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Content Moderation: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

There’s a simple, relatively easy way to accomplish this with no extra moderation or even rules….erase internet anonymity. 99.97% of people act much better when they aren’t hiding behind the curtain and shielding themselves from any repercussions.

luxintenebris said:

another head scratcher/gut churner/soul sighing show. it's way over time to get some patrols on the 'information highway'. the web of lies/undue social influence/bias reporting/echo chambers and general nastiness needs some lines of (lack of a better word) decency that nary be crossed.
it's been done before.
'fire in a crowed theater' put some measurement on of the definition of 'free speech'. there is a line where 'free speech' fails to be freedom & becomes the dungeons of despair.
it's a tough subject to gauge, but do trust caring* people can draw a 'line-in-the-sand' so young people don't kill themselves over cyber bulling. or hyper-partisan yodels don't attack random INNOCENT people. or where honesty and a love of variable facts becomes a touchstone.
it needs to happen.
this would be the (past) time to get all types together and hammer out some guidelines. Maybe, use existing laws. change the 230(#?) shield limits. AI monitoring. or have civil suits to sue, sue, and sue until the posting of anything that comes into a person's head, meets a reality check.
not against the exchange of ideas, challenges of the norms, or any free speech of merit (or even some of dubious value) -but just getting us out of the muck of the 'muddy minimum-maintenance roadway of disinformation'.

*extend that to all of the 'sick-of-this-s*it' folk)

134 vehicle pileup in Fort Worth, Texas

newtboy says...

I don’t think honking would help at freeway speeds, but hazard lights might. If you find yourself in this position, hit your hazards immediately…before you crash… it might save you from the next guy.
In this case I wondered why the people filming weren’t at least waiving a flashlight at traffic to warn them…or something. A few extra seconds to brake might have avoided most of this…as would driving a sane speed in ice which no one was doing.

cloudballoon said:

I've always wondered... why nobody that got in the pileup honks and create a loud cascading effect to alert the incoming ones and slow down to minimize the carnage?

Is that a thing? Does it help? Is it realistic (understand people are in shock and/or physically hurt, so it's not as easy as what coming out of my mouth)? I'm not sure.

Boy's Rubik's Cube Fascinates Monkey

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Love it….great move…go full racist and call millions of Puerto Rican voters “garbage” and all Latinos “mass breeders who don’t pull out, they cum inside, just like they did our country”, then double, triple, quadruple down and more with every speaker being overtly disgustingly racist in a warm up for the racist rapist in chief.


Yes, you fucking morons, there are about 6 million Puerto Ricans living in America, legally, not a single illegal immigrant from Puerto Rico is in the USA, not one, because they are citizens you morons, and they vote!
There are enough in Florida, over 1 million, to turn even it deep blue….and they are ALL PISSED!
There are 300000 Puerto Ricans and 600000 Latinos in Pennsylvania…way more than Biden won by.
Do you really think he can afford almost 6 million extra votes for Harris, because that’s what his Maddison Square Garden event (and years of totally undeniable constant racism against Puerto Ricans and Latinos in general) earns him.

Then Elon’s outreach to women is literally to say “America can’t have a cunt for a president”.

Good job. The Nazi rally killed any slim chance he had left and tainted the entire party as horrifically racist fascists in the most public way at the worst time. Another violent coup is now the only shot, and the national guard and army aren’t on your team.

I’m certain you saw nothing wrong with the speeches, or the venue, or with Trump now wearing Proud Boys colors… that’s because you are a racist.

Maggots have started firebombing ballot drop boxes because you are losing so badly, at least 2 so far.
In Redding a maggot landlord was stupid enough to brag about stealing 4 of his tenant’s ballots and voting for Trump on all 4. He’s been fired and is under investigation for vote fraud…he could (should) get 12 years.

Exit polling is 62%-33%!

PS- shocking news reported that Elon violated his student visa by working instead of going to school. Deport that illegal alien back to Africa now and seize all of his illegally gained assets and cancel any government contracts, he’s an illegal alien! You can’t do business with him in any way.

It’s falling apart around you.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

A friend of Laura Loomer posted on Twitter that she's been telling anyone who'll listen that she gave the mushroom tip, in his words, "The best BJ I've ever had".

Pretty much every single place he holds a rally he leaves with $50k+ unpaid expenses the community has to pay for…extra police, facilities, etc…all unpaid at every venue, likely millions in unpaid bills to communities that can’t afford them. That’s why very few venues will host him twice.

And after being exposed again for cheating on his wife (why else did anyone think he kept Habba around?) he quit his campaign by tweeting….

Side note- Barron is a n absolute psychopath that murders small animals and fights with and pulls knifes on fellow school kids and sexually abused kids on a sleepover according to his New York nanny.

