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Building An Omnidirectional Ball Wheeled Auto-balancing Bike

newtboy says...

No plasma light sparks, but here’s an irl 2wd version with lights….

cloudballoon said:

Just looking at the thumbnail and anyone will know how stupid it is as a transport vehicle. I just want to see it hit a speedbump, pothole or just cornering at speed before the balls fly off. Fun engineering project, perhaps. If the "cups" are deeper than the top half of the ball and can grips it tight, then it'll start to make sense.

The look of the thing reminds me Kaneda's bike in Akira though.

We NEED an IRL Kaneda bike, with all those Nikola Tesla's electric tentacles effects.

What if Akira Was Animated At 60 Frames Per Second

newtboy says...

You thought it was worse?
I barely noticed a difference, so I agree the extra work and expense is largely wasted.

My eyes aren’t good enough anymore to justify even 4K, I’m still happy with my almost 10 year old 1080 plasma tv (although 4K would be nice for games).

kir_mokum said:

so it would have tripled the cost and made it look worse.

people's obsession with 60+ FPS needs to stop. it looks bad and it's a shit-ton of work. its purpose is to sell more TVs. same with 8K+. even 4K is pretty overkill for most people's viewing habits.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Fuck, bro. That’s so dildos.
Good luck on the gi test. Vomiting blood sucks, and I’ve only had to for a few days once. Ugh.
Glad to hear you’ve got some time, though. Are you on a transplant list yet? The sooner the better. Do you know if a partial liver transplant is an option?

Tell your friends and family, just like I’m telling Videosift readers right now, donate blood, plasma, or platelets. You may need them some day. I know they put more albumen in you, and I’m sure you’ll need more. Know your blood type?

Stay optimistic. Wishing you well.

Mordhaus said:

No hepatitis per tests, had another 15 liters of fluid drained today. One way to instantly lose 34 pounds I guess. MRI moved to mid month and then an upper gi scope so they can see if I am one of the people who can be affected by enlarged varices in the throat and stomach. If I am, I might get to experience another fun side effect apparently, vomiting blood.

This is beyond depressing. But they did say it looks like I might have 2-5 years before the liver fully goes tits up.

A brush with fentanyl almost killed this deputy trainee

SFOGuy says...

That would be amazing.
I look forward to understanding what the heck happened.

Hysterical reaction?

On the tox screen; that stuff is funny. I think the reason Anesthesia likes it is its super short half life --so--I hope someone thought to get samples before it (maybe?) got metabolized....

"Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid with µ-agonist pharmacologic effects. After intravenous injection, fentanyl plasma concentrations fall rapidly, with sequential distribution half-lives of about 1 minute and 18 minutes, and a terminal elimination half-life of 475 minutes."

eric3579 said:

I'll be skeptical until they produce a toxicology report. Don't necessarily think it was faked but a misdiagnosis of what happened seems reasonable.

How Microwaving Grapes Makes Plasma

Jinx says...

"The angel swung his sickle on the earth, gathered its grapes and threw them into the great microwave of God’s wrath. They were cooked in the microwave outside the city, and plasma flowed out of the microwave, rising as high as the horses’ bridles for a distance of 1,600 stadia."
-Revelation 14:19-20

CrushBug said:

The grapes shall fear us now.

Happy Halloween 2017! And be glad you aren't his neighbor...

jmd says...

jesus christ some people have to much time on there hands.

I pretty much dissected each zone. It is actually not any feat of programming, but simply utilizing good video effects many people have forgotten about. Under the core of the setup, the lights are mapped in 2d space in a program and then a bit map image or video playing over it can control what the lights look like every second. This is the same software video billboards use (Translating a video or image to lights mapped in a 2d space).

All the person had to do was setup his video files. A very efficent way of doing complex video effects to a pixel based light project. What was great is I saw a lot of old Demoscene ( stuff like plasma and color cycling. Brings back memories.

MiniDOOM - Launch Trailer, play now!

JiggaJonson says...

Idk, kind of not in the spirit of the original game at all.

