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ChaosEngine says...

Also, this was a story in a mainstream UK paper today (the Sun). Reproducing it here because I wouldn't give the pricks another click:

WHERE THE BREX WAS WON Streets full of Polish shops, kids not speaking English… but Union Jacks now flying high again
People from Portsmouth, Plymouth and Boston revel in their relief at EU exit
BY BEN GRIFFITHS AND RYAN SABEY 26th June 2016, 2:11 am

VOTERS in Britain’s most Eurosceptic towns spoke of their relief at Brexit saying: “We’re elated.”

The anti-Brussels fervour was greatest in Boston where 75.6 per cent opted for Leave.

Single market too far … a corner shop in Boston, Lincolnshire
One in six of the Lincolnshire town’s 65,000 population are Eastern Europeans — the highest percentage in the UK.

Yesterday a buzz was back in its medieval centre where High Street stores are flanked by Polish and Lithuanian shops. Crosses of St George and Union Jack flags were adorning pubs and homes.

Caterer and mum-of-five Sally Shuttleworth, 58, said: “I’ve never been so elated as when I saw the Brexit result come in.

“Boston is an example of how Britain has lost its identity with all the Polish shops.

“We need tighter border controls. Immigrants are hard workers but there is too much pressure on the system, on schools, and hospitals.

“You could tell by the number of people streaming out of polling stations that the vote meant a lot to the town.”

In January the Boston area was named the most murderous place in England and Wales, with 15 cases per 100,000 people.

It also has the unwanted title of least integrated town in the UK.

Elation … Retired agricultural mechanic Ron Holmes, revealed: “I’m delighted. The whole town is.”
Translators are employed at Park Academy primary school where half the children speak Eastern European languages.

Retired agricultural mechanic Ron Holmes, 69, added: “I’m delighted. The whole town is.

“Whether you think the EU or immigration is right or wrong things have to stop in Boston.

“It is crippling the UK and we had to deal with it once and for all and vote out.

“The EU wasted money on so many things. They should have put the money in places like Latvia and Estonia to build them up so those people would not want to come here. We should never have joined the Common Market in 1975. I remember it well. Now we have finally put it right.”

Variety … the town of Boston has many shops and eateries catering for Polish tastes
Locals yesterday talked of celebratory parties, extra busy pubs and cheering in the streets.

There are around 1,200 people, mostly Brits, out of work in the town and many hope the result might see a change in fortunes.

Jobless Paul Cook, 53, said: “I don’t think people in the South realised how important this vote was to us.

“It is brilliant that we have voted out. We have had enough of the EU telling us what we can and cannot do. Not being able to control who comes in the country is a big problem. Now we can hopefully get a points system that will allow skilled people in.

“I’m hoping it will free up more roles for British-born people.”

There ya go. Racism is now acceptable in public discourse.

SaltWater "Edible Six Pack Rings"

nanrod says...

Yeah, I think it goes without saying that any edible six-pack rings aren't going to be made with actual waste by-products. Any organic byproducts will have other uses in animal feed, fertilizer etc. The real trick would be turning something like used tires into edible rings or at least into non-polluting biodegradable rings.

entr0py said:

Yeah that's definitely a big part of the appeal, and I do hope this is a useful invention. Though there are lots of uses for spent grain already. It's a by product, but it seems like more of a commodity than a waste product.

newtboy (Member Profile)

If Meat Eaters Acted Like Vegans

newtboy says...

Only if you're willing to accept extreme hypothetical situations. ;-)

There are some who MUST eat meat. I admit they are few and far between, but they exist.
For the average person, no, there's no reason they MUST eat meat, but it's incredibly difficult to completely replace with normally available vegetables, impossible for many for either economic or availability reasons.

As a palate cleanser from this might like this animal friendly product....

transmorpher said:

Hah ok, I could have worded it better. Care to try again?

Stop Resisting

Mordhaus says...

They are almost always relieved or suspended, at least while the investigation is in process. Once the initial furor blows over, they are either quietly put back on duty or sometimes fired. Since most departments don't bother to blacklist them, they will simply find another place to be a cop.

