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BRUTAL TRUTH About Democrat-Run Cities

moonsammy says...

Crime stems from poverty and deprivation (and greed, but those aren't the sorts of criminals Rand McRandface is talking about).

Poverty and deprivation can be addressed through social services.

Republicans typically gut social services.

I know in my state we'd be much better off with more useful social services and better-funded schools, but every damn time republicans get control of the Governor's office or the legislature, they cut social services statewide. So the areas that most need those services suffer regardless of who they may have elected to local leadership. When dems manage to get back into control they reform things a bit to provide extra funding to social services, and things improve for a bit. Then republicans get back in, etc yadda wash rinse repeat.

So yeah, democrats tend to be elected in population centers, because for the most part they seem to actually want to help people. The current Republican philosophy seems to be "lol shutup poor people are stupid figure it out fuckers." I'm perfectly happy to examine any evidence to the contrary (by which I mean policy positions advanced by republicans that actually help improve the lives of most people).

Pipeline Blasting

Florida man clings to semi at highway speed

The Looters

newtboy says...

Liar. That was Ben Carson's order. That one piece of furniture cost over 6 times the budget allowed by law to refurnish his office, and wasn't his only purchase.

Now explain this one too....

$11 million wasted in extra fuel alone paid to foreign fuel companies instead of using American airports and American fuels purely to give Trump $7.5 million per year and save his failing club....that's $18.5 million per year for this one scheme to personally enrich himself on taxpayer money, laws against EXACTLY that be damned.

When are you going to stop making yourself look like a worthless piece of shit and stop making up easily debunked lies to try to defend Trump? It's within your control, but you insist on insulting yourself by being not just a constant liar, but a really really bad one. You're better than this, aren't you?

bobknight33 said:

That was ordered Obama Admin and deliver under Trumps.

Go blame someone else.


Jon Stewart on How Paying Interns Made The Daily Show Better

cloudballoon says...

Jon Stewart passing the baton to Trevor Noah, that was a great move all around. As we also got Colbert & Bee their well established shows that are great in their own right. But Bee especially might have felt stung by not getting the TDS chair as she's definitely the most deserved among the senior correspondents at the show IMO. But that one extra win-wins for the audience.

The Walk.

newtboy says...

But sticking with Trump is sticking with your crazy chick that tries to stab you in your sleep at least once a week, is so dumb she can't read or write, is aggressive and insists you back her up on her insanity or be prepared to be stabbed extra this week, and is so inconsistent that even when you repeat her positions verbatim she claims you never support her and attacks with everything at her disposal vs an ex girlfriend who you already know is only average intelligence, isn't violent, doesn't need you to constantly legitimize their insanity, and can accept it when you disagree.

Then there's the narcissism.
Then there's the grift and graft.
Then there's the lawlessness.
Then there's the ignorance.

Yes, Trump is more interesting, like an atom bomb is more interesting than an M-80.
"May you live in interesting times" is a curse, not well wishes.

scheherazade said:

Dream date? Nah man, just anyone that wouldn't be embarrassing to be seen with.

I mean, if the choice is between:

1) Continuing dating a crazy chick, waiting a little longer and seeing who else comes around


2) Switching now to a chick that's so dumb it hurts

I pick #1. At least she's entertaining.

I mean, ideally, I'd pick neither, but we don't have the ability to unelect the office and leave it empty.


Guy Pokes Fun At French Language

MMA Fighter shows exactly what happened to George Floyd

newtboy says...

I hope not.
If 4 men grabbed a woman and held her tightly, then one started raping her against the other's verbal protests, but they keep holding her, they're all guilty of rape.

Saying in essence 'don't you think we shouldn't murder him in front of cameras' but not rolling him over or getting off his back, ensuring his death, is murder. It only makes a difference if they stop, and try to stop their cohorts PHYSICALLY.
Also, the one on his back, I think the one asking about rolling him over, is the actual murderer according to the autopsy...but it's a distinction without a difference. They all, as a group, murdered him. Even the one acting as a guard who didn't touch him....murderer. I, and most Americans, are unwilling to give police special treatment because they're cops unless it means extra charges because they abused authority to commit violence.

There is no distinction, just like there's no distinction offered for the lookout at a robbery, they helped murder him as a group.

greatgooglymoogly said:

Kueng hadn't yet completed his third full shift as a police officer on the day of the incident.

Thomas Lane was on his fourth day on patrol.

In the video, Lane can be heard asking several times about rolling Floyd over and Chauvin says no.

I think it will be hard to get a murder conviction against these two.

There certainly is distinction between the actions of all 4 officers.

That's some dope ass bass playing (super funky)

wtfcaniuse says...

Very cool. I was impressed with tweaking the dial between slaps. Playing slap on a RH bass left handed would be extra difficult because there will always be a delay when moving the wrist to pluck above the slap.

Would be cool to see slo-mo footage of his technique.

2020 Jeep Wrangler Rolls Over In Small Overlap Crash Tests

newtboy says...

When racing, 2/3. No neck brace in those days. Once while training, no helmet either, but yes, 5 point harness in a full tube racing buggy.
Honestly, the only one that made a real difference was the cage. A 4 or 3 point seatbelt would have been sufficient thanks to a deep racing seat, and most rolls were due to super soft silt grabbing the outside tires in a turn....that scrubed a lot of speed right away and made the final hit extra soft, a few were on hardpacked dirt, but they were short course so maybe 30-40 mph entry speed instead of 60+, around 20 by the time my side hit ground.

wtfcaniuse said:

When you did that was it in a 5 point harness with a helmet, neck brace and rollcage?