The whole thing with Doom was it was alarming to turn a corner and have a monster RIGHT THERE in your face. Gameplay was FAST too, which added to the feeling of immersion.

I hear the pew pew pew of this plasma rifle that's firing anything less than 20 rounds a second and weep digital tears.

So THAT'S why power companies are supposed to trim trees

rich_magnet says...

Interesting how there is a jacob's ladder effect. It appears the main arc is branch-branch and the arc rises in the smoky plasma, as with a jacob's ladder.

newtboy (Member Profile)

Inside View of Soyuz Crew Capsule From Undocking to Landing

Ashenkase says...

Diagram of re-entry for the Soyuz:

Orbital Module:
It houses all the equipment that will not be needed for reentry, such as experiments, cameras or cargo. The module also contains a toilet, docking avionics and communications gear. Internal volume is 6 m³, living space 5 m³. On the latest Soyuz versions (since Soyuz TM), a small window was introduced, providing the crew with a forward view.

Service Module:
It has a pressurized container shaped like a bulging can that contains systems for temperature control, electric power supply, long-range radio communications, radio telemetry, and instruments for orientation and control. A non-pressurized part of the service module (Propulsion compartment, AO) contains the main engine and a liquid-fuelled propulsion system for maneuvering in orbit and initiating the descent back to Earth. The ship also has a system of low-thrust engines for orientation, attached to the Intermediate compartment. Outside the service module are the sensors for the orientation system and the solar array, which is oriented towards the sun by rotating the ship.

Consequences of bad jettisons:
The services modules are jettisoned before the spacecraft hits the atmosphere. A failure or partial jettison of the modules means that the capsule will not enter the atmosphere heat shield first which can lead to a number of scenarios:
- Capsule pushed off course (by hundreds of km)
- High sustained g-loads on reentry
- Plasma on reentry can burn through the craft if the heat shield is not exposed and oriented properly resulting in loss of crew.

Battlefield 1 Official Single Player Trailer

Payback says...

Still don't see how they're going to add in all the robots, plasma guns, alien genetics and anti-grav-enabled-parkour.

...oh wait, this is Battlefield, not Call of Doody.

The Most Costly Joke in History

transmorpher says...

LOL I can't be a pig and Sarah Palin at the same time. Make up your mind

Those are all valid criticisms, but nobody apart from the flight engineers and test pilots truly know whether this plane is a lemon or not. If it does everything it's supposed to do, then it's exactly what the military asked for, just 10 years too late....

Any suitability and fit for purpose criticism that anyone has ever come up with for the F-35 also applies to just about any piece of military equipment that has been created in the last 70 years. Engineering is a balancing act, and an iterative process. Almost every aircraft, and vehicle in the military today was built to fight a soviet army. Luckily that never happened. But that means that most aircraft and vehicles in the military today have been grossly modified to make them fit for a different purpose. The F-35 will probably go through this as well over the next 30 years, because it's a normal part of the life-cycle of military equipment. Almost every plane dropping bombs now was previously designed as a fighter. But nobody ever calls them out for being mutants like they do with the F-35, they call it additional capability. The F-35 was born with these capabilities instead of being added over time.

Expensive: I'll agree. Could the money have been spent better else where? Definitely. You could argue that the cost is tiny compared to that of a full scale war, maybe F-35 is a good deterrent. Air superiority is the key to winning a war. If you're going to spend money then that's where it should be spent. When the oceans rise enough, is a country like Indonesia going to lash out and try to take land and resources for their civilians? Maybe. I doubt all 200 million of them will just stand there and starve. (Ok I'll concede, this does make me sound a bit like Palin. But hopefully not as dumb )
They could have probably made 3 different stealth planes for 1/2 the cost, but that has it's own strategic downsides. You have to have the right assets in the right places or you have to spread them quite thinly. With a multi-role plane you have all of the capabilities everywhere. Just a matter of a loading it with different weapons.

