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Ending Free Speech-Elizabeth Warren Silenced In Senate

MilkmanDan says...

What exactly does "Rule 19" say?

@newtboy 's description:
"This means that now republicans have ended free speech in the senate, and any time they feel they have been insulted, they'll end the debate and silence the offenders. I find that treasonous, as it directly and horrendously effects how the senate works (or doesn't) and means the party in power can now enforce their un-American idea that they are the only one's allowed to speak."

I agree that it seems to have been used to stifle free speech in this instance. But it doesn't seem like it could be used that way "any time" -- only when the the content being read/spoken is a quote from previous senate sessions?

The reason that I think the full story is important is that the best way to put the kibosh on this would be to turn the tables and have Warren et al. use it on Republicans to demonstrate that it is a bullshit "rule". That sort of violates the whole "they go low, we go high" thing, but a disfunctional, ineffective legislature might be preferable to an actively evil/corrupt legislature. And more importantly, (ab)using the rule is likely the best way to get it removed ASAP so this shit can't happen again.

OK, I guess that the "impugn" part is the key, rather than specifically referring to any previous senate session statements. But that just makes it more bullshit, because "impugn" (synonyms include "challenge", "criticize", etc.) is way to broad to be enforceable. I suggest that the moment any senator refers to anybody, dems should "take offense" and invoke Rule 19 themselves.

Jefferson Beauregard Sessions vs Sally Yates (2015 vs 2017)

newtboy says...

Why do I get the feeling that Mr Sessions won't be asking that question to any of Trump's nominees?
Sweet zombie Jesus, we are so fucked. Closer to 1984 every day.
Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.

Can we start Wexit....the secession of the entire west coast? In today's climate, we might be able to get consent of congress or a constitutional amendment allowing it. The right sees us as troublesome bastard stepchildren as it is, many would be glad to be rid of us libtards, and many of us would be glad to leave.

Severe Parkinson's Disease before and after using Cannabis

Skinny Lister - Trouble On Oxford Street

A Closer Look - A Power Grab in North Carolina

Frank Turner - Out of Breath

siftbot says...

Frank Turner - Tell Tale Signs (Take Cover Sessions) has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Frank Turner - One Foot Before the Other (Live) has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Emily Barker & Frank Turner - Fields Of June has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Frank Turner - Mittens (Official Video) has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Frank Turner - Reasons Not To Be An Idiot has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Shut the Chicken - Frank Turner & Jon Snodgrass has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Frank Turner - Mittens has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Frank Turner - The Next Storm has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Frank Turner - Get Better has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Frank Turner - I am disappeared (Live from Wembley) has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Frank Turner - Photosynthesis (LIVE @ Kendal Calling 2011) has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Frank Turner - Recovery has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Frank Turner - One Foot Before the Other has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Frank Turner - Glory Hallelujah (Live from Wembley) has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Frank Turner - 'Four Simple Words' has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Frank Turner - I Still Believe has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Long live the Queen, Frank Turner has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Senator Warren Destroys Wells Fargo CEO Over Cross Selling

Sagemind says...

And he doesn't look like he cares, because he knows he's untouchable - He just pays everyone off to look the other way while he robs the bank blind.

all he does is show up for these sessions, and walks out back to his millions, knowing he's not about to become accountable . In fact, he doesn't even feel he's done anything wrong - business as usual!

Full Speed Sliding: On Board Lotus 24's Revival Test Lap!

oritteropo says...

It's not quite worth another post, but here's some of this years cars, including the SWB Can-Am Hamill, Lola T70, A35s and Cobras, whip round track during their final testing session before Revival 2016

eric3579 (Member Profile)

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Donald Trump Entrance at GOP Convention (C-SPAN)

Payback says...

"In July 2016 the song was used to introduce Donald Trump to the first session of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. The irony of introducing an American political candidate with English-authored music was apparently overlooked by the event's organizers. Queen immediately issued a statement denouncing Trump's use of the song as not authorized by the band. (Licensing for public performance of the song is administered by the performing rights organization Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI).)"

iaui said:

Freddie Mercury is rolling over in his grave.

