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Dissatisfied Customer Wrecks The Place

The 405 Carmageddon (2011) in Time-Lapse

The 405 Carmageddon (2011) in Time-Lapse

Speed Bump

robbersdog49 says...

>> ^Duckman33:

Sweet, next time I'm on the freeway I'll go 5 miles an hour since 55 is just a "suggestion". I wonder how far I'll get before I get a ticket for impeding traffic?
>> ^robbersdog49:
>> ^jimnms:
That is just ridiculous. Last week I drove through a neighborhood that had these big long speed bumps on the road. I was going the speed limit, but if you go faster than 5 MPH on the bumps your front bumper bottoms out when you come off it. They don't give much of a warning either, the speed bump sign is about 5ft. from the first bump. If they're going to have a 25 MPH speed limit here, they at least need to have speed bumps that you can go over at the fucking speed limit.

The limit is a limit, not a requirement. It's the fastest you're allowed to go, not the speed at which you must travel. Simple fact is that the slower you go the safer you and other road users are. If the speed bumps make you slow down below the speed limit then they're doing their job.

Whatever. I was clearly talking about the video, which clearly isn't a freeway. They don't have speed bumps on the freeway.

Speed Bump

calvados says...

>> ^Duckman33:

Sweet, next time I'm on the freeway I'll go 5 miles an hour since 55 is just a "suggestion". I wonder how far I'll get before I get a ticket for impeding traffic?
>> ^robbersdog49:
>> ^jimnms:
That is just ridiculous. Last week I drove through a neighborhood that had these big long speed bumps on the road. I was going the speed limit, but if you go faster than 5 MPH on the bumps your front bumper bottoms out when you come off it. They don't give much of a warning either, the speed bump sign is about 5ft. from the first bump. If they're going to have a 25 MPH speed limit here, they at least need to have speed bumps that you can go over at the fucking speed limit.

The limit is a limit, not a requirement. It's the fastest you're allowed to go, not the speed at which you must travel. Simple fact is that the slower you go the safer you and other road users are. If the speed bumps make you slow down below the speed limit then they're doing their job.

Quebec has minimum speed posted on its freeways: "100 km/h maximum -- 60 km/h minimum". First place I'd ever seen that. Me likey.

Speed Bump

Duckman33 says...

Sweet, next time I'm on the freeway I'll go 5 miles an hour since 55 is just a "suggestion". I wonder how far I'll get before I get a ticket for impeding traffic?

>> ^robbersdog49:

>> ^jimnms:
That is just ridiculous. Last week I drove through a neighborhood that had these big long speed bumps on the road. I was going the speed limit, but if you go faster than 5 MPH on the bumps your front bumper bottoms out when you come off it. They don't give much of a warning either, the speed bump sign is about 5ft. from the first bump. If they're going to have a 25 MPH speed limit here, they at least need to have speed bumps that you can go over at the fucking speed limit.

The limit is a limit, not a requirement. It's the fastest you're allowed to go, not the speed at which you must travel. Simple fact is that the slower you go the safer you and other road users are. If the speed bumps make you slow down below the speed limit then they're doing their job.

Reg Hunter Sets Us Straight On Christmas In America

alien_concept says...

>> ^kymbos:

I agree with all of you - Reece Witherspoon is just gorgeous!
...sorry, what were we talking about?

She is gorgeous. The first movie I saw her in was one called Freeway, with Kiefer Sutherland. It was a very modern take on Little Red Riding Hood and absolutely amazing, did you ever see it?

Christianity's "Good News" Summed Up Perfectly

shinyblurry says...

I think you're forgetting the second greatest commandment, which is to love your neighbor as yourself. On the contrary to what you said, God wants you to love everyone in the entire world. He wants you to love your wife like Christ loved the church. God asks you to do more and be more than anything this world asks you to do. Your children are a blessing:

Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.
(Psalms 127:3-5 ESV)

You misunderstand what that verse about the world means. It means do not value the material things of this world over the things of God. Look at the next verse:

"For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions—is not from the Father but is from the world."

