Post has been Discarded

Japanese Comedian, breaks his neck. Cohosts have no idea.

June 14, 2008

The Tetsushi Yanagida announcer (40) of Television Miyazaki (Miyazaki-shi) which participated as a reporter of the live broadcast program of the television in a game of standing back to back and shoving each other's buttocks meet held in a rice field of Takachiho-cho, Miyazaki fell into the rice field from a head. The Yanagita hole was transported to the hospital of Kumamoto-shi by a helicopter, but is seriously injured by a cervical spine bone fracture and the spinal cord damage. It is said that there is the consciousness.

I haven't watched this myself, and don't plan to, but as unsavory as the content may be, it doesn't appear to be against the posting guidelines. Accordingly, you can't wantonly invoke discard on a video just because you don't like it.

This is a flagrant abuse of star power. Agreed?



When choggie mentioned in another thread that he liked to randomly discard probie videos, I sort of thought he was joking... Definitely uncalled for, no matter how "bad" the video is.


I don't know... we'd need time stamps on this one maybe. With two down votes and none up unless the standards have changed it should have self discarded, right? If choggie was just doing what siftbot failed to do for some reason that might be a decent excuse.

If it was just a discard without other justification it gets more complicated but the above might have been an excuse for it.

stumblingjon, in the future you should probably vote for your own posts when you post them. Everyone else does, nothing at all wrong with it.


Honestly, the more I think about it, the more I wonder why anyone should have the power to discard another member's video. It really just has such a huge potential for abuse, and while choggie does seem to be the only one abusing it, what do we really need it for? Well, dupes, I guess. How about adding a *dupe command, which would act much like * ban -- if a member calls *dupe on a video, it goes to sift talk, at which point someone else can confirm it's a dupe and second the *dupe, at which point the vid is auto-discarded.

Other than dupes, why should anyone have the power to discard someone else's video? If there's an abuse of the posting guidelines, it should probably be discussed before discarding just to be sure. What other situation would you need to discard someone's video? I really can't think of any.


This is borderline snuff advert if you ask me. The title plays to the fact that this guy could have been killed or paralyzed. Then the video itself is not only pointless, it's also cruel to sit there and watch this guy who is obviously hurt in some way, lay in the water as the geniuses next to him let him half drown in the mud. I find this distasteful myself and I don't see a problem with videos like this being wiped from the sift. My two cents, I think choggie did the right thing.


I'm not arguing that this video deserves to stay persay, but choggie shouldn't have gone all vigilante on stumblingjohn's ass. That being said, what's our plan of action? I don't believe this is snuff, but it's getting kind of close. If he dies or not, it sure as fuck isn't comedy. I think Sarzy's idea for a dupe command is a neat idea.


No dupe command. Discard works fine. It hasn't been abused before, until now with the exception of the farting cat. No that I have any personal feeling toward it, but from an objective POV, we 2 week ban users for abuse of downvote power, so it should only seem fair for a 2 week ban for abuse of discard power.

Nothing personal choggs.

rottenseedsays... we're done. There was nothing against the rules in this video. It just wasn't quality and our downvotes were all it needed to be removed. Nobody has the authority to take it upon themselves to discard a post unless it is a dupe or it is a flagrant disavowal of the rules


>> ^rottenseed:
Nobody has the authority to take it upon themselves to discard a post unless it is a dupe or it is a flagrant disavowal of the rules

Exactly, that's why this *discussion isn't finished yet. Something needs to be done to prevent people from discarding videos willy nilly; whether that's a temp ban or removing the ability to discard other people's videos altogether, I don't know.


Thank you Sarzy, we need to set some violation of discard guidelines on the FAQ. Maybe similar to the downvote-attack setup we have now, but slightly more drastic. Since discard is for higher ranking members we need a stricter punishment, followed by a ban.


>> ^randomize:
we need to set some violation of discard guidelines on the FAQ.