Jim Jefferies on Bill Cosby and Rape Jokes

poolcleaner says...


better to have loved and been raped than to never have been loved at all. that's my silver lining. also, it is both a joke and my opinion, as i both love and hate my now deceased rapist. yeah, i'm being cheeky but so wut.

too complicated for me to give a shit if my fucked up life and sense of humor triggers someone. try sitting in group therapy with me, sucka. fuck your conservative sensitivity. boo fucking hoo. it's rape. it happens. people get over it and laugh. we don't have to live like goddamn trolls under a bridge just because we are rape victims. honestly, stfu.

i wrote something similar in a therapy session after forgiving my rapist and being annoyed at people that coddled me because i'm a "victim". great, i'm a victim? fuck you.

honestly, if you're not over your rape trauma, don't watch a fucking rape joke video. JESUS. if the world wasn't so overly protective of this shit, maybe we wouldn't be laden with our constipated emotional issues and ineffectual pharmacological solutions which turn into accidental overdose victims every goddamn day. if you can't laugh, that's when you die.

your psychiatrist and therapist and all those tools that convinced you to take all of those drugs and wear the cap of the victim: FUCK. THOSE. PEOPLE.

OOOOORRRR if you like self worth at the cost of a censored life of half triggered social anxiety: Riiiiiiiiiiide the train to proper thoughts and chilled out operational defintions that make doing business and living healthy in corporate america a snap! just shame people for laughing at things that hurt you. and convince others that not shaming others into this is not right. oooohhh, that's the moral thing to do!!!

yeah, no thanks on that one -- laughing at what hurts me most is the only thing that gives me the will to keep living. you wanna shame me for laughing at my problems? that's a bunch of HORSE SHIT. talk about rape -- let's talk about the rape of our fucking minds every fucking day by institutions that teach us this bullshit philosophy.

i'm just tired and hungry -- and i had a good fucking laugh at this video. before you respond to me, fuck you, don't bother. i don't wish to discuss how i deal with my victimization through humor and even if you do -- not reading it

eric3579 (Member Profile)

WeedandWeirdness says...

Evening doll! Having studied film and being in the biz for as long as I have, I have become pretty jaded, and was convinced that I have seen it all. There just doesn't seem like there is any original thought left, Hollywood appears to have given up, and watching endless "student films" kinda proved that assumption.

However, every now and then a short comes along that renders me speechless, snatches the breath from my lungs, and makes me stare in wonderment at the screen. Watching a Horror Film as a Young Boy is one, and I keep finding my mind drifting back to it, playing it over and over in my head.

This is why I dig the Sift so much, and really feel connected to it and some of the amazing people here. This does more for my soul than any meeting or therapy session ever could.

P.S.Holy balls, you have 0 videos in your Personnel Que...I think I will just start referring to you as King, having @bareboards2 already nominated you to join our shared fantasy. It really does seem to be fitting!!

How snakes move & 'run' - Serpent - BBC Animals.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren to Republicans: Do Your Job

kceaton1 says...

Warning, this is long. It's a general reply to bob, but really it's a rant about the reality of this country, origins, issue, and where we are headed... Like they say in Horace and Pete, at this point we just might deserve a president like Trump (especially because we are stupid enough to vote for HIM, and for so many Senators AND Congressmen like him or even far worse)...

Reply to bob at the top...

I hate to tell you, but "SHALL", according to the times in which the founding fathers wrote this IS indeed the utmost highest form of that period meaning that you "HAVE TO" do something.

Go ahead and let your own party change what grammar and vocabulary meant from that period--or simply not have enough brains to know what it really means (though most of us know by now their assistants have let them know what it means, they just refuse to believe reality and instead insert their own collective psychotic delusion).

Typically when it says SHALL (BTW, NOT doing that job should be getting them in HUGE amounts of trouble as well), they should be doing everything they can TO nominate a new judge into the open position in their next open session (not a session one year away, so Trump or Hillary has to do it).

