A little collection of offensive jokes from British comedians. Frankie Boyle will always be the king of over-the-top offensive comedy.

it's like as if they were speaking another language
not only i had no idea who they were talking about, what those jokes were but i couldn't understand half the things they were saying period.


>> ^mxxcon:
it's like as if they were speaking another language
not only i had no idea who they were talking about, what those jokes were but i couldn't understand half the things they were saying period.

all those jokes were about you.


>> ^mxxcon:
it's like as if they were speaking another language
not only i had no idea who they were talking about, what those jokes were but i couldn't understand half the things they were saying period.

Hmmmm...considering your grasp of the english language, I'm not surprised.


>> ^kymbos:
I actually didn't get the Diana joke. Why the mine field?
Otherwise, shame the comment thread degenerated into who can be the bigger twat.

Google 'Diana Minefield'.


>> ^Fade:
>> ^mxxcon:
it's like as if they were speaking another language
not only i had no idea who they were talking about, what those jokes were but i couldn't understand half the things they were saying period.

Hmmmm...considering your grasp of the english language, I'm not surprised.
edit - is the sift quoting system fooked?

what are you to be talkings about please?

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