Points 4 and 5 of the Abuse Guidelines already exist to encompass all abuse not explicitly defined since it's a daunting task to define a rule for every potential abuse:

4. No modification or adjustment may be made to another member's post unless aiding the submitter by improving the post for the community (e.g., discarding, tag editing, channel modification, etc.)

5. Abuse of the site, other members, votes, posts, comments, or any privileges, especially star abilities, whether mentioned above or not, may result in account suspension or a permanent ban


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

Our main concern as admins of the Sift is protecting the content and community.

As personally objectionable as you found this video Choggie- we can't afford knee-jerk, emotional discards just because a member doesn't like the content.

Rank has its privileges - but also responsibility. I call for a 2 week ban for Choggie.


I second dag's motion. I remember the whole Choggie v. Theo47 debacle where they kept discarding each others ST posts simply because both couldn't reason like adults and chose to abuse their privileges, and that's what they are privileges, not rights.


I don't know - this is hardly the first time choggie has discarded a post and he was never banned before. And I think it's fair to say that this would count as the least egregious - the video was on its way out anyway. I definitely remember him writing that he would do the same again (in the cat fart fiasco) if he felt it was warranted. Was he specifically warned about being banned if he did it again? If not, it would be another instance of inconsistent, knee-jerk punishment for a previously unpunished infraction. On the other hand, if he was specifically warned, then he knew the consequences of his actions and there isn't much need for further discussion.

@stumblingjon - There's a few differences between this post and the hockey one, the biggest probably being the intent of the post. The hockey incident wasn't posted for laughs. It was an historical sporting event that (I think) changed NHL rules, and included other commentary in the video.


The argument shouldn't be about whether you liked the vid or not. Don't like it, downvote it and be done with it. I don't agree with people besides the admins having the ability to circumvent the voting and discard posts at will.

Why create a separate *dupe command? Why not just require * discards that are not self-discards to be seconded to prevent abuse of power? That seems like a fair and easy to implement solution to me.


Also, there are tons of clips on the Sift of people hurting themselves to various degrees either doing stupid things or engaged in accidents. I think most of the anger directed at this clip is not because of the content but because of the way it was presented (as potentially humorous).


Well, i think i should add somehting here.
I admit that my positioning this post in the comedy section may have not been well thought out, but it was done so as it is a comedy show and i did find it quite funny up until the accident.
I apologise if it was put in the wrong place, but i object to people claiming it has no worth due to its content.

I also believe that only last week, a man having his leg smashed between two bricks while kicking sown a wall was number one on the best list....
Why is my post any less value?


^It's different, let's just leave it at that. How people vote is up to them and this video was, at least IMO, in poor taste. It's important to remember that people downvote the VIDEO, not the person who submitted it.

The point being discussed here however, isn't really about the content of this video, but the way it was dealt with by a senior member. Just look above. There are not going to be any sanctions towards you if that's what you thought. Just continue to stay within the rules set in the FAQ with future posts. As you can see that goes for every member, probitionairy or diamond class.


Yeah, that was my point too. People are saying Choggie shouldn't be punished because they didn't like the clip either. That doesn't make any sense to me. The Sift doesn't need Choggie to baby-sit it. If you don't like a clip, there's already a system in place for it to be removed from the queue (downvoting).

My concern is that everyone's tastes are different. Some people may not like the clip, others will. One person's knee-jerk reaction to a clip should not decide its fate. This is a community, after all; it should be a community decision.


hey I been gone, and y'all decide whatever, this shit gets old-damn, did Damn, did I discard this??
well then, blankfist and I in a corner, cause heeeeeee discarded, myyyy sifttalk post the other day.....
I Covered this already....

so slap the man's hand already ya yeller bellies, choggie needs a spanking!!!..... NOW!!!

I speak for Godlittlebigjee, and I say g'night!!!

See all ya ladies in a couple of weeks....I mean the real ladies of videosift....
*resurrects altersiftego and posts lolcats for a month-

No apologies, the vid sucked, make it go away....


