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Am I Wrong - Walk off the Earth (Feat. KRNFX)

Chop Suey in Rock Band 2 on Real Drums with the Omega GM-1

Zawash says...

The sound we hear hasn't got anything to do with the drums played in the video, other than faint thuds from hitting the pads - watch the drum fill at 0:29 - he plays a drum fill, but we still hear the regular drums from the original track.

As well - even if this was a "proper" rock band recording, you'd only trigger the pre-recorded sounds anyway, save for the odd drum fill.

For a Rock Band session to qualify as a livemusic, in my opinion, you'd have to overdub the drums with the sounds generated from a proper drumkit - electronic or acoustic.

And yes, I own and play rock band myself - I have an Alesis Dm10 kit hooked up with MIDI for proper drums, the Rock Band Keyboard for proper keyboard and the Fender Squier plastic fantastic "Strat" for MIDI guitar. It is especially fun with friends and beer.

westy said:

Why is this not live music ? if sum one was playing the drums from sheet music with a tape recording of the other instruments they are doing exactly the same thing.

Sia - Distractions

Law Student Prevails Over State Robot Thug

VoodooV says...

despite the RWNJ dig, you know it's worth noting when Lantern and I can actually agree on something.

Where's videosift's police force? Choggie's repeated lashing out at anyone who disagree with him is getting rather tiresome. We're getting tired of his pleas for attention. We are not his therapy session and the dude obviously needs some psychological/medical help.

@dag please get rid of him...again

lantern53 said:

Cops are a criminal organization? Maybe in Chicago or Moscow, but the 700,000 cops who work in the US do not all work for Chicago. So go hyperbole your stupid ideas on the anarchist websites.

Britney Spears - Alien (NO AUTOTUNE)

SquidCap says...

There are times when the out off tune take will actually be better than on tune. It may have more emotions whereas the on-tune part can sound a bit cold, emotionless. Happens a lot when singer is focusing on keeping it in tune. Autotuning when used correctly can bring out the best of both, emotions and tune. Personally when i'm recording someone, i try to emphasize the emotion and don't care for slight mistakes "just let it rip, will fix the tuning later".

Also, when you take pretty much any singer, record them for hours, some bits will be totally off. Take the best singer you can think of and with 100% certainty you could post clips of them being just horrible. With Britney and a like, there is some money to be made from those so we hear the leaked clips more often.

This one wasn't even that bad, just a bit out of tune here and there. Go and find David Lee Roths vocal tracks and they are just horrible, one would really have to think how on earth he is even considered to a be a lead singer. Put the original track with the rest of the band on: brilliant.

It's about context, if you take any vocal track and solo them, they are pretty awful compared to the finished song. For singers it's a nightmare in studio, you can make them cry, hell, with proper evil, you can make them quit music forever in a single session. That's why you usually never present takes back to them solo, you just fade other tracks down a bit, put some room reverb etc.

Dog and Priest Praying Together at Japanese Buddhist Temple

ChaosEngine says...

There's a zen story about a cat who lived in a monastery.
When the spiritual teacher and his disciples began their evening meditation, the cat made such noise that it distracted them. One day the teacher ordered that the cat be tied up during the evening practice.

Years later, when the teacher died, the cat continued to be tied up during the meditation session. And when the cat eventually died, another cat was brought to the monastery and tied up. Centuries later, learned descendants of the spiritual teacher wrote scholarly treatises about the religious significance of tying up a cat for meditation practice.

lurgee (Member Profile)

lurgee (Member Profile)

radx says...

If you're still interested in emerging details of the NSA/GCHQ story, keep reading. If not, feel free to delete the comment.

As you might have heard, a parliamentary investigative committee was set up in Germany to shed some light on at least some of the claims made by the press. They don't want to pay too close attention to it, given that our own intelligence services are just as bad, but that's another discussion.

Today, two expert witnesses were supposed to testify, William Binney and Thomas Drake, Everything was to be broadcast, as is custom, but they decided not to broadcast it after all. Given that recent interviews with both Binney and Drake indicated that they were planning to reveal quite a lot about shady cooperation between NSA/GCHQ and our own services, a set of rather embarassing details might have emerged. What a coincidence... [see footnotes]

Additionally, one of our public broadcasters, in cooperation with Jacob Appelbaum, revealed a piece of source code from a selector of XKeyscore. Hardcoded within, for some reason, we find the IPs of all servers running a TOR directory authority, once of them owned and maintained by a German student. So now we have the names of two German citizens under surveillance, and it'll be significantly harder for our Attorney General to find ways not to open up an invenstigation into espionage.

Also part of the revealed code was a confirmation that using TOR gets you labeled as an "extremist" and your ass is now amongst those whose activities will be monitored, constantly. A Google search for it is enough to land on their shit list, same for Tails.

That's the day so far, and it's not even 1pm.

Edit #1: Binney and Drake are considered witnesses, their statements are exempt from broadcast/streaming. Opposition forced a vote on it, government prevailed, no stream available.

Edit #2: I'll provide a summary of the juicy bits once they are done.

Edit #3: Members of the US Congress present, curious to see some (yet unmentioned) names.

Edit #4: Well, 0:20 and they're finally done for the day. Here's a summary of today's session, though the source can sometimes be a bit of a mouthpiece for the government.

WKB (Member Profile)

Gunny Delight - NRA Convention, New Gun Laws - Jon Stewart

CrushBug says...

Yes and it was horrible. The first thing it did was log me out of VideoSift, toss my theme settings right out the window and basically sundered my Chrome browser experience.

I didn't want something to proxy my entire browser session, I wanted something that would handle just the video embed, just like MediaHint does.

Hola is a nuke when I wanted a knife.

PalmliX said:

Have you tried Hola?

How to wield a longsword

gorillaman says...

It's pretty fun that there seems to be a disproportionate fanbase on the sift for lindybeige. A bunch of us are subscribers, he's got a couple of #1s, including this one for swinging a sword about in his front room...I mean the guy's last video was on modelling gelatinous cubes for D&D sessions; he's not exactly mass appeal.

Cœur de pirate - Place de la République (French Pop)

Cœur de pirate - Place de la République (French Pop)

Open Letter to Ellen Degeneres: Don't Promote A Psychic

poolcleaner says...

I have an ex which got me involved in this whole "Mystery School" thing and I regret the money dumped into that racket.

Well... no, no, it was a pretty decent experience getting my body felt up by a group of mostly women during "Reiki" sessions and the weird goddess orgies -- not too shabby for an ignorant white boy.

If this is American teacher education, we're all doomed...

newtboy says...

OK...but how is a teacher "training" session different from a teacher "education" session? I don't see a difference except semantically.
EDIT: It claims this is a "teacher continuing education" class.
To me, it was fairly obvious that this was a demonstration of how this technique DOESN'T work on teachers or anyone else. Maybe that's just me.

njjh201 said:

It isn't American teacher education, it's a one minute and three second clip of a training session.

And it's fairly obvious that instead of using this as a tool for teaching, the leader of the session is demonstrating how this technique works by modelling it on the teachers attending.

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