Greatest Invention Ever - The Dissolving Bikini


I like the premise, and the girls are hot, but...That is not a disolving bikini! thats a bikini with a piece of tape holding it together! Again, I approve, just calling bullshit on the vid description and tags (magic.... really?)


Well my understanding is that the seams actually dissolve in water, rather than just being held together with a 'piece of tape'. In any case, I think we can all agree this is an important scientific breakthrough.


Promoting this video back to the front page; last published Wednesday, August 19th, 2009 4:47am PDT - promote requested by deputydog.

Adding video to channels (Science) - requested by deputydog.


Awesome, but do they have this in a pair of board shorts? It'd be more fun if you and your girlfriend got naked at the same time right? Also I think they looked *happy in the video.


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step 1: buy a house with a pool
step 2: buy these disposable bikinis
step 3: invite girls over to a "house warming" party (don't tell them I have a pool)
step 4: lock girlfriend in garage
step 5: invite (unprepared) girls to take a dip. "I have extra bikinis, ladies"

...and the rest is a stain on the couch


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