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southblvd (Member Profile)

'At War With the Mystics' mashed up with the movie 'Baraka'

Any gamers in the crowd? (Blog Entry by JiggaJonson)

KnivesOut says...

I didn't know this was going to (d)evolve into an E-Peen thread, but I love that game, so here goes:

My first gaming experiences were, of course, Atari-2600 related. I still have the console and ~80 carts in my closet.

My folks bought their first computer, an Atari 4800 (lol.) I have fond memories of hand-entering the BASIC code for games, debugging them manually, and saving them to cassette tapes. We also actually purchased a phenomenal game called Lode Runner that is still emulated today.

First official console: Sega Genesis. I was unhappy with the palette "warmth", so I traded it up for a SNES. I still have that console as well. My wife and I resolved many disputes with Doctor Mario and Mortal Kombat Trilogy.

After I got out of the military, I bought my first PC, a CompuAdd 486, with which I happily played Doom, Doom2, Duke Nukem, Interstate '76, Mechwarrior (1,2), Tie Fighter, X-Wing, Warcraft, Populous, the list goes on.

It wasn't long after that my wife and I invested in a Nintendo 64, which I wasn't very pleased with. The games that we enjoyed were great, but the variety wasn't so much. We got a lot of mileage out of Mario Kart 64, Mario 64, and of course Ocarina of Time.

Disappointed with the 64, we bought a Playstation. There were a few games that became marital aides, primarily Tekken 3 and Super Puzzle Fighter. However, the console's primary purpose quickly became Spyro. I think my wife may have had a thing for that little dragon. Syro's 1-3 are still near to our hearts (I'm glad that they were all released on the PSN.)

Subsequently, we purchased a Dreamcast, primarily because of how easy it was to boot-leg games for the system. Other than the Sonic games, only Jet Set Radio stands out as a mentionable Dreamcast game. Simply fantastic.

After that, we dove into the PS2. Gran Turismo 3, 4, Jak&Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, Final Fantasy XII, ICO, Shadow of the Colossus were the highlights. Oh yeah, also Odin Sphere, great game. Ew, and Shin Megami Tensei 3, that too.

Back to the PC, I had purchased a beefed up system in 2006, primarily for Half-Life 2, but also fell back in love with Team Fortress and Counter Strike. That's also when I began my on-again off-again love affair with MMO games. Final Fantasy XI, the first I'd tried, was a bitch-lover, more a 2nd job than a "fun game". Since, I've played City of Heroes, World of Warcraft, Lineage2, EVE, and (most recently) Lord of the Rings Online. In between multi-player gaming, I've spent solo-time on Oblivion, Overlord, Sims3, Bioshock, and the fantastic Fallout 3.

On the mobile front, what started out as travel-toys for my son have turned into nice gaming distractions as well. We have Nintendo DS's, and a PSP. I've put a shameful amount of time into Pokemon Pearl (played through twice fully, on third play now.) On the PSP, Patapon was a nice distraction, as was Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology.

Year before last we bought a PS3. Stand-outs are: Little Big Planet, all of the PixelJunk games, Flower, and Infamous.

That's it for my gamer's resume. Hope I get the job.

Angry Muslim preacher demands that Obama convert to Islam

enoch says...

meh..just the same ol' fire and brimstone preaching,just in arabic.
should get a baptist revivalist preacher and this guy and have them try to out-proselytize each other.
now THAT would be fun to watch!
just like tennis:
"you are going to hell"
"no..YOU are going to hell"
"your religion is the false religion"
"no..YOUR religion is the false religion"
"my god can kick your god's ass"
"no way! my god is the greater god"
it would be fun in a ridiculous,waste of time sort of way.
we could even throw in the voice over from the Mortal Kombat games:FIGHT...finish him..flawless victory..
ok..ill stop...i could do this all day.

Zero Punctuation - MadWorld

EDD says...

^Dude, I wasn't being serious Honestly, how could someone say the Wii is old and therefore in some way bad (not that it doesn't have cons, it's just NOT old and NOT bad because of that).

No, me, I like vintage games - still take out my old Sega occasionally and have a match of Mortal Kombat 3 with a couple of mates

The Great Darkrowan Slays the Netherworld For His Gold 100 (Dark Talk Post)

Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li Movie Trailer (Japan)

14087 says...

Ah hell, I'll upvote even though it belongs on the Terrible channel.

How is it Mortal Kombat 1&2 (horrible games) managed to spin off one enjoyable film, but a dozen Street Fighter titles can't lead to compelling trailer?