Only girls can do this!

newtboy says...

It’s about the distance your toes are from the wall. Her toes were up against the wall, and tight to her heels…his were away from the wall and stretched out to barely touch his heel. That one or two extra inches makes all the difference.
I can do it easily in socks, only sometimes in shoes.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

10th criminal contempt conviction comes with a warning that #11 will be jail time, as will #12-200.
Yes, Trump has been convicted of 10 serious crimes this week, and his release conditions say ANY crime should have his release from the other 3 cases revoked. Most defendants would have gone to jail after the first hearing and conviction, not Diaper Don.
Most defendants get one contempt charge before jail even when they haven’t violated other release orders.
More biased judges…but all biased in Trumps favor giving him special kid glove treatment that any other defendant would not enjoy. Blows the lie that the courts are being unfair to Trump out of the water for those who don’t have water on their brains like yourself…his special treatment has all been to his benefit not his detriment, never getting it worse than an average citizen would get at best, not once. I’m sure it won’t change your brain cell. It must be so lonely.

This weekend he spent whining and throwing a public tantrum to a room full of donors saying that he would rather be at the wedding next door because those people paid him, don’t expect any photos with him they didn’t give him enough money.
Why is a multi billionaire so apoplectic that people aren’t giving him money? He can fund his own campaign using the money he claimed to have ready but didn’t spend in 2016 or 2020, can’t he? Or ask his billionaire son in law. Oh wait…they could barely make a down payment on his judgements against him and he’s claiming poverty now, that’s right, I forgot. 😂

He’s freaking out to find himself losing in most new polls by well over the margin of error and he hasn’t even been convicted of secretly paying for sex repeatedly while married and with a mistress yet, committing business and tax fraud in the coverup, but the secrets are being aired, the others in the room are finally telling the truth now that they’re under oath.

Er-mer gerd! The defense has asked for another adjournment/delay because they are not prepared to question the Trump Org Controller…a long time Trump employee on the witness list. He has the notes confirming the fraud to hide the payment to Daniels, the extra payments to pay Cohen’s taxes since he falsely called it income, basically the entire business record fraud scheme on paper written at the time by those involved and kept hidden in a safe to ensure no one found out. He also proved that only Trump could have personally made the payment from the account it came from, only he had access to it. (If you don’t know, his latest story is Cohen paid Daniels on his own without Trump’s knowledge, and that Trump only paid her off to protect Melania not to protect his election chances so not election interference…too dumb to realize they’re contradictory positions that have both been debunked in court with corroborating evidence already.).
Despite knowing years ago what he would testify to, the defense doesn’t know what to ask him or how to deny the records and is begging for a recess to figure it out. This is the non-defense they’re putting on? The delay was denied, so they will be questioning him unprepared. Not good….for Chump. 😂

Oh, sorry….i must have imagined all that because as you know, I’m not following the felony trials (and tribulations) of the disgraced cheater, rapist, dog hater, and multiple convicted fraud ex president/candidate. Absolutely do not google any of the information I gave you.

Oh…Trump’s failed VP pick is just falling apart, not just over her penchant for murdering puppies but also lying about her credentials and history in her book SHE WROTE and blaming others claiming she didn’t know these lies were added but she herself read the audio version before release and read those lies aloud herself…but takes no responsibility for them being in her autobiography. 😂 This was going to be our president when Trump and company gets their blanket pardons and he leaves office? What if she was a liberal? Should we be electing viscous lying zealots like her?


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Unlike Trump, I do not claim to be Jesus. 🤨

He’s got to sell something or his campaign won’t have money to pay his legal bills.
Joe Burden is going to crush him…again. He won’t even need to disinformate or misinformate, just let Don talk. 😂

Edit: The most insane part, and this is real, they put out a statement telling the buyers to not worry that the pages are sticking together. Anyone who buys a book from Trump and finds the pages sticking together should absolutely worry, wash your hands with bleach and ammonia (yes, I know) and get their fingers tested for pregnancy and syphilis. He’s a sick little monkey and probably did jiz on those bibles.

Holy (pun intended) crap! Turns out these are old, unsold/ unsellable “Merica” bibles produced in 2021 that weren’t selling for $49.95 and had terrible reviews about quality, months to ship after payment, and zero customer service. I don’t expect improvement for the extra $10. I bet they’re made in China.

BSR said:

Jesus Christ! Now he's selling Bibles?!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Once again, Sleepy Joe ran circles around the idiot right and utterly destroyed the stupid talking point that he’s unwell, demented, and catatonic (an accusation that’s really a description of Trump who sundowns daily at or before 3:30.)

