That angry ginger kid would like to address his haters

Not exactly helping his cause, is he?

Exchange the word "ginger" for any other racial slur and what do you get? Not so much laughing and poking fun at the little nigger/chink/gook/greaseball/goomba/chug/kike/raghead/spic.
I'm sure there's one or more slurs that can apply to just about all of you, so take your pick. Maybe it wouldn't be so much fun to have everyone ostracize, ridicule and antagonize you at every turn.


downvote for a using a video voting website (mostly mostly) full of adults to laugh at kids dealing with their stupid problems in dramatic ways (because theyre 14 and thats what you do when your 14).
this shit doesnt belong on the sift.

it reminds me of the time we all had weeks worth of laughs at the emotionally disturbed kid who got addicted to WoW.


I didn't vote this up because I laughed. Truth be told, I didn't laugh at all. I voted this up because I believe it should be seen. This kid needs to learn that this is not the way you deal with your problems. You have an issue? Confront it at its source, or move on.

He's made not one, but two very.. Dramatic videos, the first of him hating south park and their portrayal of "Gingers", they may have created a "stereotype". I could make a long winded post about how you can't discriminate against someone on the basis that "They have no soul" but I'll avoid it this time. And then this one, of him shouting at a camera.

At this point, I want this to be spread around. I want people to laugh. If nothing else, I want him to be too embarassed to make another of these silly movies. At this point, by spreading around these movies he's only hurting his cause. People who watch things like this and get a bad taste in their mouth will start getting the anti-ginger mentality.

It's almost like damage control now.

>> ^peggedbea:
downvote for a using a video voting website (mostly mostly) full of adults to laugh at kids dealing with their stupid problems in dramatic ways (because theyre 14 and thats what you do when your 14).
this shit doesnt belong on the sift.
it reminds me of the time we all had weeks worth of laughs at the emotionally disturbed kid who got addicted to WoW.


>> ^Kreegath:
Exchange the word "ginger" for any other racial slur and what do you get? Not so much laughing and poking fun at the little nigger/chink/gook/greaseball/goomba/chug/kike/raghead/spic.
I'm sure there's one or more slurs that can apply to just about all of you, so take your pick. Maybe it wouldn't be so much fun to have everyone ostracize, ridicule and antagonize you at every turn.

Sure it would.


huh? what are you the stupid angsty teenager choices police?
this is how stupid angsty teenagers deal with their problems, because theyre angsty and dont think clearly, its just now they have video cameras and youtube.

this kids getting enough negative attention on youtube. where this kind of shit belongs.

>> ^Shepppard:
I didn't vote this up because I laughed. Truth be told, I didn't laugh at all. I voted this up because I believe it should be seen. This kid needs to learn that this is not the way you deal with your problems. You have an issue? Confront it at its source, or move on.
He's made not one, but two very.. Dramatic videos, the first of him hating south park and their portrayal of "Gingers", they may have created a "stereotype". I could make a long winded post about how you can't discriminate against someone on the basis that "They have no soul" but I'll avoid it this time. And then this one, of him shouting at a camera.
At this point, I want this to be spread around. I want people to laugh. If nothing else, I want him to be too embarassed to make another of these silly movies. At this point, by spreading around these movies he's only hurting his cause. People who watch things like this and get a bad taste in their mouth will start getting the anti-ginger mentality.
It's almost like damage control now.
>> ^peggedbea:
downvote for a using a video voting website (mostly mostly) full of adults to laugh at kids dealing with their stupid problems in dramatic ways (because theyre 14 and thats what you do when your 14).
this shit doesnt belong on the sift.
it reminds me of the time we all had weeks worth of laughs at the emotionally disturbed kid who got addicted to WoW.


Are you allowed to make fun of someone for having a big round head like a pink lump of dough, a hideous moon face, little beady rat eyes (albeit a lovely blue) and train tracks on his teeth which cause a slurping sound when he talks? Also he's ranting and raving and gesticulating into the camera like a lunatic about some perceived persecution?

Thank fucking god Youtube wasn't around when I was young and full of hormones.


Anyone knows what actually is the genetic reason that makes all gingers unattractive. I mean - what in your brain triggers the "ugh, what an ugly cunt" response? Is it the red hair? Why? Why would evolutionary the red hair would indicate something negative about the person? Note, for females red hair is very it the pale skin? The pale skin indicates sickness in a way, so the solution is...gingers should get tan!


I'd rather him make 20 videos venting his grief from what is obviously hate and bullying that respond with a trench-coat and a gun at a local school.

And no, I am not being funny here. His videos are a healthy form of expression. Maybe he need not, post more of them, because we get the point, but he can keep on making them. To me there is a lot of hurt and frustration behind those eyes. good for him....

I stopped watching half way though...

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