Explosive-Free Building Demolition

I can't believe how accurately they pull this building down with just a set of back hoes.

But buildings can only collapse into their own footprint through controlled explosive demolitions! This is obviously a government cover-up to justify the invasion of the subsequently built parking lot.


another benefit of prefab panel construction. not only is it faster and cheaper to build, but demolition is also simpler


There is a weird skip / jump in the video right when the collapse starts. I'm not saying this is fake, I think it's really, but I can't quite wrap my head around what happens there.


@rychan - I see what you're talking about, but I think it might be an optical illusion of the facade popping out. Watch it again and look at a different part of the building, like the very corner. I don't see the skip when I'm watching the edge.


Demolition is fun. Whenever I demo something I feel like a ninja master working pressure points. And the less tech I use, the better it makes me feel.


There's no way the weight of those top floors could collapse the rest of the building below it. There must have been silent explosives in place that no one knew about.


>> ^lucky760:

There's no way the weight of those top floors could collapse the rest of the building below it. There must have been silent explosives in place that no one knew about.

I was thinking the same thing when I first saw this. I think the answer is that they removed or weakened some of the supports in the lower floors.


>> ^Lithic:

But buildings can only collapse into their own footprint through controlled explosive demolitions! This is obviously a government cover-up to justify the invasion of the subsequently built parking lot.

Thank you for saying what we were all thinking. Of course, there's a 0% chance of this having any impact at all on the controlled demolition conspiracy crowd. Now I'm sad.


Really folks?
Of course they gutted and prepared the structure to collapse. It's not like they just pulled a wall and it came down.
You can see all the cut marks on the outside walls prior to them "Pulling" it. I'll guarantee the inside walls and the floors had just as much preparation for this.

I'll also guarantee they spent weeks, if not a month or two preparing the building.

The first thing that comes to my mind is who in their right mind would want to prepare the second half of this building while the first half has been rendered structurally inadequate.


It looks like they cut out the support of one floor and used the side-walls as a kind of trigger. Gravity and momentum did the rest.


>> ^Sagemind:

Really folks?
Of course they gutted and prepared the structure to collapse. It's not like they just pulled a wall and it came down.
You can see all the cut marks on the outside walls prior to them "Pulling" it. I'll guarantee the inside walls and the floors had just as much preparation for this.
I'll also guarantee they spent weeks, if not a month or two preparing the building.
The first thing that comes to my mind is who in their right mind would want to prepare the second half of this building while the first half has been rendered structurally inadequate.

As said, the believers will also find a way to believe.

High rise buildings aren't designed to topple sideways into their neighboring buildings in the event of a collapse, they are designed that if the structure fails, they will fall largely into their own footprint. The buildings mass and gravity playing a very large natural role in that.


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