Mythbusters - Kari Byron - McGirlver

Mythbusters - Kari Byron shows off some of her "McGirlver" tricks around the Mythbusters set. My personal favorite is the 'insta-bra'

I don't recall McGuyver ever having to tackle broken fingernails, hair styling, skin oiliness, or breast Support. Kari doesn't really have that much nerd appeal, in my opinion. She's just in a nerdy environment being a sex symbol.


She didnt take the toilet seat cover from the toilet people. It is SANITARY. Do you ever use toilet paper to blow your nose? That is not nearly as sanitary as what she is using. Just because it is meant to go on toilet seat does not mean it dirty BEFORE it actually touches the surface.


Ok, so not all duct tape was created equal. Some will stick to skin and won't come off without a nipple or two, and some will fall off with just the tiniest bit of sweat.

it might make sense to test the tape for the insta-bra on your arm first.

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