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Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe Game Play Video

10891 says...

This is just another Mortal Kombat game with DC characters in it. But i love how awesome it looks, close fighting and free fall fighting look real intense. Special attacks look good. It's funny how superman's attacks look like he's just brawling. I really want this game!

Zero Punctuation Review: Soul Caliber IV

spoco2 says...

>> ^phelixian:
I usually agree with Yahtzee, but I whole heartedly disagree this time. Fighting games are the consoles bread and butter going way back to SF2. I bought the playstation for Tekken and Battle Arena Toshinden. PS2 for Tekken 2. And while my PS3 purchase had more to do with it's media streaming, racing and MGS4, I still love mashing buttons against faceless online opponents on Tekken. Perhaps if he had been driven to the mall by his grandma with a roll of quarters for Virtua Fighter when he was a lad like I had he'd understand it a bit more. I guarantee he couldn't beat me with the throw button, and everyone know that the AI isn't the point of fighting games, but playing against your friends IS.

You're falling into the trap of taking any of what he says personally.

HE doesn't much like these games, but YOU can like them if you want. If you feel you need to defend them so much perhaps you are uncertain of your love of them. If you love them, and are happy with loving them, then let it lie... there's sure as hell enough people who agree with you.

I used to quite like a round or two of Mortal Kombat, but noawadays I find that I have better things to do than commit to memory insane lists of button combos just so I can do the moves required.

TOP 10 OMGWTF moments from video games

mas8705 says...

Fun thing about this list is that we actually have these videos here on the sift...

I'll admit I just uploaded 4 and 5 just now, but since these videos were never posted, I just went ahead really fast to add it in case you wanted to see it in full...

Mortal Gaybat

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'mortal combat, gay, fatality, sexuality, sub zero' to 'mortal, kombat, gay, fatality, sexuality, sub zero, massage, him, clean, him, pervert' - edited by Zonbie


Euphoria Naturalmotion Animation Demo - The Tech Behind GTA4

Sarzy says...

Neat! The future is now. I still remember standing in an arcade when the first Mortal Kombat game came out, and thinking "this is it -- this is the pinnacle of videogame graphics. It can't possibly get any better than this." We've come a long way since then.

"To Hell and Back" This Summer's Guaranteed Blockbuster Hit

Find North without a compass (47 sec)

Street Fighter: The Later Years (Part 9)

Street Fighter - Bjork Edition

There are bad game movies, and REALLY BAD game movies...

mas8705 says...

Video game movies are the worst adaptation you can possibly do... When people go see a movie like Harry Potter or Lotr, they want to see the exact same thing they read... However, for video game movies, they not only try to do a new storyline, but they destroy the idea of the video game like this one... The only good video game movie was the first Mortal Kombat movie, all the rest were bad... Hopefully Hitman will be good (as a prequel to the hitman series)...

Cal Bears Band "Video Game" Half-time Show

UmberGryphon says...

Pong (gameplay footage), Tetris (gameplay footage), Mortal Kombat (making the MK and the dragon logo), Pokemon (making a couple of Pokeballs) with a band member dressed as Pikachu beating up... the USC Trojan?, Zelda (making a Triforce and a sword), Super Mario Brothers (making pipes and blocks), one or two songs I don't recognize, and then back to Super Mario Brothers (making the castle with flag at the end of a stage).

Any body recognize the songs/shapes for the things in between the pipes/blocks and the castle that the princess isn't in?

Eternal Champions: The Goriest Game in History

Juno Reactor - The Forest & Conga Fury

Eternal Champions: The Goriest Game in History

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