Dangerous Ski Chairlift Rollback During Test

They were testing an old ski lift and using concrete blocks for weight.

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This was part of several tests to better understand the forces involved during catastrophic failure events.

In this particular test they were wanting to see what kind of acceleration would occur with the low speed gear completely disconnected. Unfortunately the stop button they used was the one that controlled the part they disconnected rather than the brake, so the level of destruction was mostly inadvertent.

The full video is here. The description for this test starts at 4:26.


>> ^Psychologic:

This was part of several tests to better understand the forces involved during catastrophic failure events.
In this particular test they were wanting to see what kind of acceleration would occur with the low speed gear completely disconnected. Unfortunately the stop button they used was the one that controlled the part they disconnected rather than the brake, so the level of destruction was mostly inadvertent.
The full video is here. The description for this test starts at 4:26.



I have a cousin that was on one of these lifts when a brake malfunctioned. It had a slingshot effect when the brake finally released. It shot her 60 in the air and she broke her back when she landed.


I avoided this clip because I kept thinking to myself how could a ski-lift rollback be interesting enough to watch 3+ minutes of it... needless to say I was rather stunned once I actually watched it.

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