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

After the feedback from this thread, I'm happy to bow to the community and rescind my call for a suspension.

I also understand that Choggie's intentions were most likely good in this case. This video is painful to watch.

But it's important in cases where a video does not explicitly fall afoul - of our rules - to let the weight of community decide its fate.

This video would probably have been down voted off the site on its own - and that's the process it should follow.

Choggie - your absence in this thread is notable, even after I sent you a profile comment requesting your feedback. I recognise your contributions to the Sift - you've given a lot - however ...

Consider this an official warning. I hate being official - but there you go ... Fairly warned be thee says I. I'll copy this to your profile. Though I'm pretty sure you've been reading this thread.


like I said, I came in from outta nowhere to find I'd been uncustomarily absent from the meeting of the "lynch®" mob-but dag....."Issit choggies' been warned before?" And you call yourself an officiate-Hrummp! More red marks and stinngs, these people want some spectacle....


once a viddy stews in the queue for a day then more, with 2 downvotes, whether the other be my own er not, and after seeing it clog and offend once too often, is the criteria.... decide qulity??!! You give me the gun and don't want me to shoot it??....whassup wiff dat
i like ot push te red button
(shut uuuuup choggie, yer screwing this up...ingrate!!!)


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

I think I get gist of what you're saying - basically, there are very few reasons for doing a discard - but it includes overtly racist content, explicit death scenes, porn and duplicates.

It's been suggested that maybe the discard function is too much power for our members- that's a different discussion but I hope not.


I love that the info under the title reads "published".

This is a good example of one person's discard abuse being another's site maintenance, but hardly the only one. You're right, lucky, it's impossible to enumerate each possible abuse and penalty. But I think the abuse guidelines in the FAQ are fairly wishy-washy. From one point of view, discarding the vid basically did improve the post for the community (though not only in the way expected). All sorts of edits to a post can be seen from the same points of view, i.e., abusive or helpful. To a certain extent, ad hoc solutions will be necessary, but it seems we use ad hoc solutions more often than not in such instances. Part of that is the open-endedness of the functionality provided. It's very useful, but also easily 'abused' or even mistakenly the cause of havoc.

Semantically separating out the individual purposes of discard into distinct invocations could help provide a better sense of what's acceptable. Spam and selflinks are covered with direct bans already. Dupe, snuff, porn, and similar invocations could each be implemented as seconded or instantaneous effects. Create invocations as necessary when new situations occur often enough.


Ok Dag, you say after community input your retracting your statement. Ummm.. Check again. Theres at least 7 people for action, yourself and Lucky included. Then theres the Choggie defenders. Choggie, deathcow, obsidianfire, and kreegath. So basically 3, not counting choggie. There are a couple more in favor of something, but didn't offer anything on the temp Ban.

Again, choggie, nothing personal at all, just trying to stay objective.


not at all arsenault185, and if you'll read closely, you can put choggie in either category-he did not actually come whining out to defend his actions....all is justified-

To quote ol' stumblingjon above here, "It is said that there is the consciousness."


* Discard should never be used off the cuff. Ever.
If something is particularly iffy (borderline snuff or the like) the reset button is * discuss.
If you don't like the content, that sucks for you - you can downvote.

I don't like this video, but I think the handling was poor and foolish.


how is 3-7 a split decision?


i think what you actually want to know is:

despite not being unanimous, if a clear majority think that choggie's discard was well-intentioned, but not the best way to handle it, then why is this considered resolved, despite there being no consequence?

and that would, imho, be a good question.
so. let's try this.

choggie - most of us seem to find that this is close enough to the distasteful, unabashedly-morbid-curiosity-driven line as to warrant its removal from the queue.

especially when exacerbated by the fact that the submitter finds anything hoot-worthy therein.

we just wish you'd have * discussed, or just pinged some people, asked them for an up-or-down vote.

shit, dude. i'd have happily made this my one-and-only downvote, if that's what it took.

stumblingjon - the difference between this, and the zednick thing, is mostly just in the way the way they were submitted.
oatmeal clearly presented his as unfortunate news, which was already on every news channel.
you're treating this like entertainment, and choggie is clearly not the only one who thinks so.

beside that, the zednick thing didn't sift. why the fuck did you think this would?
yes, that's a rhetorical question. i already know why.

given all the above, i'd settle for choggie just agreeing that, in hindsight, he should've discussed. and that, to be on the safe side, this is the last time he simply discards anything except dupes and deaths.