He slyly tricked them into abandoning more tax cuts for the rich and their own plans for border security publicly, and easily showed their disastrous record on the economy.
Just like last year and the year before.
Reality just doesn’t enter that empty space between your ears.

The rebuttal was just nuts, smiling vapidly while predicting doom and gloom, and sounding like any second she would say “for just 52 cents a day you could save a MAGGOT. Your donation will supply them with flags, hats, and when needed, bail.” Not the best idea to use a senator who personally wrote the immigration bill then voted against it because Don said to not fix the issue under Biden. Not a great sign to women they put her barefoot in a kitchen, where you undeniably believe women belong. If the point was to appeal to women, it failed.

After completely failing to “live fact check” like he promised he would, Trump reacted like a 4 year old with clips of Biden using idiotic tic tok filters. A 5 year old would be embarrassed…not Trump or MAGA. Your bar is well below that of kindergartners.

Polling immediately before the speech gave Biden policies 45% approval, after it was above 62%.

Habba and Robert are both going to be disbarred for suborning perjury with Wiesselberg, who has now pleaded guilty to perjury in Trump’s business fraud case. I only hope they can be fined the extra $100 million Trump should have been fined for MORE CRIMINAL BUSINESS PRACTICES that were hidden and lied about during the trial….or that NY takes him back to court over them and more. He’s given them every reason to…and now he has no council (right before his litany of criminal trials start) and no lawyer worth a dime wants anything to do with him…why would they? They don’t get paid and as often as hot lose their law license and even see prison.
He paid the $91.6 million to Carroll today, but doesn’t have the $460 due in weeks, and the value of “his” properties is SEVERELY depressed compared to other similar non Trump properties….>30%….and never forget he doesn’t own most properties with his name on them, like Trump tower he only owns his apartment, the lobby, and the public restrooms, not the building. When you count his debts in full and only HIS assets, he’s almost certainly underwater. That’s why MarALago needs to be worth $1.8 billion instead of the $18 million he claimed on his taxes. He overvalues all his properties like that. There’s never been any PROOF that he’s a billionaire, only his flapping gums.
That’s probably why he replaced them as lead council for his appeal.
He really couldn’t have planned this worse. 😂

Democrats RAGE As Super Bowl For Black National Anthem.

newtboy says...

😂 Highest ratings for any TV program ever in history. 😂
😂 Taylor Swift’s minor involvement has brought in an EXTRA $331 million to the NFL. 😂

Nobody was outraged that people didn’t stand for a song ONCE CALLED THE BLACK NATIONAL ANTHEM BY THE NAACP IN 1917 but never presented as a replacement national anthem. Nobody cared when they started singing it at football games and even NASCAR years ago in 2020 after George Floyd was brutally murdered in the street by violent police either (a murder MAGA racists deny happened).
More MAGA nonsensical lies, like every single word MAGgots say these days. Bob, are you so gullible you believe what you post? I find that hard to believe, and I know you are unbelievably gullible.


The Super Bowl was the most watched and most profitable production even as MAGA boycotted in full force because “WOKE” and “PSY-OPS”.
Nobody cares about your dumb, ignorant insanity…nobody cares about your ineffectual cancel culture and absolute intolerance of inclusion….put your tin foil hats back on and go back to your street corner, nutjobs.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 Trump is up in arms over that Lincoln Project ad, he claims they made him look stupid old and fat. I’m pretty certain it was Trump who made Trump look stupid old and fat by being stupid old and fat! 😂

Here’s an older one he didn’t claim was doctored where they use most of the same clips, and he looks like he looked….old, fat, unhealthy, and unsteady.

Bonus- McCarthy is leaving congress in disgrace at the end of the month. So is Bill Johnson. That paper thin majority in one half of congress is down to one.

Extra bonus- Trump’s “best legal people” screwed him again by missing another deadline, again, out of pure laziness… this one to appeal the reinstatement of the gag order before he testifies next Monday (can’t wait for that train wreck), and they totally screwed up the appeal too, asking for a single judge to hear their appeal after a 4 judge panel ruled on it and overrule them. The next step is the entire NY Supreme Court, not one cherry picked judge to overrule a 4 judge panel. Any competent lawyer would know that, no one on Trumps team did. They’re trying an ineffectual council defense, but that means he expects to be convicted first and is so certain of that that he isn’t trying to offer any defense at all, just incompetent attorneys. 😂

newtboy said:

*video of Trump being old, fat, feeble, and exhibiting dementia*


Fastest UFC Knockout Ever

cloudballoon says...

How about an extra long post-fight interview/re-match where they yo-mama b!atch-slap each other with words? Half the time the contestants' ego-stroking boasts are more entertaining than the actual fight anyway...

Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

bcglorf says...

