing.

He was kicked out for repeating his opinion, disrupting class and the teacher.

The issue is being disruptive in class, thinking his uninformed opinion should shout down an informed one from the teacher, an opinion held by the school board and codified in the rules of conduct.

Regardless of what the douchebag kid thinks on this matter, he has no right to disrupt the class by debating policy.
The kid is free to think, but not to disrupt class. He may express his home or in open public forums, not class.

If you defy school policy, expect to reap the rewards of being removed from school and all that comes with that. Duh. Challenge, sure, appropriately, in appropriate venues and times, like a school board or PTA meeting, not during class. If you wish to challenge it inappropriately and disruptively, don't think standing on the right to speak gives you immunity from other rules or repercussions. That's not how it works. It's not an absolute right....I'll prove it, go argue gender in a federal court that's in session, see how long you remain standing and unincarcerated. Better yet, go argue something not insanely pro Trump at a Trump rally, see how many teeth you have in the morning...If you see morning.

Kicked Out of Class for Saying There are Two Genders

newtboy says...

Dishonest stating it in a way that strongly implies he was kicked out for his opinion, and hides from the fact it was for speaking out repeatedly, disruptively.
That's a lie by obfuscation.

Did you even watch it?
The teacher was clear, he was kicked out for continuing to argue after being allowed to state his opinion...a right he did not have but a privilege he was granted. That is disruptive, as is requiring individual attention a second time to discuss the same thing.

He was kicked out for repeating his opinion, disrupting class and the teacher.

The issue is being disruptive in class, thinking his uninformed opinion should shout down an informed one from the teacher, an opinion held by the school board and codified in the rules of conduct.

Regardless of what the douchebag kid thinks on this matter, he has no right to disrupt the class by debating policy.
The kid is free to think, but not to disrupt class. He may express his home or in open public forums, not class.

If you defy school policy, expect to reap the rewards of being removed from school and all that comes with that. Duh. Challenge, sure, appropriately, in appropriate venues and times, like a school board or PTA meeting, not during class. If you wish to challenge it inappropriately and disruptively, don't think standing on the right to speak gives you immunity from other rules or repercussions. That's not how it works. It's not an absolute right....I'll prove it, go argue gender in a federal court that's in session, see how long you remain standing and unincarcerated. Better yet, go argue something not insanely pro Trump at a Trump rally, see how many teeth you have in the morning...If you see morning.

bobknight33 said:

Dishonest about what????????? I just presented an video of disagreement of thought. - I did not take any sides yet you say I'm dishonest.

The kid spoke up in opposition to what the teacher said that is not necessary disruptive. Kid got kicked out for having a different opinion and would not accept that of the teacher.

All in all that is not the issue. It is that is there only 2 sexes or more?

Regardless of what the teacher actually thinks on this matter the teacher is boxed in to accept the policy of his employer/ system. He can't speak against this policy for fear of loosing his job or getting in trouble.

The kid is free to think and express his thoughts.

Defying school policy, -- So its not right to defy school policy, or policy for that matter. Don't challenge? You don't want a world that does not challenge thought, do you?

Kicked Out of Class for Saying There are Two Genders

bobknight33 says...

Dishonest about what????????? I just presented an video of disagreement of thought. - I did not take any sides yet you say I'm dishonest.

The kid spoke up in opposition to what the teacher said that is not necessary disruptive. Kid got kicked out for having a different opinion and would not accept that of the teacher.

All in all that is not the issue. It is that is there only 2 sexes or more?

Regardless of what the teacher actually thinks on this matter the teacher is boxed in to accept the policy of his employer/ system. He can't speak against this policy for fear of loosing his job or getting in trouble.

The kid is free to think and express his thoughts.

Defying school policy, -- So its not right to defy school policy, or policy for that matter. Don't challenge? You don't want a world that does not challenge thought, do you?

newtboy said:

Bullshit totally dishonest title usual.
Kicked out of class for being disruptive, interrupting, not shutting up after stating his opinion, arguing in class, denying and defying school policy, and being a douchebag. His time is worthless, not the teacher's, not the rest of the class. He wasted THEIR time by insisting they agree with his ill informed opinion and not shutting up. I hope he has fun in Summer school.
*lies for the misleading title

Kicked Out of Class for Saying There are Two Genders

newtboy says...

Bullshit totally dishonest title usual.
Kicked out of class for being disruptive, interrupting, not shutting up after stating his opinion, arguing in class, denying and defying school policy, and being a douchebag. His time is worthless, not the teacher's, not the rest of the class. He wasted THEIR time by insisting they agree with his ill informed opinion and not shutting up. I hope he has fun in Summer school.
*lies for the misleading title

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