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Comments to westy

MINK says...


In reply to this comment by westy:
thats right 4 camra men stand around taking photographs of the old lady with her face fucked up and a woman on the flor burnt. i mean fair enoughf film it for the news and to get it out there but it dosenot take 4 people to film and take photographs. what a bunch of cunts

if your filming war and its like bombs going off and crap happaning all around your fair enoughf but if your in a cavilain situatoin where people (non combatents) right in front of you are hurt you should help out

joedirt says...

Love you Westy.

I like the comment below.. \/

"Westy, as many people have asked, do you misspell everything in your posts on purpose ... But why? .... Why waste your time?"

And then goes on to bitch about it. I love it. Goofball answers his own question. Glad to see you 'round.

Goofball_Jones says...

Westy, as many people have asked, do you misspell everything in your posts on purpose or are you that stupid? I find it hard to believe that you're that stupid so I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and say that you're doing it on purpose. But why? It makes whatever you're trying to say irrelevant as people just give up trying to read it. Why waste your time?

It's not funny, it never was. No one reads what you have to say, they all just fixate on your spelling. So why do it anymore?

qruel says...

you might get a kick outta this.
the Intelligent Design movement stole this animation (Inner life of a cell)and incorporated it into their presentations promotion intelligent design.


This was a new low: A bunch of pseudoscientific stealth Creationists twisting scientific educational material made by people who actually DO science, into something to combat science.

We've long known DI was a pack of liars. Now we know they are thieves, too.

I hope Harvard lowers the boom on 'em!

read more here


In reply to this comment by westy:
Oh no swamp girl how foolish of you. this is all nonsence the bible is all you need to teach your children

Sylvester_Ink says...

The argument of Jesus' historical existence has been going on for some time now. There was a lot of discussion about it during the Enlightenment, but some arguments date back to even earlier times, like around 200-300 AD. However, according to most research in ancient history, historians have found enough correlation between texts to come to a conclusion that Jesus did exist, and was a prominent figure. (A lot of those who argue against it seem to disregard the Gospels as historical text, but they are definitely relevant, especially when studied in the original Hebrew and Greek translations.)

As to whether several people claiming to be Messiah, this is a bit less substantiated, but it is possible. However, there's less correlation in this area among ancient texts, so nothing conclusive can be drawn.

I think in the end, there are 2 prevailing opinions on the matter, those being that Jesus was actually Messiah, or that Jesus was just a highly respected prophet/teacher. However, currently it's only speculation that Jesus may not have existed. More information will be necessary to make any conclusions about that.

In reply to your comment:
Hi i have never seen anny evidence that juses actualy exsisted historicly there are refrences to a cuple of men named juses at the time the bible sead but non of them are historicly backed as beaing juses of the bible just men simply named juses that were notable at that time. aditoinaly around bible times there are manny people claiming to be sons of gods ore simular. a good podcast to listen to on the subject is (infidel guy kenneth Humphreys - jesus Never Existed)

budzos says...

Westy, do you spell that way on purpose? It comes off as an affectation bro, and it creeps me out. Reminds me of those times when I was depressed and would avoid proper grammar and spelling, and avoid too much use of "I" and "Me" while typing e-mails so as not to come off too "full of myself."

If you really do type that way unintentionally, you must either be missing fingers, suffering from a degenerated nervous system, or on waay too much caffeine. In any case, it's obnoxious. Perhaps try typing your comments into Word and using the spell check before posting?

choggie says...

Soooooo, eugenics then is it???! Knew you were a Nazi fuck, give that man a Bourbon.....!!!!

In reply to your comment:
Oh yes tom cruise a medoca actor resnably good looking and a scientoligist look at them retarded girls get all worked up over him thay should all be put down.

choggie says...

Thank you ,westy, the point that is so easily, and emotionally pooh-poohed, is that the questioning is the issue....not how ludicrous and insulting it is to ones fragile ego.....
Man humans are a pain in hte ass.....the dolphins try to tell us.....

In reply to your comment:
just becuse there are alot of stupid conspiricy thaires and badly put together documentaries about 911 dosenot meen people should not stop asking lagitimate questoins about events that happend on the day. more importantly bush went to war with iraq with the people behind him over 911 evan though iraq had nothing to do with 911. i fail to see how 3,000 dead people on sep11th justifies actoin that has led to 650,000 dead iraqies and 3,000 dead usa troops. so stupid how amerca evan calles itself a democracy at the top end everything is fixed.

NordlichReiter says...

hey i was having trouble accessing the sift for some reason, any way I'm doing my degree at Collins College in the Arizona. It wa s one of the first schools to offer it in the states, that did not cost an arm and a leg to go to.

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