Hello World
This is my first, and hopefully worst attempt at writing a blog, and I kinda wonder myself what its going to be about. Its probably going to be this everything and nothing kinda thing, whatever I feel like putting up here, I've decided to name it "The Memory Hole", after George Orwell's 1984, that name probably taken tho, I havent bothered to check, so I guess I'll have to change it, if more than 2 people ever read this. So, what else is there to say in the helloworld entry? Oh yes, me, me, me.. who am I? Well I'm 27, live in Norway and I prefer never to give out personal details on the web. I lik: Science, music,games,movies,girls and food. In no particular order. (Although I deliberately put "girls" before "food"..) I dislike religion, bigotry, ignorance, fascism and assholes.
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I too like girls and food- though as I age, food has probably overtaken the former.
Do you happen to like bicycles? I got a broken one... you get my drift?
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