Cheer Up VideoSift

I can't say much.  There's lightning going on again outside.  I used up what was left of my battery reading comments this morning and it was nothing short of depressing.

 What's going on around here?   What used to be a nice little escape onliine has become a dumping ground for everyone's ills.   The heated arguments and ad homs used to reside around the political threads.. but not anymore.  Even the most innocent of posts generate nastiness lately.

Come on, folks.  Tighten up the rhetoric around here. 

 You can either treat the screenames on this site as faceless entities where you can say and be whatever you like and it doesn't matter squat in the morning.. OR you can treat that avatar you're replying to as a real human being who you respect and would like to meet one day and have a drink.

 Even our regular flamers around here from whom we expect the outrageous need to back off a while.  Go post some vomiting kittens or fat babies with gas for attention.


I'd like to say to our long standing, faithful, POPULAR, outspoken, funny, respected, admired LEADERS in this commnity on this site:


Now I want to come back tomorrow or whenever this storm system pass and see some KISSIN AND LOVIN DAMNIT!   You all like each other and someone's going to say something you'll regret one day.  You'll feel like an idiot then won't you.

 Kissin and lovin folks...



swampgirl says...

Seriously though, let bygones.

What is it? Is it a culmination of the war, elections, gas..economy.. what? It's like collective tensions have come to a head around here.

People are even saying goodbyes.

No one has burned bridges around here, we all had our heated threads around here from time to time... even me. Let it go and come back for the fun.

schmawy says...

The Sift feels like it's on edge lately. A turning point. I've been PMing some super senior members about it, and they're running out of patience with the way the culture is changing around here. In a sense this place isn't the same as it was in the beginning. It's much larger and less intimate. These older members have huge hearts, and their kindness and sensitivity permeated the Sift, but some of them are being stretched too far.

I so agree, and you can call me a pussy or fag or whatever kind of ewetubish epithet you choose, but there is real love in this place. At least there was. Love takes a lot more work than spite and nastiness, you really have to have confidence to put yourself out there in an internet forum like this. It takes effort to try and find common ground, to help those you don't like, to do more good than harm. I have learned a lot about my fellow creatures on this site, the real critters behind the silly avatars. And I have learned even more about myself.

But now I'm heartbroken, because I was just getting started and now it feels like it's falling apart.

Somebody hug me.

swampgirl says...

heheh, thats they way I roll too.

(back to the serious part)

I think the mood of this site is reflective of the world in general. Is that too hokey a generalization? Yeah, maybe it is... anyhow..
Life catches up with everything and the Sift has now been touched. Once we recognize that we can call it for what it is and get back to business as it were.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

There does seem to be something in the air.

I think a sign that we are a real living breathing community is that the mood around here is a tangible, yet ever-changing thing. You could almost put up a meter with an arrow to show where we're at.

There are no band-aids to fix everybody up - all I can say to add encouragement is that the Sift - while it may go through changes with new people new, issues and new arguments - willl keep working to maintain the friendly culture that's developed over time.

You may think it's fast disappearing, but I disagree - and we've certainly been through some rough patches before. Big hug and smooch to you all.

gwiz665 says...

I'm one of the relative newcomers and I too can feel the winds changing. I tried to cheer up in my sift talk about it some days ago, but lately the mood of the populous has been bad. I hope it's just a hiccup and we'll be back on track again, but you never know. It could just be growing pains, because it seems that the sift has become quite a bit greater than it was.

8383 says...

Last week I was in hospital for a few days having surgery and have spent the last few days recovering. I logged in yesterday and was fairly shocked by what had been going on here.
Perhaps I'm seeing it worse than it is because I took it all in at once.
Hopefully this is all temporary but I don't think people leaving will help matters.
Perhaps there should be some brainstorming on how to reward members for being positive influences in the community, beyond just posting videos.

oxdottir says...

I'm just curious, swmpgirl. When you said you wanted the admins to stop it, did you mean you think they are part of the negativity, and you are calling them on it, or did you want them to somehow use their admin powers to lighten the mood via incentives for positivity, etc.? This is not rhetorical, I really couldn't tell which you meant, and while I support the spirit of your message, that distinction being fuzzy for me really bugs me.

swampgirl says...

Ah, sorry.. It wasn't directed at the admins. It was a general 'stop it' to all. The bickering was just getting to everyone.

No, I will never ask the admins to use their powers to regulate folks on this. We should regulate ourselves right?

rottenseed says...

what did I miss??? Are you talking about the arguments and bull that always happens? Emotion feeds on emotion feeds on emotion feeds on...

It really isn't a big deal. Same thing happened around the time quantummushroom was being siftquisitioned. Sometimes going through these exercises brings out one's need to feel like justice is being served. When somebody thinks that it's not, emotions can get involved. As more and more people join us, more people are likely to mess up and go through siftquisition. As more members are becoming senior members, the tension is increasing.

Eventually a true democracy will fail. Maybe we should think about starting to let siftquisitions be by invitation only or gold star and above. Eventually we'll have too many chiefs and not enough injens.

Krupo says...

I know what you mean. Happiness can ebb and flow. And small gestures can make all the difference. Although I didn't put this in the happy channel and I know at least a couple of people aren't fans, listening to this song puts me in a happy mood. Sort of like the Procedure, but without the surgery.

Good times.

[See what I did there? Shamelessly pimping one of my vids, but making it look less shameful by making it part of a larger point, and including someone else's vid in a relevant way at the same time. Awesome.]

If pulling of a shameless plug doesn't make you smile, what does?

Krupo says...

Oh, and I should add, people wander in and out but unsanctioned or excessively frequent siftquisitions definitely aren't a Good Idea. We should probably make that clear to people - if you have a problem with someone's actions, better to refer it to an admin first rather than publicly call people out.

When I was spending EVEN MORE time on the site than I'm spending at the moment I would quietly counsel people of the merits of the quiet/patient approach, but I'm not here all the time, and some won't pay attention to that kind of advice anyway so you end up with brou-ha-has, unfortunately.

Perhaps some judicious discarding of sift talk posts that are little more than inflammatory acts of rabble rousing is in order? Possibly...

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