Just like the two cops who killed the kid with the fake airsoft gun (Tamir Rice) both had prior incidents that, in any normal job would have prevented them from working in that field ever again. Look at and read the background of the officers. Both had incidents that should have made them unsuitable for duty, but they both were able to continue working and then were let off the hook by a grand jury after the shoo...murder of Rice. Since they were acquitted, the wonderful police unions mean they get to stay cops.

Now you tell me another field of employment that gets away with this. You might say the military, but generally if you screw up badly they will make you go away. There might be a cover up, but you are going to be kicked out, court martialed, or put in a dead end place where you will never advance out of nor have authority to make any important decisions. Politics is close, but if you aren't super high up in the food chain you will pay for it as well. Police, though, they will walk 99% of the time. Even the officer who shot the teen here in Austin that was wandering around naked and threatening people, he was only fired and this town is one of the most liberal towns in the USA. We've already established that a lot of police forces don't even bother checking with previous employers, so I expect he will be able to go someplace else and be a cop again.

The most fun thing? This has been going on for decades, hell, probably a couple of centuries. Only since the advent of video recording technology that was easily portable have we been shown the true nature of the beast. But, and forgive me as I can't find the exact quote, someone said something along the lines of that the majority of the public will forget anything in six weeks. Over and over we seem to prove that as we keep letting these people get away with impunity.

eric3579 said:

Two Troopers Relieved of Duty in Police Beating of Car Chase Suspect

Scott Sterling - Volleyball

Brothers Convince Little Sister of Zombie Apocalypse

gorillaman says...

When I was about six I caught some sort of hallucinatory fever that convinced me evil vines and creepers were taking over everything and we had to evacuate the planet.

My mother was trying to get me to sleep it off and I kept screaming at her "You don't understand, we have to get to NASA! The plants are coming!"

Burger King Employee Pranked To Break Windows

eric3579 says...

First off i'm not sure where anyone is planning on raising the min wage to 15hr immediately(I don't know one way or another for sure). Even if the California bill passes for a min wage of 15hr its rolled out over six years. I think the first bump is fifty cents(10 to 10.50). Arriving at 15hr in 2022.

I also think the way you raise wages for everyone is exactly this way. The pressure to pay more for more skilled positions comes from the bottom.

On another note. Ive never understood the attitude that if im not going to get more, then others shouldn't get more. Also a few of the people i hear saying there shouldn't be a 15 hr min wage are people who make quite a bit of money themselves($75,000 and up). They are so quick to judge others work value. It boggles my mind how workers will argue against other workers getting a bit more. The powers that be(owners) have duped you into doing there work for them it seems to me.

ForgedReality said:

So you can't possibly live on less than $15/hr? I feel like maybe that's more an issue of your money management skills then.

Sure, $6/hr is probably not enough. But it wasn't too long ago when 15 was a pretty decent wage. And kids living with mommy don't exactly require the same kind of "living wage" as they don't have any real expenses. So now, you raise the bottom to 15, and these kids now make more money. What about those who were making 15 before? Suddenly they're making minimum wage. I'm sure that makes them feel swell! Everyone should get a boost, not just those at the bottom. Probably a combination of that and a bit of a sliding scale to a certain maximum, along with tax reforms to close loop holes for those gaming the system.

Confessions of a Republican in a 1960's ad

Drachen_Jager says...

Sure she says she's changed, but she was on the board of directors for Wal-Mart. She took many six-figure speaking opportunities for Wall Street, she promoted the disastrous "jail every black man" legislation Bill enacted.

The problem with Washington is that Republicans and Democrats essentially saw eye-to-eye for many years as they both shifted to self-serving "neo-liberal" parties and she's right in the middle of that. That's a big part of the reason politics is blowing up in America right now, there hasn't been a REAL choice in decades. The only difference has been on social issues and even then it's a pretty narrow range of social issues.

As much as she pretends to have outgrown it, she's still the good little Republican girl her parents loved. It's just the politics around her that have shifted to the right.

noims said:

As much as I'd love to see Bernie win the race, this is something snopes had a good go at:

I've done some pretty stupid things in my time - particularly in my youth - and I like to think I've learned from them.

OK, some of them.