Not needed: Time will tell whether this is the right plane, but new planes are needed. And they absolutely must have stealth. Within 10 years, weapon systems will be so advanced that if you are spotted, you're as good as dead. We are currently dropping bombs on fairly unsophisticated enemies, but wars tend to escalate quickly. You just never know either way, and it's better to be prepared for the worst. There are plenty of countries with very good planes and pilots that could get sucked into a conflict. If you're really unlucky you could be fighting US made planes with pilots trained in the same way, and you don't want to be fighting a fair fight.
Further still, Russia, China and Japan are developing their own stealth planes, which pretty much forces everyone else to do the same thing.
Especially if Donald Trump gets elected. You never know who that crazy asshole is going to provoke into a war

Doesn't work: It's still in development and testing.

Overtasked: It does the same stuff the aging multi-role planes (that were originally built as fighters) do. With the addition of stealth, and better weapons/sensors/comms. Small performance variables don't win wars, superior tactics and situational awareness does.

Underpowered: Almost every plane ever built has had it's engines upgraded to give it more thrust through it's life. And engines on planes are almost a disposable item, they're constantly being replaced throughout the life-cycle of the plane. Like a formula one car.
The current engine, is already the most powerful engine ever in a jet fighter. It is good enough to fly super sonic without an afterburner, which none of the planes it's replacing are capable of.

Piloted: Agreed. But who knows, maybe a Boston Dynamics robot will be flying it soon

Test Failing: That's only a good thing. You want things to fail during tests, and not in the real world. Testing and finding flaws is a normal part of developing anything.

Fragile: That can be said for all US aircraft. They all need to have the runway checked for FOD, because one little rock can destroy even the best plane. Russian aircraft on the other hand are designed to be rugged though, because they're runways are in terrible condition. But in reality, all sophisticated equipment needs constant maintenance, especially when even a simple failure at 40,000 feet becomes an emergency.

Quickly Obsolete: Time will tell. Perhaps it would have been better to keep upgrading current planes with more technology like plasma stealth gas that make then partially stealthy, better sensors and more computing power. But by the time you've done that you've got a plane that's as heavy as F-35 anyway, and not as capable. Although it might have been cheaper in the long run.

Like I said in my previous comment. All of this doesn't make an interesting story so you'll only ever hear the two extremes which are "the plane sux" vs "it's invicible!!11" depending on your media source.

newtboy said:

Wait....Sarah? Sarah Palin? Is that you? ;-)

You mean what's wrong besides the dozen or so meaningful complaints made above, any one of which was a good reason to kill the project years ago, like; too expensive, not needed, doesn't work, over tasked, under powered, piloted, did I say too expensive, test failing, fragile, quickly obsolete, WAY too expensive, ....need I go on?

Herpetologist Details His Envenomation and Death

worthwords says...

Note that in the absence of antivenom, DIC and respiratory suppression can be managed in an Intensive care setting - blood transfusions and fresh plasma for coagulation deficiencies would have been available at this time so it would have bene worth a try. I doubt that he underestimated the venom - bleeding from the gums is a clear sign of systemic coagulopathy which was not going to clear by itself and any herpetologist worth his salt would know that.

The Wendelstein 7-X fusion reactor is insane

kceaton1 says...

As others have mentioned there are indeed still major issues to solve. But, they are slowly crawling to the answer (for some reason the US has just a "little bit" of interest in this--though if they go ahead and name their scientists as the sole awesomeness that thought how to make this a reality one day... I will truly hate my government for sure...

Hopefully, this reactor can give us some good data (and also hopefully was built with new processes across the board; again giving the scientists more data) on what's working better and what's failing either worse or @the same rate... There are about three main issues that need to be solved before we can call it "somewhat quits" (but, even after that, this would be a machine that needs a careful eye and constant monitoring).

I'm looking forward to the International Committee's Fusion Reactor in 2019~, called: ITER. It'll kind of be the "LHC" of the fusion world... They probably will figure out the issue with radiation destroying/eating away the guards/shields on the insides for the plasma.

These things are definitely awesome to see...

The Wendelstein 7-X fusion reactor is insane

Payback says...

Everything's all fun and plasma until someone jokingly speaks in tongues during the high energy stress test which opens a portal and awakes an Elder God...

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