2020 Jeep Wrangler Rolls Over In Small Overlap Crash Tests

newtboy says...

Do jeeps not come with roll bars anymore? Mine has a full cage with 4 point seatbelts, it's nearing 50 years old.

I'm also curious to see other cars tested this way. I bet most flop over in this test, that or have the front wheel or crash wall inside the cab at the end. Yes, 4x4s roll easier, but most are made stronger AND have extra safety like roll bars. If you wear a seatbelt, you wouldn't be ejected.

Police fire (paintball?) at residents on their front porch

Drachen_Jager says...

Not a paintball.

Whatever it was, it used explosive propulsion, not gas, you can clearly see the flash just after 21 seconds. Paintball guns give a little puff of gas sometimes, but it wouldn't light up like that. Paintball guns also don't sound like that.

I hope it was some form of "non lethal" ammunition, but remember a reporter lost an eye just the other day to something similar.

The #1 job of the police is, and always has been, to enforce the divide between rich and poor. Most pretend or believe they are there to "protect" law-abiding citizens, but times like these their true colors shine through. If there weren't such a stark divide between rich and poor, 90% of the work police do would vanish. Maybe if they actually enforced the law when it came to rich people, laws on tax evasion and wage theft, I might believe otherwise.

Of all financially-motivated crimes in the US (theft, robbery, fraud, all that rolled together) the biggest sector, outweighing ALL OTHERS COMBINED by a 2:1 factor, is wage theft. Employers not giving vacation days, or breaks they're obliged to, forcing employees to work extra hours without pay, docking pay for illegal reasons, or simply not paying what they owe. This is a criminal enterprise that steals 15 BILLION dollars a year from working-class Americans for the benefit of people who already have more money than they can use.

If you steal money from the rich and get caught, you go to jail Period.

The penalty for wage theft, literally stealing from those who cannot afford to lose more? First offense, if you're convicted (which is rare) a $10,000 fine.

SFOGuy said:

I wonder what the heck it was? Paintball? More like...chalkball?
Their idea of a non-lethal (less lethal?) round?

I sort of doubt they have any authorization for that...

Cop Drives Man Over 100 Miles After Traffic Stop ...

BSR says...

Just sent you 10 power points. That should cover your cost plus pain and suffering.

"Keep the Change You Filthy Animal"


You could find out if a Go Fund Me has been set up to reimburse the money cost. If not you could start one to make your point. Who would be the hero then?

EDIT 2: Because I'm a slow thinker.

As you know, I do body recovery. I pick dead people up and put them down.

Had a house call to recover a 425 lb male laying on the floor face down. 2 people are normally dispatched to a house call. Try as we might the man was too heavy to lift onto the lowered gurney which is about 5" above the ground.

To get extra help we can call fire-rescue to assist us because the dead are as entitled to the service as the living.

EDIT 3: as mentioned in EDIT 2:

I just had surgery yesterday for my very first ever HERNIA! I wear it as a badge of honor.

newtboy said:

Will do.....

Worst case scenario?
$50 an hour X 2 for goldentime X 8 hours (drove slow and waited for the man) +15 gallons of premium gas ($4 where I live, but let's say $2.50) + incidental wear and tear ($5?) =$842.50 / 150000000 taxpayers = $.0000056.

Now I'm really pissed, I had no idea it might be that much.

Honestly I would gladly give him a dollar for doing it if he did it at his own expense...which he may have. I'm not accusing him of anything, just outlining one reasonable possibility.

newtboy (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Don't mistake me, im not unreasonable. Im sure we probably could find someone who didn't add an asterisk and say "IF no one does anything" as an attempt to get ratings. As someone with extra time on his hands who was watching the news nearly constantly though, I didnt see that.

That said, still don't think the claim holds up. Even if there was halfhazard use of that study as a headline creator at times, he's using it as a justification to say basically that there definitely WERE going to be these deaths, and trump stopped them. That is simply not true. If even one single person decided to wear a mask, those numbers drop.

That and there are degrees of good and bad jobs being done, it's not binary.

Closing down the country? good.
Closing it down earlier? better.
Not restocking the emergency stockpilke when warned? bad
Blaming obama when he is the one who fired the pandemic team? asshole
Funneling money for small business relief into his own company and his son in laws? criminal
Opening too soon? bad
Finally encouraging people to wear masks? okay, but could be better


------------- also ----------------

my cousin just died
39, 5 kids
she had "fluid on the lungs"
but it's not determined yet the cause
like im saying my mom just called me 1 hour ago
im tryin to find a fucking picture of her on her husband's facebook
but all i can find is shit about not wearing masks and how obama is trying to stop trump from blah blah blah

Did donald trump kill my cousin? absolutely not.
Did he help spread propaganda that encouraged her to not wear a mask and break social distancing because 'MERICA!? yes And he's currently trying to force the RNC to accomodate 50k people in one small space, to boot.

She was 39, 5 kids

newtboy said:

Not only that, it's a worst case scenario based on no one doing a thing over the course of the outbreak if it lasts for years and the medical system is overwhelmed.

As you said, NO CREDIBLE PERSON said it WOULD or even COULD happen in "a few months", or ever in the real world, which was his claim. Only people like Trump intentionally misstating the conclusions to create paper tigers he could slay have said it.

Simone Biles Debuts New Beam Dismount

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