P.S. I'm all for suspension of disbelief, but Lana Lang is 90 lbs soaking wet. And Canadian. Why not make this Atilla: Battle Angel instead?

No More Heroes: Censored vs Uncensored

Every Single Mortal Kombat vs DC Fatality

10874 says...

Unfortunately for some of you, I must point out that part of the reason things have been shitty is because of how crappy the MK games have been. Ever since MK3 and beyond, ALL of the fatalities have been SHIT.

I mean it. MK:DA has some fun gameplay and they tried to go back to their roots, but they still failed to make blood look good in 3D. However, having it stay was definitely fun, but they should have removed it at the beginning of every fatality.

Midway just can't make a Mortal Kombat game anymore because NO ONE REMEMBERS WHAT MADE MORTAL KOMBAT A GOOD GAME IN THE FIRST PLACE!

If they'd just do some really thoughtful, unique, shocking gore with some similarly non-cookie-cutter combat along with stage fatalities that aren't all boring bullshit like the new ones, such as re-doing impalement and adding realtime interaction with making the opponent get impaled, decals for entry wound/exit wound, arterial spray and blood gobs spraying out on contact with a new graphic of blood dripping out through the exit wound, blood smearing on clothing/spikes/etc, animated decals for bleeding wounds from impalement, actually decent blood splat animations for contact with the ground similar to the way it used to be in the 2D days).... and much more... I think people would actually be interested again.

Basically, THIS level of detail is what is LACKING in these new games! It's all cookie-cutter crap that's just recycled over and over, like some bullshit yearly football game!

I once had an idea of mine get implemented into a game. It was called Blood, and was developed by Monolith Software.

Initially their blood didn't make any contact with the ground, and just disappeared. I hate that. I was in the closed beta, and I sent them an email telling them the importance of having blood always make contact with the ground. I gave them an example of how shitty it is when that happens by mentioning Primal Rage and it's console ports. I also mentioned that due to it being developed on the Build engine, they'd have to match or exceed Duke Nukem 3-D's gore in order to be successful.

They then actually did it. It looked good. Unfortunately, sometimes in the game there's an arterial spray when you shoot someone and the way it worked wasn't compatible with such animations. Some higher-up scrapped it. It would have been better to have just dropped it on the arterial spray, but oh well.

They also implemented the ability to kick a decapitated head around in multiplayer due to my suggestion. I told them that Hexen had set a precedent that they had to live up to. It involved actually programming some kind of scripted physics-like behavior for the head being kicked/rolling, but they actually did it.

Back then you could actually talk to developers and maybe even get your idea heard. These days, all that ever happens is a large group assembles, money is the goal, artists have really gay ideas about how thing should look (in MK's example, at least), designers don't notice things like how shitty it looks when Scorpion's spear goes into someone's throat in the next-gen Mortal Kombat game, and it seems like no one ever actually says anything about how shitty the game they're working on is.

Every Single Mortal Kombat vs DC Fatality

Every Single Mortal Kombat vs DC Fatality

13150 says...

Wow. And now that I'm done viewing them all, thank you SO much just saved me the cost of a game rental! I've never really cared for the Mortal Kombat games beyond playing them for the fatalities. Almost every other fighter out there has better gameplay. These really just aren't worth it in any fashion whatsoever, and the superhero "brutalities" look like they've somehow confused "comic" with "comedic." Seriously, every other one left the opponent stuck in the ground wiggling like Wile E Coyote!

Every Single Mortal Kombat vs DC Fatality

13150 says...

Needs more head explosions. They made The Clapper into an Acme gag! Also needs more open-heart surgery. You can't have Kano in a Mortal Kombat game and NOT let him rip out his opponents' hearts! It's just not done!

Top 10: Games that Need to be Made (or need a sequel)

spoco2 says...

You know, I really don't care much for ScrewAttack's taste in games. It more than likely stems from me having an upbringing on arcade machines, the ZX Spectrum and PCs, not Atari, NES etc.

But Killer Instinct? Are you kidding me? That was the worst ripoff of Mortal Kombat... it was horrible then, and it's horrible now (I've got it on MAME)... urgh.

I upvote because I do like to see what the other half want in their games... but I can't agree with many of them. (Earthworm Jim excepted... oh yeah)

Count the warning signs in Michael Jackson's "Moonwalker'

Top 10 Worst Video Game Movies

lavoll says...

it is not fair to include uwe boll, he is in a (crap) leaugue of his own. the other ones are fun-bad, like doom, mortal kombat and umbrella corp. those are fun to watch boll is just a boll of poop.

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