My Dream Job

Aside from selling my soul in little pieces, have I mentioned lately that I love, love, love running VideoSift?

It's a satisfying feeling to read all the comments and see the connections and friendships that are here on the Sift. I'm not a naturally outgoing person- (kind of a hermit actually) but I value the friends I've made here and feel like I could probably sleep on many of your couches. (always a possibility)

I guess what I'm saying is that this is my dream job -- or maybe more of a dream pastime at the moment with job-like hours (ask Persephone) - but I wouldn't/couldn't give it up.

Beyond the personal connections- I'm hooked on Google Analytics and watching where in the world people are coming from for the first time to reach us. It gives me a sense of how big the Web really is. Today for example, we got linked in from what looks like a fairly tame link-dump site in India which will send us about 15,000 visitors by the end of the day. We also get regularly linked from this French gaming site that I wish I could read. Yesterday we got linked from some BBC radio show. Though I know it's self-serving (narcissistic?) to dwell on this stuff - it's such a blast to follow the web of links that leads back to our community. It's a big Sift world.

I don't usually gush like this, but there you are - big group hug. It is Friday, but I'm not drunk - I promise.
Crosswords says...

"It is Friday, but I'm not drunk - I promise." Well you better promise to be drunk before the day is up!

In all seriousness it warms my heart to hear someone getting to do something that makes them happy, I aspire to one day reach such a state.

my15minutes says...

it wasn't self-serving or narcissistic.
sometimes we just need to be reminded that our actions
can actually have a positive impact.

an anonymous meatbag donated their points to me last night.

this had been one of the many times that i'd wanted to say much more,
but instead relied on probably not needing to.


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