Barney Frank Announces Radical Homosexual agenda

Be afraid, Straight People. Be very afraid.

Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010 2:45pm PST - promote requested by original submitter bareboards2.


I know blankfist is a douchebag and all, but I'm thinking he tagged it Fear because of the homophobia of gay rights opponents.

But let's not forget that he is a douchebag.>> ^bareboards2:

Channels are a bit of an ink blot test. To me, this was a Happy video. To blankfist, it is Fear.
It's both, of course. Still. It makes me VERY HAPPY.

>> ^blankfist:
fear controversy


What?? blankfist is a douchebag??? Surely not!

>> ^kronosposeidon:

I know blankfist is a douchebag and all, but I'm thinking he tagged it Fear because of the homophobia of gay rights opponents.
But let's not forget that he is a douchebag.>> ^bareboards2:
Channels are a bit of an ink blot test. To me, this was a Happy video. To blankfist, it is Fear.
It's both, of course. Still. It makes me VERY HAPPY.

>> ^blankfist:
fear controversy


A politician talking about political agendas goes in *politics.

CNN logo in the corner, plus the fact that it's commentary surrounding a newsworthy event (i.e. the repeal of DADT) makes it *news.

But Barney Frank, and his radical gay agenda, makes it *quality.


>> ^kronosposeidon:

I know blankfist is a douchebag and all, but I'm thinking he tagged it Fear because of the homophobia of gay rights opponents.
But let's not forget that he is a douchebag.>> ^bareboards2:
Channels are a bit of an ink blot test. To me, this was a Happy video. To blankfist, it is Fear.
It's both, of course. Still. It makes me VERY HAPPY.

>> ^blankfist:
fear controversy

You two get a room. I promise if I won't ask if you don't tell.


>> ^blankfist:

>> ^kronosposeidon:
I know blankfist is a douchebag and all, but I'm thinking he tagged it Fear because of the homophobia of gay rights opponents.
But let's not forget that he is a douchebag.>> ^bareboards2:
Channels are a bit of an ink blot test. To me, this was a Happy video. To blankfist, it is Fear.
It's both, of course. Still. It makes me VERY HAPPY.

>> ^blankfist:
fear controversy

You two get a room.

We already did. You might want to change the bedsheets when you get home.


>> ^kronosposeidon:

>> ^blankfist:
>> ^kronosposeidon:
I know blankfist is a douchebag and all, but I'm thinking he tagged it Fear because of the homophobia of gay rights opponents.
But let's not forget that he is a douchebag.>> ^bareboards2:
Channels are a bit of an ink blot test. To me, this was a Happy video. To blankfist, it is Fear.
It's both, of course. Still. It makes me VERY HAPPY.

>> ^blankfist:
fear controversy

You two get a room.

We already did. You might want to change the bedsheets when you get home.



FABULOUS! Except "equality" no longer means equal protection under the law. It now means specialized government attention toward a Protected Class of citizen.

Blarney is the perfect posterboy. You can be gay AND a liar and thief who helped wrecked the economy and still make millions. And the idiots will vote you in again. You really can have it all!


>> ^bareboards2:

I wonder what Barney meant by two down, two to go. Do you know?

The hate crimes bill, which included protection on the basis of sexual orientation/identity passed a year or so ago, and DADT repeal was just passed, so that's 2 down, leaving only marriage rights and protection in employment, both of which are likely to be settled by the courts, which means the Roberts court will probably crush them.

If only we could pass the ERA.


Huh. The hate crimes thing I missed completely.

Surely they can use that as a basis to get these stupid school administrators off their collective asses and have some real anti-bullying measures within schools??!!!

Frosts my bee-hind.

>> ^dgandhi:

>> ^bareboards2:
I wonder what Barney meant by two down, two to go. Do you know?

The hate crimes bill, which included protection on the basis of sexual orientation/identity passed a year or so ago, and DADT repeal was just passed, so that's 2 down, leaving only marriage rights and protection in employment, both of which are likely to be settled by the courts, which means the Roberts court will probably crush them.
If only we could pass the ERA.


You know, Christians break this more often than the rest of us.
>> ^bobknight33:

Isaiah 5:20 (New King James Version)
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
>> ^Gallowflak:
Could you elaborate?


What I find is that some Christians are quick to call it "evil" when more truly loving folk call it "compassion" and "acceptance of diversity."

See any of Sam Harris' lectures on science and morality.

>> ^gwiz665:

You know, Christians break this more often than the rest of us.
>> ^bobknight33:
Isaiah 5:20 (New King James Version)
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
>> ^Gallowflak:
Could you elaborate?


>> ^bareboards2:

What I find is that some Christians are quick to call it "evil" when more truly loving folk call it "compassion" and "acceptance of diversity."

See any of Sam Harris' lectures on science and morality.

>> ^gwiz665:
You know, Christians break this more often than the rest of us.
>> ^bobknight33:
Isaiah 5:20 (New King James Version)
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
>> ^Gallowflak:
Could you elaborate?

Indeed, a better verse for the life on a Christian is Matthew 7:1 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged."

What is evil doesn't matter because Jesus saves no matter what the evil. Going around pointing out evil is redundant and spiteful; especially coming for an institution that is about forgiveness.

As an aside, you can still think an action evil and have compassion for the very same individual; it isn't mutually exclusive. I mean, who hasn't had a moral qualm about an action of a friend, and still called him a friend after?