/dos centavos del owenzo


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

Since we're all still discussing this, I've set it to undiscarded so it shows up in Sift Talk.

By split decision, I meant that there were a number of prominent, high ranking members who expressed a reluctance to censure Choggie. If we are a real community we should look for consensus. Not unanimity, but a general consensus.

With regard to your last point my15minutes- I'd like to hear something from Choggie as well. That he gets the point of this.

The shitty thing- is that we've given this crappy video more exposure than it would normally get because a member didn't allow the normal community processes to work.


I'm not looking for punishment, but a resolution. Do we temp ban him? or do we set something into stone in regard to what * discard can be used for? ^eveidently the consensus was to not ban choggie. The "community" (I air-quote that because it was such a small pool) decided to not ban him, so I'm fine with that. But it is not the first time its happened. Or the second. Who knows how long its gone on. Point is, thats why the system is set up the way it is. So the entire community decides when something isn't sift worthy. If its floating at -1 or -2 votes, chances are someone will downvote it and it will die.

So unless it breaks the rules, downvote and leave it alone.


man you don't even wanna know what someone who would simply settle for something's a wonder he even knows how to shoot the thing-
lemme tell ya what I attempted to tell them, cause' it;s about time some of you kind folks know a little more about the way I roll.....AS IF I HAVENT SPELLED IT OUT IN OVER 10,000 ATTEMPTS ALREADY!!!
-choggie could give a fiddler's fuck if it was snuff-lemme make it simple for ya

choggie clicks on videosift
choggie goes to unsifted, fewest votes
choggie sees that shit from a probie, first post
choggie down votes
choggie watches viddy (for what fucking reason i let it play for more than 3 seconds, god only knows...but he can't recall)
choggie does as he damn well feels, all the time, and takes full fucking responsibility!!


and it looks like two others here, not choggie, may cause some official codification of the rools, or a new one added.....It wasn't my intention, my intention was to use my powers to take out the goddamn trash....

Now...."Talk to the Paw, Bitch!!"


oh yeah, and stumblingjon??? Karaidl is gone, I don't blame you, but he responded to some comment you made, which speaks in very few words, tomes of your character, so I rescind my welcome....and since all you have offered here is paltry passive-aggressive retort, defending yourself and pointing out other shit that made it here, that other voyeur-types have gone chasing simply because you mentioned it, well, try harder son, you can make worse friends....

karaidl's public, one word comment on stumblejohnson's profile: Wish I could use as few words as that 18 yr old child does(did..*sniff..sob) to sum it fuck up....and that i dinna have to use such potty mouth-

In reply to your comment:
“God, How sad your life is...”


I am sorry that my submission has caused you such a headache, but I have not been anything but polite (and perhaps a little stern) in my commentary.
I do not appreciate your abuse towards me, nor your arrogance against "probies".
I find your manner on the whole overly aggressive towards anyone who disagrees with you in the slightest, and I am therefore disappointed that you hold such valued power on this site.
I have already apologised as to my decision to put this video in the comedy section, and have explained my reasons for it. I have also discussed my opinions on this discussion, and have understood the issues concerning others so that I place a more neutrally interesting video.
In regards to my comment i made quite some time ago "God, How sad your life is..." This was a comment made to the video, not to any member commenting. If you look back to the video connected with this comment, I think you will understand this.

