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Science to the rescue; this is how you rehab a broken back

worthwords says...

Yeah exactly. It looks like she is taking her first steps after immobility and muscle wastage of the legs.
I just think if your going to get consent to show a video of an intimate therapy session then at least give some more clinical information.

SFOGuy said:

Look at the atrophy of her leg muscles (flat on her back for a month in a cast) and the nasty purple scar along her back at the :44 second mark---about lumbar spine. Looks like she got a set of steel rocks on either side of her crushed vertebrae.

You're right; she didn't sever her spinal cord; but she's still lost muscle and has to bring the strength and power back to her back, and develop the ability to start standing again---and the water, I think, floats her to take most of the weight off as she starts to move...

But I could be wrong.


Wonder Woman (2017) Exclusive First look

JustSaying says...

Feminist icon? The superhero whose weakness is mild bondage sessions with men?

And regarding Gal Gadot and her "wrong body type", in today's world, the closest to an Amazon would be an MMA fighter like Gina Carano. I'd be fine with that but I also like Pretzel-flavoured ice cream.

woman destroys third wave feminism in 3 minutes

enoch says...

/claps hands..
now we are getting somewhere!
is it time to make out yet?

on a good note.
we agree more than disagree.
so it appears anyways.we may vary on the particulars but i think it safe to assume we can agree on the bulk i.e:human rights,fairness and justice.

(or it may be because you are just as disgusted by those overly privileged whiners as i am,snapping their fingers and shouting about "safe places")


i used sommers as a reference because she identifies as a may dispute if she is in fact a feminist but thats how she identifies.i thought i was being deliciously ironical,but i digress.

here is a far better,and bipartisan source for your consideration from 2011:

notice everything is sourced and noted.

the key in our discussion is how we comprehend data,and data in raw form can be just as confusing and misleading if the right questions are not asked,which makes it easy for us all to be manipulated (which i think you mentioned as well).

so just for the record:
i am not anti-feminist,but i am anti-bullshit,against weak and facile arguments to create an emotional response in order to promote a political agenda.

because we all lose in the end,and it detracts from the real issues and real grievances.

why certain rabid feminists thought it perfectly ok to threaten this woman with death and violence,and yet,with zero sense of self-aware irony will use the threat of violence to THEM to promote their politics.

all because she disagreed with them.

anyways..thanks for hanging in there mate.
ill be right over for our lil make out session.

Alton Brown reviews kitchen gadgets

newtboy jokingly says...

I have had the same soreness issue after a session of pulling my pork with a fork, but I hadn't discovered that ninja claws could simplify the job.

...And as for Rollie, who knew there was a market for limp egg breakfast dildos?

Stormsinger said:

I flat out disagree with him on the meat shredders. I made my pulled pork with a fork for at least two years before I stumbled over the claws. And every single time, it took about 30 minutes to do 5 pounds, and I suffered from the shredding equivalent of writer's cramp. With the claws, that same five pounds takes around 7-8 pain-free minutes. They're a bargain.

CrushBug (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

Sorry, I did mean to put up a translation. I'm not 100% sure of this, but it should be close enough to get the idea:

Everybody plays Alphorn on the Mountainside, but at night in the Paul Theater's undercover carpark? The awesome reverberant acoustics simply demanded an encore :-)
Spontaneous session of the backing musician after the performance of "Jumper&Preuss" at Paul-Theater in Straubing (in the south of Germany, in Lower Bavaria). And for all those who can't believe you could top this, there is a second part with an equally unusual wind instrument...
Filmed just as spontaneously, quick and dirty filming, hand-held and without a camera rig - so please excuse any slightly dodgy focusing

CrushBug said:

via Google Translate:

"Alphorn playing Aufmberg everyone does. But in the night park Paul ...? The reverberant acoustics hammermäßig demanded simply for an encore :-)
Spontaneous Session of sideman after the performance of jumpers & Preuss in Paul Theatre in Straubing. And for all those who believe, you could not beat this, yet there a second part with NEM equally unusual wind instrument ...
Filmed just as spontaneously, "quick & dirty" without camera rig out of hand - therefore please partly something hanging focusing to apologize"

Alphorn in Parking Garage

CrushBug jokingly says...

via Google Translate:

"Alphorn playing Aufmberg everyone does. But in the night park Paul ...? The reverberant acoustics hammermäßig demanded simply for an encore :-)
Spontaneous Session of sideman after the performance of jumpers & Preuss in Paul Theatre in Straubing. And for all those who believe, you could not beat this, yet there a second part with NEM equally unusual wind instrument ...
Filmed just as spontaneously, "quick & dirty" without camera rig out of hand - therefore please partly something hanging focusing to apologize"

Why You Should Own An Acrylic Bong

iaui says...

This is hilarious. It seems nuts for him to do it but it really looks to be something that he's planned out, practiced, and done before in front of potential clients. He has this ready stock of christmas wrapping paper and lighter fluid and is very confident about the whole thing, all the way up until the reveal that the bong didn't survive the onslaught.

I think what happened was that he mistakenly chose a bong that wasn't fully acrylic. There's some that are fully acrylic and some that have rubber attachments at the mouth and base and as connective articulations. While those rubber attachments would probably stand up to any flames a bunch of stoners might hit it with during a session they probably (as evidenced by the video) wouldn't stand up to the same temperatures as the acrylic parts. And so they melted. Hilariously.

