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siftbotTags for this video have been changed from 'Truth, Global environment, Wake up call' to 'Severn Cullis Suzuki, UN Earth Summit 1992, Truth, Global environment, Wake up call' - edited by fissionchips
fostertronsays...stupid not being able to self promote.
siftbotPost cannot be self promoted by original submitter fostertron because fostertron does not have enough Power Points. (You can always purchase more Power Points.)
bamdrewThis girl for President!
I sometimes forget about Dr. Suzuki. Cool guy. Personal hero of mine.
E_Nygmawhere is she now?
E_Nygmareminds me of Adam Sandler's speech at the end of Mr. Deeds. What did YOU want to be when you were a child?
littledragon_79Hmm, maybe she could run with that girl from that "Ask an Iraqi" vid on a pretty kick ass ticket -
davidraine>> ^E_Nygma:
where is she now?
In graduate school -- And she's still an environmental activist.
Getting up in front of the UN at age 13 takes a lot of courage -- Here's hoping enough people like her can change the tide of environmental policy before we run out of time.
djsunkidAwesome, I saw David Suzuki give a presentation where he talked about this event. Very awesome. *canada
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IrishmanLet the kids vote. Let them vote from 12 years old. Then we might see things getting done.
Trancecoach>> ^Irishman:
Let the kids vote. Let them vote from 12 years old. Then we might see things getting done.
More pawns for conservative influence? I don't think so!
Anyway, this girl is preaching to the choir. There doesn't seem to be any corporate executive, any industrial CEO, privy to such a speech (or prepared to receive the message), who is also in a position to do the things that she calls on him or her to do. Nevertheless, the power is in the hands of the individual, the consumer, to abstain from participation, from voting with their currency, and stop encouraging malpractice with their purchases.
SketchPerhaps preaching to the choir, but it looks like at least half of the choir didn't care enough to show up. A lot of empty seats in that room.
Namesdave suzuki is one of my heroes too, except he makes death metal and shreds peoples faces off. not really much of a humanitarian, I suppose.
11943HAHAHAHA! Holes in the ozone, don't make me laugh. Ooops...too late.
The hole in the ozone has always existed. Ozone is depleted by the sun's rays and when the north or south pole is exposed to constant sun light, a hole is formed.
gwiz665adambomb42x: See
quantumushroomDear marxists: stop hiding behind children. And move the UN to Canadian soil.
blankfistGlobal boring.
gargoylesays...It was a very good speech. And there were both converted choir members and the non-converted in that audience (delegates were chosen from among non-profit groups and government officials).
Let's not forget that this Rio conference led to the Biodiversity Convention.
Biodiversity loss will be the end of us (unless we all want to eventually rely on algae).
10128>> ^Trancecoach:
Anyway, this girl is preaching to the choir. There doesn't seem to be any corporate executive, any industrial CEO, privy to such a speech (or prepared to receive the message), who is also in a position to do the things that she calls on him or her to do. Nevertheless, the power is in the hands of the individual, the consumer, to abstain from participation, from voting with their currency, and stop encouraging malpractice with their purchases.
Why are you blaming the marketplace for poverty, are you freaking nuts? Look at any country like Burma or North Korea or Somalia, and I gaurantee you find that the problem lies in the system of government and whether the bulk of capital is individually controlled or "communally" (governmentally) controlled. You HAVE to have large amounts of economic freedom in order to have a prosperous country: people keeping what they earn, being allowed to enter mutually agreeable transactions with each other, enter labor contracts with each other. Government's job isn't to take that money, it's to make sure no one is infringing on each other's rights, providing recourse through a system of courts, and some legitimate national defense spending. Usually a constitution outlines these functions, to be followed and amended, but never ignored and subverted (as ours has). As people get wealthier in this scenario, it has the effect of increasing voluntary relinquishment of capital (charity). That's moral because it's their money, their choice, nothing is forced. But this whole guilt trip about people being obligated to give up the "luxury" of having more children or certain things they want for their kids because SOMEBODY SOMEWHERE has less than them is just lunacy. Why do they have less? It isn't because some capitalist pig wants to come in and offer them a job that pays more than anything else in their protectionist country. It's because they were born in a place with no resources, to irresponsible parents who were financially incapable to have them, and who do nothing but cower under their protectionist dictatorial governments. It's sad, but nobody on this earth should be paying through the nose to subsidize these people. The money just gets stolen, or it prevents a badly needed auto-determined revolt by preventing true consequence of such government.
Government has incredible powers that the private sector doesn't. They have the power to force payment (tax), create new paper money which debases the value of existing money (inflate), redirect that money to industries which bribe those in government (subsidy), ban a product from being sold in the marketplace (search: stevia, miraculin), and legislate special privilege legislation upon being bribed or lobbied (NAFTA, HMO Act, etc, etc.). So as you can see, the root cause is not industry, it's the idealist socialist enablements with whom these companies can collude to beat competition or avoid bankruptcy in a way OTHER than catering to demand and following prudent policies in so doing. Because it isn't in a greedy company's best interest to go bankrupt by taking huge investment risks, delivering products that you don't want or deceive you. They'll get sued into oblivion for the latter. Therefore, despite having the sole intention of making money, doing so requires offering you something you think will make you happier (and yes, this is your job to figure out, lol.). Adam Smith's "invisible hand" if you will.