I will be sure to present any future videos appropriately, and that they do not invoke such unwarranted, aggressive behaviour towards myself or anyone else.
I must admit that I am disappointed with what has happened, and that people have let their emotions take the better of them.


*cue violins

no emotions here buddy, i don't know you from adam, no headaches, the perceived abuse may be a response in kind, i dinna like the tone of the comment,(never do like similar comments) and dinna need the context, not trying to piss anyone off, or make new friends, advice for future ventures into uncharted territory??? don't post SHIT!, if ya wanna make it in Hollywood, er, whatevertheflock....zzz


Your opinion on this video being "shit" is purely your own.
I dont appreciate your aggressive comments in a community chat forum, and have come to the conclusion that i dont have much time for you or your self adulating constructive criticism.
Im not looking for any emotion, I was simply describing my own thoughts. It seems that you have no regard for any others but your own commentary unless they are shared.

May i request that next time you just simply make your comment , downvote, and leave alone?


Watched it, didn't like it, would have downvoted it - Sorry but its in poor taste, I know stuff like this can be on the sift you just have to treat it with respect when you post a tag "laugh" is in very poor taste.


Is this still going on?

I would like to propose a change to the discard system, so more than one user has to discard for it to work.

Either like * ban where two people have to both invoke it, or first a * discuss and then only from sift talk * discard from a different user. The latter is my favorite of the two.


Very poor taste. I would have been pissed to have been innocently lead into viewing that cruel piece of crap and that's what the 'sifted' part is all about. I can look at all kinds of horror if I know what I'm getting into, but definitely not for entertainment, and I definitely don't come here for that. I come here to (oh lord, I'm gonna quote the Jefferson Airplane,) 'feed my head', and learn something. And leave the horroshow at the door. Frankly, I say thank you Choggie, for sparing me that, rules be damned. I don't think people have to die on record to call it snuff, this guy is fucked up for life.


Apparently I missed the lynchmob. Two things - sometimes the people on here with the fucking codification and clearly defined standards make me nauseous. The only real concern I have with videosift is the general downward drift in the quality of posts which seem to make the top 15. I remember when I would see political postings that were generally shocking or interesting or at least advocated my viewpoint in an interesting way in the top 15. To be sure this is a slow, subtle process but we're seeing that the masses love kitten videos and shit.

Secondly, this video licks dog balls. The part before the end sucks and is totally boring and the end of this video is fucking horrible. I have no desire to watch this lowest common denominator swill. It only gets worse once you can see the poor guy writhing in pain and you're worried that he may drown while idiots laugh. I expect to hear a FOX Reality announcer giving the voiceover for this video, that's how bad it is.

I see no reason to speak in modulated, reasonable tones as I use the word fuck like my father uses duct tape - for fucking everything.


I am very freedom-based in my ideology. If a person wants to watch videos of this nature, they have every right to. I don't agree with that mentality, but in order to preserve my own, I must show the same decency. Same goes with if somebody doesn't want to see stuff like that, they have every right not to. However, they don't have a right to eliminate that for others, without consent.

To find an even ground, I was initially thinking maybe a new command should be handed out, like a "Discretion is Advised" that would send a video into a roundtable for discussion, but then, of course, that's what we already have discuss for. So that's where I'm leaning...


yeah more rules, that'll fix everythingbannedme-
gwhiz?...yer first idea is a better train to take, if you wanna reach yer destination to yer higher self-
karaidl is 18 yrs old(so he said)and has an uncanny ability to use one word to shove a comment, back up the ass it came from....that's why I love him as a brother, though I never met the child face to face.....karaidl for Czar, karaidl for dinner and a shiatsu, strippers and fireworks afterwards.....

Words cannot express for most folks, their gnawing desire for the real.

choggie loves the world, and if ya don't like his brand of passion for the same, guess ya came to the wrong's fulla beautiful damaged goods, and there's plenty of work to be done-

Peace to all, my comments here end here-

(that last part being bullshit, by the way.....)


The shitty thing- is that we've given this crappy video more exposure than it would normally get because a member didn't allow the normal community processes to work.