If they want to complain about the nominee they CAN, just while they are under scrutiny to go up for the vote. But, they simply are NOT supposed to do nothing and furthermore say they WON'T do anything...

I'll have to look up what the penalty is for not doing this, but it could be a full "boot" from their job. Simply what has been referred to by Republicans in the past as Impeachment. But, then the Senate has to start that (I'm not sure if anyone else can; hence, this is why I said I'd try to see if there is anything else that can be done)

I believe they can also do it at the state level... BUT ALL of this requires for our government officials to do their fucking jobs! PLUS, the citizens that voted them in to give a shit!

We REALLY, REALLY, do not deserve a country like is BARELY alive and well. We are just a few presidential terms away (plus senators and congressmen) before we grind to a complete halt.

Then we can finally watch everything implode on CNN and FOX while REAL extremists take over and then the real fun starts. True extremists taking control with minimal bloodshed and shouting matches, civil war with outcomes that grant us either the NEO-United States (the U.S.A. V:2.0, which might be good), to the Neo-Confederacy (since that is what it all amounts to on the FAR right's spectrum). OR we simply just dissolve and become something entirely new.

Hey, bob did you know that your party used to be JUST like the Democrats of Lincoln's age. The Republican's were more like the Democrat's of our age. Weird right. THAT conservative party died out with Teddy Roosevelt's Bull Moose party; then all of the citizens decided that they simply liked the name "Republican" more (since they'd always voted for that name,'d be weird to change it). That is where the Republican's became a FAR different party than they had been (though they still had a few more GREAT leaders before their schism drove them all, sadly, into madness ). The "Democrat's", they thought slavery was just peachy at first, and now they vote for gay-rights. NEITHER party remembers it's roots and the citizens of the United States have had their idiotic teachers and parents tell them all sorts of stories about how great either party WAS, but never telling them what they are like NOW. We all need to vote for our president, nowadays, without even LOOKING at their part's affiliation. It doesn't do any of us any good. Because none of them have ANY real lineage or links to the old presidents of these United States--they're full of shit.

Just remember, Republicans and their party were formed basically to try and abolish slavery--now they are more likely to put it back into action; a complete reversal of their direction, progressive and liberal!

Democrats tried to keep things the same as it was and to even expand slavery--now they want to allow marijuana to be legal, allow gays to have rights, and essentially pick up many progressive and liberal causes... They too have utterly reversed the direction they were at and taking during Abraham Lincoln's time. Conservative on many topics and wanting to expand the states' rights and abilities. Now they are the ones that would abolish slavery and even have Lincoln on their ticket if he ran...

Our parties in these United States are abysmal, a joke, a farce, and shouldn't even be used... The Founding Fathers would be dismayed over so many issues it wouldn't be even funny. They would more than likely throw OUT the Constitution and start a new draft, simply due to the amount of changes we've made in the WRONG direction and the fact that they weren't able to see the future far enough ahead to imagine gigantic empires made only of Business (with a mere handful of people, not hundreds, thousands, and many more like it was in their times) and how News would become so powerful it is essentially as powerful as the president of the United States--and if watched by enough people it is even FAR more powerful than him/her (like in Russia; The Internet being the ONE thing the Founding Fathers would pat our country on the back over and it's what can restore balance to the people who watch or only can gain information from these entities; a new type of "University" where anything can be shared; truth and facts obtained at every man's fingertips nearly instantly at any point on this planet; it IS the world's greatest WONDER ever made).

Lastly, they would absolutely abhor our parties and how they are used--internally and externally (how our all the issues interconnect together; all politicians that receive outside money, they would likely want to have them all impeached, same with those that USE the media; they would HATE parties--but they know they'll always exist, you just have to get rid of the things that LET parties abuse we the people and also the government, and those things are: money and media...).


bobknight33 said:

She is full of shit.

Republicans are doing their job.
The President needs to submit a nominee to the senate decide whether or not to allow the nominee to become a Supreme Court Justice.

There no rule saying they HAVE TO appoint an OBAMA pick. They don't have to do jack.

Republicans are not bowing to extremest they are stopping extremest from derailing the country.

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