Rats Save Humans From Landmines - Extraordinary Animals

aaronfr says...

I'll still push for it; I was half-joking when I told them that anyway.

I am still in the field, just not clearing the mines. I work with the communities to educate them on the dangers and to identify the suspected locations of mines and explosives. My teams and I are the eyes and ears of the operation, the clearance guys are just the grunts.

I've already seen my fair share of UXO. Even had a guy bring a mortar to a risk education session as we were discussing how you shouldn't touch or move them; that was fun.

So far, not as stressful as I imagined. What I hear from the clearance guys is that it's actually a pretty boring job. Accidents are very rare if you do it right. In order to keep the risk to basically zero, it is a very slow, deliberate, and methodical process. So, basically, they wear heavy gear, sweat all day, and move through an area with a fine-toothed comb.

Asmo said:

Probably still worth a shot to see the training regime etc and whether it could be adapted to local species.

Kudos by the way, even though you're not working in the field, must be a hell of a high stress job.

First Skate Trick or How To Father The Shit Out Of Your Kid

AeroMechanical says...

Ah, this is totally in keeping with current theories. You're supposed to commend them for working hard to achieve goals (stressing the "you did good by working hard to achieve that, and you got the result you wanted" angle). Hard work is therefore more important than the actual achievement. When I was a kid, it was the "you're smart and you can do whatever you want if you put your mind to it" angle. I guess I turned out okay, but what that really says is "if you didn't succeed, it must be because you weren't good enough or smart enough" or even worse, the vaguer concept of "not having properly your mind to it" as though to get something done, all you need to do is *really* decide to do it. Looking back at my life through that filter, I can see that in lots of scenarios where I didn't live up to my potential it was because I was stuck in a deadlock situation because this notion of the requirement to fully commit myself to a thing in order to do it, which just made me anxious and avoid challenges.

I don't have any kids yet, but I'd go with the style in this video over the own style I was subjected to (with the best of intentions). Of course, by the time I have kids the paradigm will probably have changed again and we'll probably be back to whuppings and public humiliation or something.

Well, that was a good personal psychological session for today in response to an old video. I feel so much better. Where's my valium?

Pink Floyd - See Emily Play

VideoSift v6 (VS6) Beta Video Page (Sift Talk Post)

MilkmanDan says...

I opted back in and did a "standard sift watching session" for me of a few videos.

This time I forced myself to actually look for things that I noticed weren't in the places that I was expecting.

Some more thoughts:

I tried to figure out where to see "who voted for this video", currently under the comment entry box. I can't find that information in beta UI. I must admit that the current location isn't particularly logical, but I know to look for it there and I can't find it at all in the beta.

The "sidebar" content changed from Sift of the Week / Comment of the Moment / Leaderboard List (of whatever section you are currently in; Top New Videos, Top Videos Expiring Soon, etc.) to Suggested Videos and Related Videos. I think the old sidebar content was more likely to be relevant to what I want.

I get that that stuff has been moved into the header menus, but in my opinion it is harder to access there:
For beta - mouse to Watch button/menu, hover, mouse to relevant section like Top New Videos, mouse to which one I want
Old - mouse to what I want in the sidebar, which is probably already visible but not taking up TOO much screen real estate, and if it isn't visible it is a quick mousewheel jump away

In the meantime, the new sidebar makes stuff that I personally don't care about at all BIGGER. I don't understand what/who suggests the "Suggested Videos" and by what criteria they are deemed to be of interest to me, and "Relevant Videos" are mostly relevant in a long-timescale sense (ie., stuff from a single video series, containing same/similar tags, etc.) where on the sift a big part of the appeal is to vote on what is hot NOW. But those two things take up more space than the old sidebar that was filled with stuff that I *did* care about; they are now big thumbnails with a title underneath plus lots of spacing between list items compared to small thumbnail with title *beside* and very minimal extra padding/spacing between list items. So, the new sidebar has stuff I don't want to see, and spaces it out so that I have to scroll the mousewheel a lot more to get through it (even though it has fewer total list items than before!).

A big part of my personal enjoyment and engagement with the sift is video comments. I'm not a big fan of the beta font for comments, but I think I could potentially get used to it. But more important than the font is that it seems like each comment gets less total screen real estate, and there is more padding/space between each comment AND the sidebar.

I'd like to see that spacing/pad cut down to more like the old style. Beyond that, I figure it is safe to assume that you're not interested in bringing the old sidebar content back (Sift of the Week / Comment of the Moment / Top X Videos) from its beta location in the menubar. Assuming that that will stay there, I'd *much* rather see comment boxes that take up the majority of the page width with NO sidebar. Old sidebar and old style comments would be my personal choice, but assuming that isn't going to happen, I just feel like the beta sidebar is unnecessary and massively oversized / overspaced.

So, I gave it another shot ... back to opting out for me for now.

Republicans block NSA limits

Too Many Cooks

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I had to come back to watch it again.

Funny, this seems to be one of those things that you either love or don't - maybe sitting through endless Facts of Life, Family Ties sessions in my youth attracts me to this.

The creators are doing an AMA over on Reddit:

edit: Rolling Stones interview

May well be the stupidest thing ever said in a church

DuoJet says...

Sure, it's stupid,but it's far from the stupidest thing ever said in church. I'd wager that it's not in the top 5 stupidest things said that session.

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