-- Dag

Amen. My question is, what are we going to do about it? We're here because someone interfered with the normal sifting process unnecessarily. Do we just sit back and hope it doesn't happen again? Or do we put a definite system in place for preventing and/or dealing with such occurrences?


"Normal sifting process"....Tha's rich!!
SDGundamX, the shitty thing is, that some folks learn more than others from consciousness-raising experiences....I say we sit back and hope it happens over and over until neuter or spay, takes the piss outta the either/or scenario.....

Point in fact, some people did not even have to watch it, at all, to have a solid take on it-that voyeur is able to be controlled, stimied, or killed altogether, and replaced with that which edifieth the spirit-Do you HAVE to turn your head when you drive past a car wreck? Do you HAVE to listen to bullshit before shoving it back up the ass came from?

Do you have to follow rules, if you are not breaking any is the real question-no one has presented evidence, and when the rule (Eris forbid) is made, there is no end to the pushing of the envelope-Now......Isn't there a tax to pay or a crosswalk to have to get to before you can get to the other side of the boulevard????


i feel the dissent to this unoffiacial siftquisition, coming from some of the members (me included), is based on the impression of overall drop in the quality of videos that appear on the front page. you might argue that one's shit is gold to you and vice versa... and you'd be right, of course. but the point is some of us believe the sift changed it's course for the worse. i'm not gonna pretend i know the answer on what went wrong cause i don't. but whenever i go exploring the sift archives, posts from a year back or so, i feel we're failing somewhere. please, prove me wrong.
btw, choggie - if this was a trial, you'd probably get off on a technicality since the rules are not explicit in this case. i like the idea (gwiz665) of having a second opinion before discarding someone's video. maybe we should start * discussing more. shouldn't be such a bother since i see this boring and tasteless piece of video history already got 90 comments (and over 1600 views so far). meanwhile, some quality posts are dying of loneliness in our pq's...


i will discuss in the future, and when I do, it's because i really really wanted to find the punk that posted the sheit, and slap first, explain next.

"Go and sit upon the grass and i shall come and sit beside you.
Go and sit upon the grass and i shall come and sit beside you..
Then we shall talk.
While we talk I'll hit your head with a nail to make you understand me.
While we talk I'll hit your head with a nail to make you understand me.

Do not mind, if I thump you while I am talking to you, I have something important to say.

Do not mind, if I thump you while I am talking to you, I have something important to say.

Go and sit upon the grass and feel your lumps."
-Ivor Cutler


OH my aching ass.....

That video was appalling. That poor man was horribly injured and in pain for all of us to enjoy. I would have gone after this video too. I wouldn't discard outright, but definitely campaigned for it to be downvoted. This was his first post? What nerve.

This is just the type of video that makes you rule-loving sifters out there take notice and demand a revision in the posting guidelines. You're just upset Choggie took good judgment into his own hands. Ok, but don't over react, ok?

Wrist slap has been made and lets move on. Thanks to the over reaction of the members over this, many people have seen this disturbing video. (oh no, and my comment helps it here too! )

My .02 is for NO banning, and PLEASE no more rule making... good grief


OT, but when I do an advanced search for Sifted Videos in order of most votes to least, 3 -1 vids and this one are listed before the top vote getters. Glitch?

It would also be interesting to search vids by most downvotes or most controversial comments.


I thought you were done with this choggie....?
Well, I guess you have all had your time on the cross, and so I will head off.
And finally, fuck you all for ignoring all i had to say. I tried to explain my reasons, but none of you seem to give a shit.
I have apologised on numerous occasions for my placement in the comedy area, and my explained why i did so.
Choggie, you are a small man, a bully really.
For those who simply gave an opinion, thankyou.

And btw, the guy is fine. He is walking, and has suffered no serious damage.

Im really disappointed with the animosity on this forum. I thought that this was better than youtube. Turns out, the same bullying fucktards are here too.

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