“ my solution would be every able bodied Jewish man and woman join the French (or Polish, Russian, British) army and fucking fight…”

I agree that’s the noble thing to do, but I can’t condemn the ones that choose to seek safety in numbers with Jewish Palestinians as exclusively invasion minded aggressors. My 6 million tag was maybe a bit sharp, but you also know that the Nazi’s took Paris and as much as it sucked to be French or European under Nazi occupation, you also know adding Jewish to that carried a lot of extra consequence and danger to your family.

My POV is agnostic of everything save Isreali people today having a right exist as a nation. Which at this point from my POV leaves 1947 as somewhat academic.

It’s your insistence that Jewish people, and the existence of Israel, have always fundamentally been invaders that I was objecting to as it is so intensely at odds with factual history.

You gave a brief nod on not being a scholar of Palestinian history, but then proceed to just count all Jewish refugees as good as Zionist aggressors from day 1(or close enough), and the local Arab population as nothing but pure, kind caring victims of these invaders.

I will state again, that is ahistorical propaganda and NOT what actually happened. And for my POV, its enough generations back as to be Academic, but for your POV it is fundamental because without being able to writeoff Israel as invaders from day 1, nuance enters the calculus and suddenly the conflict is flooded with shades of grey because lots of parties all contribute to the bloodshed, and many with reasonable motivations from both sides yet too.

Please find me any reputable sources to refute the reality of 1920-1940s Palestine:
-Mass Jewish immigration fleeing European oppression raised tensions between Jewish and Arab Palestinians.(as one must expect)
-Arab palestinians were already chaffing and resisting British colonial rule(as one must expect)
-These tensions led conflict, initially more ‘civil’ with the Arab majority trying to refuse all business, sales and trade with all Jews.
-Escalation followed throughout that time, but in drips and drops and NOT a ‘surprise the Zionist army has arrived’! style of aggression

The violent escalation was a fight here, a beating there. Little individual fights, escalating into deaths. Retaliations slowly grew, with each side exchanging small escalations.

-the culmination of this was eventually all out civil war, and the Jewish side immediately accepting a UN mandated 2 state solution

-this culmination coinciding with the end of WW2 and revelations of the true extent of the holocaust can’t be ignored, it certainly shaped the Jewish mindset in the conflict.

-Their mindset was pretty clearly not inaccurate either, as the immediate response of all neighbouring Arab nations was a declaration of war on the new ‘state’, with bold claims of how quickly the Jews would be swept into the sea. The confidence was so high, a call was sent it for ALL Arab palestinians to abandon and flee the entire region of Palestine to better enable the complete cleansing of the land.

The above is all pretty much inarguably factual, and I’d bargain you could get an Arabic and Israeli scholar together to more or less agree on those facts which is saying alot.

Propaganda from both sides would like to declare that the Arabs harboured deep Nazi sympathies, and thus Israel was pure and true in all it did. Or from the other side, more or less your narrative of Zionist bad guys launching invasion from day 1(ish).

Both though are just sprinklings of half truths, with anti-British resentment naturally breeding some leanings towards the axis, and even genuine Nazi cleanse the Jews believers. And absolutely Zionists featured prominently within the Jewish population. Neither of those partial truths though make the propaganda of either side true, but instead just an incomplete and intentionally biased picture.

Again, please find me sources demonstrating I’m terribly wrong on all that, but the only ones I can find are clearly biased and the accurate accounts paint the picture above, the propaganda very, very clearly copies the real story more or less with just deletions of inconvenient bits

He runs to save his mother

BSR says...

Wonder what kind of bargain the kid made with mom

"Do my homework for one month and an extra hour before bedtime? Swear to God mom?"

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

MAGA spokesman George Santos was just indicted on identity theft, credit card fraud, and stealing political donations because he was caught stealing the identity and credit cards of his donors and making tens of thousands in extra donations to his campaign then transferring that money to his private personal bank account.
He’s also been indicted for forging federal documents pretending he loaned his campaign $500000 (money he didn’t have to loan).
He likes big dicks in his mouth too. He’s also been a drag Queen at multiple public events where children were present, so by your estimation is a groomer.
Republicans aren’t even thinking of expelling him, because ethics, morality, honesty, and legality don’t actually matter one bit to MAGA, only holding power matters.

Republican failure has paralyzed congress and the military. They were fine with that when it benefited Putin and hurt Ukraine (the enemy because they wouldn’t lie about Biden to influence the election), but now don’t know what to do to defend Israel because they’re leaderless and paralyzed and can’t offer help until they get their shit together, which isn’t happening.

Steve Scalise “a more palatable David Duke” in his own words is the Republican nominee for speaker of the house, because racist neo nazism is exactly what MAGA supports. He’s not going to get the votes, he won’t be speaker, but he will get every MAGA vote.

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