Government, on the other hand, could make horse buggies from tax dollars that noboy buys and include it as production in GDP.
syncronI realize that her point is completely valid, and her intentions noble. But I don't think people would take her seriously given her background. Think about it, she's Canadian, it can't be THAT bad where she lives, back in 1992.
smibboshe asks "did you have these concerns when you were a child?" and I answer (as a forty-two year old "yes, in fact we did. Some of the details were a little different, but we had the same concerns about the future."
I could have written that speech when I was 13. In fact, I probably did.

There. I closed your parentheses for you.
deedub81Shame to see such a young communist.
honkeytonk73Yes. I agree. Damn communists! Jesus surely doesn't approve. I know. He talks to me.
He says... "Lo ye be not caring for your world, for it shall not last. Yea await me for I will return at rapture all half worm eaten and rotten from the grave. Yes. For real. Magic-man is real. Magic exists. Sparks shall shoot from my fingers, for I am cool. Praise me for I fly in the sky with wings, because humans with wings may ignore all aspects of aerodynamics and the lift/weight ratio required for flight. I am bound by no physics. I am not bound by reality. I am as limitless as the imagination... for that is from which I was born."
8350says...Would you happen to be an atheist?
quantumushroomLiberals love naive children. They recognize one of their own.
MemorareNice speech by one of the wealthy elite, who went to the finest schools daddy's money can buy. "Cullis-Suzuki received a B.Sc. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from Yale University in 2002."
Ooh yes, she spent a whole day doing photo ops with 3rd world kids living in hell. How noble. Then she took her limo back to her white picket fence gated community far away from the smelly disgusting masses and their annoying problems.
If you want to impress someone put ALL those millions in a trust that doesn't pay you a dime and go LIVE your life in the slums and ghettos you claim to care soo much about.
8266says...Someone give this tree hugger a bone up the ass.
14760Atleast someone(a kid)has a cause and she goes all out for it. I believe whatever she said reflect the world we live in today.It is the matter of needs, wants and desires. One's desire is achieved at the expense of others.
What the northern countries have is this western idea of equating success with having fame and fortune. This idea influence people from all over the world to be materialistic. People are obsessed with becoming rich -some choose to achieve it with sheer hardwork while others do it illegally. With money come luxury.Luxury like cars etc are not simply created just like that, plenty of resources are needed to create these stuffs. When there is a lack of resources, developers will look for it and exhaust it elsewhere normally in the Third World countries. The Third World countries cannot develop because their resources have been used up and with what money they gotten from it, is simply not enough to feed millions of their own people. Yes, it is true that the government is responsible for the development of it's own country but the cooperation of other governments matters too. Human actions influence other humans and in effect, their environment.
'Give up your luxury'..simply means live with what you have and do not ask for more. For when you desire more, you deprive others of their needs.
EDD*talks, *femme and I suppose *kids is appropriate here as well
siftbotAdding video to channels (Femme, Kids, Talks) - requested by EDD.
siftbotBoosting this quality contribution up in the Hot Listing - declared quality by eric3579.
Don_Juansays...Yeah!! What fostertron said 1 year 6 months ago!!! Wake-up call!! Conscious, awake exposure of reality!! Are we truly proud of our species? Will we successfully evolve beyond our present primitive state?? Will we eventually identify ourselves as a species we respect?? I, for one, hope we will grow up, begin to tottle, and stop crawling. Personally, I believe Jesus was gay! I am NOT gay, but if a woman is involved, I CAN be Bi. Is this wrong? Does this have anything to do with the initial subject?
Captain_Cavemansays...Liberal propaganda!
blankfistAnd no one cared.
westySevern Cullis-Suzuki (born 30 November 1979 (age 30) in Vancouver, Canada) is an environmental activist, speaker, television host and author. Born to writer Tara Elizabeth Cullis and geneticist and environmental activist David Suzuki, she has spoken around the world about environmental issues, urging listeners to define their values, act with the future in mind, and take individual responsibility.
, Now its good that her parents were brain washing her with something that is most likely true and constructive , but you have to wonder with that speech how much of it was her?
I know at 12 - 13 most kids probably have a good idea of things but if you actually evaluate her speech it didn't really contain anything usfull , " we r destroying the world stop it" im pretty sure all the people at that event knew that already. maby it would make them feal a tiny bit more responsible for an hour or 2.
dystopianfuturetodayThe so called "free market" hates democracy every bit as much as Kim Jong Ill. Corporate totalitarianism is no better than government totalitarianism, and both have the ability to create wealth for the few and poverty for the many. Also, failed state Somalia embodies two of the principals you hold dear: Small government and low taxes. I hear real estate is very inexpensive there at the moment.
>> ^10128:
>> ^Trancecoach:
Anyway, this girl is preaching to the choir. There doesn't seem to be any corporate executive, any industrial CEO, privy to such a speech (or prepared to receive the message), who is also in a position to do the things that she calls on him or her to do. Nevertheless, the power is in the hands of the individual, the consumer, to abstain from participation, from voting with their currency, and stop encouraging malpractice with their purchases.
Why are you blaming the marketplace for poverty, are you freaking nuts? Look at any country like Burma or North Korea or Somalia, and I gaurantee you find that the problem lies in the system of government..............
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