Yes, God wants you to put Him first, because through Him all other things come. To want to do it without Him is like preferring to push your car up a hill instead of driving it down the freeway.

>> ^Ryjkyj:
>> ^shinyblurry:
We will never be satisfied with what is in the world, because it is all perishing:
All things are full of weariness; a man cannot utter it; the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing.
God told us not to love the world or anything in the world, and if we do, the love of God is not in us.
>> ^Doc_M:
I just can't live with no hope. Immortality is essential for human life, IMO.

And there you go Doc, the reason I choose the bleakness of my own unanswered curiosity over this:
"Nothing will ever satisfy you in your whole life, not the birth of your child, the love of another person, not your grandmother's cookies. In fact, I literally am asking you not to love anything or anyone but Me. And if you do love anything else, I will not love you. Also, please fear Me and die."
-the Lord

Remember me Eddie?! When I killed your brother...

Yogi says...

OH BY THE WAY I just remembered I watched this film again a few months ago. Anyone who is left of center will remember this films main theme is about how the freeway is gonna go through toontown and they're gonna destroy LAs great public transport. It's brought up several times throughout the film, and it's extremely telling.

I lived in LA for awhile and I remember driving in the worst traffic in the known SUCKED. The fact that Oil Companies and car companies have us by the balls because they destroyed public transportation in that city is horrendous.

Please if you get a chance watch this movie again and pay particular attention to that, you may have totally missed it as a kid like I did.

Don't stop in the outer lane!!

SeesThruYou says...

Tailgating? Looked like perfectly normal city traffic to me. Either way, you have to have an empty fucking skull to do something as insanely stupid as coming to a complete stop in the passing lane of a freeway.

Don't stop in the outer lane!!

Duckman33 says...

Wow, now I know why I get tailgated so much if you all are serious that the camera guy wasn't tailgating. I was counting time between passing poles and it was most of the time anywhere from 1.5 to 2 seconds. There should be a 3 second gap when following someone to allow for safe stopping distance, or at least that's how I was taught to drive. This guy was definitely riding his ass a bit IMO. But not enough to warrant stopping in the middle of the freeway.

This is how my Honda got totaled a couple years ago, some idiot in the slow lane "thought someone was swerving into her lane" and stopped right there in the middle of the freeway. I was the last of 2 other cars in the accident so I got half the blame. Not sure what happened to the idiot who stopped in front of us. And yes, I was following at a safe distance but was looking in my blind spot before switching lanes to haha, avoid an accident.

Don't stop in the outer lane!!

spoco2 says...

>> ^raverman:

Regardless why they stopped: To have a conversation, engine failure, or to avoid running over a baby - every driver is responsible to maintain their own safe stopping distance.
The asshole crashing through the side seems not have been looking at all let alone following too close to stop safely in wet weather.
I'm amazed anyone thinks it's appropriate to assume the people who stopped were at fault?
Sure, not ideal a place - but within their rights.

In pure legal sense, yes, the guy who ran into them is at fault, the one who runs into the back of the stopped ones is because they should have given enough space to avoid traffic incidents in front of them, indeed. And effectively they hit parked cars.

BUT, not stopping for an insanely STUPID reason in the FAST LANE of a freeway would have made none of this near fatal shit happen. Seriously, some people really need to look at themselves and their anger management.

Don't stop in the outer lane!!

spoco2 says...

What a complete dickhead. Serious anger issues if you stop ON A FREEWAY to do something like this, what a dick. I hate tailgaters as much as the next person, and a few little taps on the breaks to demonstrate they're being a serious dick is enough, but NEVER STOP ON A FREEWAY... In the fast lane too, what an absolute and utter moron. He's incredibly lucky this didn't end up as an enormous pile up. And I really would not be getting out of my car in this situation except maybe to quickly get on the other side of the barrier. Another car can very easily come smashing up your arse again just like that one did.

It's not in Britain because they're on the right side of the road (Britain drives on the left), with the driver on the left of the vehicle. So in this country they would be in the fast lane by being on the left.

Little girl says 'Bye' at the mall

Little girl says 'Bye' at the mall

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