Something's Rotten In Iowa-Sanders Won Coin Toss

slickhead says...

This has been debunked. The lie is that there were only six coin tosses. There were more than six coin tosses in the Iowa primaries. Bernie won a believable amount.

Another lie I see repeated often is that Hillary already has the votes of the super delegates, The superdelegates have pledged support for HRC but will vote for Bernie if he brings in enough support. The thing to remember is that the establishment wants people to believe the narrative that Hillary has this in the bag.

Oh...and....Feel the Bern!!!

eric3579 said:

So even though Bernie won by a landslide in the New Hampshires popular vote, he actually lost the state in delegates.


naked ape-rages against the syrian refugee crisis in germany

Mordhaus says...

As psychologist Nicolai Sennels explains, "Mohammed, the prime example for Muslims, married Aisha when she was six and had intercourse with her when she was nine. Besides, according to the Quran (4:24), Muslims are allowed to have sex with female slaves[.]" In addition, "uncovered women are in many Muslim cultures seen as a kind of prostitute, and if a man is aroused by such a female, then – partly due to the corrupted logic of responsibility within Muslim psychology – the female is blamed for being raped (and will therefore often face execution)."

Andrew C. McCarthy, in his book entitled The Grand Jihad, described rape by Muslim immigrants as the "unspoken epidemic of Western Europe." Six years later, it continues to expand and sweep across the continent. Ingrid Carlqvist documents how Sweden is now the rape capital of the West, and when "Michael Hess, a local politician from [the] Sweden Democrat Party, tried to warn his nation that 'it is deeply rooted in Islam's culture to rape and brutalize women who refuse to comply with Islamic teachings' he was charged with 'denigration of ethnic groups'" – a crime in Sweden.

According to Islamic clerics, a woman who fails to wear a headscarf is asking to be raped. Consequently, in the eyes of Muslim men, Western women are seen as "promiscuous, loose, and willing," and since no one in the Islamic community refutes this, they engage in the violence and abuse of power that rape represents. In Australia, Lebanese gangs threaten policemen's wives and girlfriends with rape. In 2006, the mufti of Australia, Sheikh Taj al-Din al Hilali, maintained that "women who do not veil themselves, and allow themselves to be 'uncovered meat,' are at fault if they are raped."

In Rotherham, England, some 1,400 British children as young as 11 were plied with drugs before being passed around and sexually abused by Muslims. As shocking as this was, it is the fifth sex abuse ring led by Muslims

In Nigeria, Boko Haram seized 300 schoolgirls in order to sell them on the open market.

In Pakistan, the police do nothing as Hindu and Christian children as young as 7 years old are gang-raped and sold as prostitutes or slaves to wealthy Muslim families. From 2011 through 2014, approximately 550 Egyptian Coptic Christian girls were abducted and sexually abused by Muslim men.

I could go on and on, but the point is that in Islam, a women is considered to be a subservient and second class person. Men are supreme and women who do not dress appropriately (per Islamic standards) risk things happening to them. This is nothing new, it is part of their culture. Exposing them to women not raised in that culture is going to lead to incidents.

Now, please note that I do not think that we should not accept refugees. But I do think that we should make sure that women are aware of the situation and we should absolutely be enforcing the law in regards to the people breaking it, refugees or not.

ChaosEngine said:

I presume you have evidence to back all that up (ignoring the fact that rape rates are higher in the west to start with)?

enoch (Member Profile)

radx says...

The mixture of valid points, exaggerations, ignorance of context and completely false information makes it a bit... difficult to digest.

Generally speaking, a lot of errors were made regarding Cologne.

The police fucked up entirely and basically was unable to maintain control of the square in front of the central train station where shitloads of theft, sexual harassment and even a few rapes were committed.

The public media did not report on it properly. They did, in fact, refuse to report it at all at first. But that doesn't stem from an obession with PC nor is it special treatment for refugees/immigrants -- it's good old-fashioned pro-government bias. A few days later, they were all playing the same tune again: bad immigrants, bad muslims, need more law-and-order, close the borders, need new laws, etc. Same shit as always.

And yes, you cannot expect all these refugees to be model citizens from the get-go. Different culture, different language, segregation, no work permit, no familiy, maybe first-hand experience with war -- they are bound to commit crimes, assuming otherwise would be naive.

And accepting a million refugees might have been a bad idea after cutting down public personnel and services for two decades straight. But what's done is done. The question now is what can be done to improve the situation for everyone involved. What doesn't help is further segregation (refugee camps), private security (aka mobs hunting brown people, happened in Cologne already) or downplaying the massive problems.

As for that wierd tirade from 1:07 onwards about true Germans: except for all the people from Bohemia, Prussia and Silesia, aka Poland; or the millions of immigrants from Italy and Turkey; or the folks from former Yugoslavia; etc. Two thirds of the bloody country has family names that mark them as n-th generation immigrant. Half of my extended family is from what is now Russia (Kaliningrad) while my family name is distinctively Dutch. "Paid German taxes" gives a hint to his motivations. Folks in East Germany didn't pay German taxes: do they count? Refugees from former German enclaves ("Russlanddeutsche") didn't pay German taxes, nor did they speak proper German: do they count?

All in all a very misguided rant, too eager to abuse real fuck-ups for his own ideology. Rape culture, SJW, PC -- doesn't apply in this case. It's small government, media with establishment bias, a general inability for open discussion of problems, and a shitload of incompetent arseholes in positions of power (e.g.: chief of police in Cologne, gone now).

By the way, he forgot to mention the hundreds(!) of refugee shelters that were set on fire during the last few months. Bands of immigrants committing crimes are a problem, bands of Germans committing crimes are a problem.

We had a six digit number of prime suspects for trouble already: young, male, unemployed, un(der)educated, no fucking hope. It's the main cause for the persisting problems with Nazis in East Germany: no hope. Adding a million additional people, lots of them with equally bad prospects, without any serious effort to integrate them is bound to blow up in our faces eventually.

The best thing that can happen for the entire Eurozone would be a massive integration program in Germany. And by massive I don't mean a meagre billion Euros. We're talking 15-20 billion a year, for at least five years. The more the better. Even in the current economic regime, it would be much cheaper than the repercussions from staying the current course: doing fuck all.

enoch said:

i love this guy.he is sooo pissed and is an absolute rage machine,but i was curious your take on this situation.
is this guy making valid points?
i know that an influx of 1 million refugees in a country with 60 million has to have changed the demographics of germany substantially,but since i am not there and naked ape does have a point in regards to media tap-dancing around the harsh realities.

so i would love your input on this dudes rage induced rant:

EPA Finally Admits What's Killing Honey Bees

radx says...

Somewhat related: Toxic “Reform” Law Will Gut State Rules on Dangerous Chemicals

The issue in a single quote:

The Senate bill prohibits states from acting on chemicals that the EPA deems “high priority” while the agency is evaluating them. But the agency’s investigations can go on for years and even decades before it takes action. Back in 2002, for instance, the EPA initiated a high-priority review of PFOA, a chemical used to make Teflon and hundreds of other products. Probable links between the chemical and six diseases have been found in the intervening years, and contamination is now known to be widespread, yet the agency has not regulated it.

The EPA has been investigating the safety of some of the flame retardants that would be banned by the Washington state bill for more than 25 years. And the agency has spent at least 30 years looking at the safety of methylene chloride, which is still widely available in hardware stores though its fumes have been killing people since at least the 1940s.

Sportsmanship at its absolute best.

Payback says...

The actual quote is even better.

"Anybody who teaches a skill, which coaches do, is admirable. But sport doesn't build character. Character is built pretty much by the time you’re six or seven. Sports reveals character. Sports heightens your perceptions. Let that be enough." - Heywood Hale Broun

TheFreak said:

"Sports do not build character, Sports reveal character."

Donald Trump's first official campaign ad for TV (no shit?)

Babymech says...

"Trump has said that he has six to eight ads in production and that his was a "major buy and it's going to go on for months."
He said he hopes the spots impress upon undecided voters that the country has become "a dumping ground".
"The world is laughing at us, at our stupidity. It's got to stop. We've got to get smart fast — or else we won't have a country," he was quoted as saying." - Washington Post

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