Merry Christmas eve everyone


>> ^blankfist:

fear controversy

Finally got a downvote for this comment. Before the sensitive busybodies on here go on a rampage, I'd like to point out the fear channel description:

A place for videos exhibiting examples of fear, the use of fear to control and oppress, the use of fear to convince and motivate, fear of differences, terrorized people and animals, paranoia, distrust, fear of death, and phobias.


Loving someone enough to tell them that what they are doing is wrong is a good thing. Turning your head and letting wrong behavior continue doesn't help anyone.

Sadly the younger generation has been fed such a pack a moral lies that they don't know the difference between right and wrong.

For the most part what is morally right today was morally wrong 30 years ago. Has man obtained such wisdom in this short period of time to discount the wisdom of the past thousand years?

>> ^bareboards2:

What I find is that some Christians are quick to call it "evil" when more truly loving folk call it "compassion" and "acceptance of diversity."


Yep. The past thirty years are pretty dang cool, in a lot of ways. Racism, sexism, silent abuse -- all being actively fought.

It wasn't that long ago it was considered okay to hang a child for stealing bread in England. We don't do that anymore.

So yeah. We are smarter. Thank God.

>> ^bobknight33:

Loving someone enough to tell them that what they are doing is wrong is a good thing. Turning your head and letting wrong behavior continue doesn't help anyone.
Sadly the younger generation has been fed such a pack a moral lies that they don't know the difference between right and wrong.
For the most part what is morally right today was morally wrong 30 years ago. Has man obtained such wisdom in this short period of time to discount the wisdom of the past thousand years?
>> ^bareboards2:
What I find is that some Christians are quick to call it "evil" when more truly loving folk call it "compassion" and "acceptance of diversity."


>> ^bobknight33:

Isaiah 5:20 (New King James Version)
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
>> ^Gallowflak:
Could you elaborate?

Isaiah 5:20 (New King Yogurt Version)
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Who jump up for down, and down for up.
Who look far when not close, and see close when they are afar;
Who use soy than beef, or beef when soy.
Who speak like Yoda, when Yoda they are not!

Isiah 5:21 (New King Yogurt Version)
Thou shall smite myself;
Forth with as Bob has called mineself fucktard!
God hast spoken and I agree!

Isiah 5:21:13 sec (New King Yogurt Version)
Thoust writest Bob;

/One ticket ple... who the hell am I kidding I don't believe in that garbage.


>> ^bobknight33:

Loving someone enough to tell them that what they are doing is wrong is a good thing. Turning your head and letting wrong behavior continue doesn't help anyone.
Sadly the younger generation has been fed such a pack a moral lies that they don't know the difference between right and wrong.
For the most part what is morally right today was morally wrong 30 years ago. Has man obtained such wisdom in this short period of time to discount the wisdom of the past thousand years?
>> ^bareboards2:
What I find is that some Christians are quick to call it "evil" when more truly loving folk call it "compassion" and "acceptance of diversity."

"Believe me my boy, there is no grey. The world is either black or white!"

When you quote the bible, why do you call it the wisdom of the past thousand years? The bible was written around 300AD. And do you really think that a group of self-proclaimed holy-spirit-hearers 1700 years ago, or some group of clergymen more concerned with the exploitation of their flock than anything to do with love and compassion in 1100AD have the wisdom to judge how we ought to live our lives today?

A lot of the stuff that was considered morally upright 50 years ago is rightfully considered repugnant today.

The true wisdom doesn't lie in trying to find a framework of absolute, unchanging rules by which to live to the end of times. Rather it lies in recognizing that time changes things, and rules have to change with them and constantly be reassessed if they still apply.

The only two rules which I would consider fundamental in inter-personal relationships are:

  • Don't treat people like objects (aka treat the other person as you yourself would like to be treated)

  • My rights end where your rights begin and vice versa

And while we're at it - consider why the Old Testament is so pro fertility ("Go forth and multiply" or all the anti-homosexual rants). 3500 years ago small semitic tribes were being encouraged to grow rapidly to have a chance to survive in a hostile world where huge enemies where to the south (Egypt) and east (Babylonians/Sumerians) and whoever happened to live to the north at the time. All of whom regularly held their battles where the semitic tribes were living, and all of whom frequently raided the area for slaves. Rules devised for that kind of circumstances ought to no longer be regarded as dogma, in my opinion.

"The head is round so that your thoughts can change direction."
- Francis Picabia, 1922


>> ^bobknight33:

Loving someone enough to tell them that what they are doing is wrong is a good thing. Turning your head and letting wrong behavior continue doesn't help anyone.
Sadly the younger generation has been fed such a pack a moral lies that they don't know the difference between right and wrong.
For the most part what is morally right today was morally wrong 30 years ago. Has man obtained such wisdom in this short period of time to discount the wisdom of the past thousand years?
>> ^bareboards2:
What I find is that some Christians are quick to call it "evil" when more truly loving folk call it "compassion" and "acceptance of diversity."

There is no such thing as a behavior that is wrong. Wrongness is comes from morality. If a person doesn't share the same morality, then it can't be wrong to them. While you might make a universalistic claim that Christian morality is the true and only morality, but you can't prove it. And even in the bible itself, it says that the motivations of our heart our are the concern. To convince someone whom isn't a believer that cursing is wrong benefits him none. Youngness has nothing to do with wrongness. As King Solomon said, there is nothing new under the sun. The world has always been corrupt and generally morally bankrupt. But to the point, we all fall short of even our own personal moral convictions; the theist and the atheist.

There are some things that were wrong that are now considered acceptable, and vice versa. Universal claims of a general depreciation of moral values seem trite, and lacks a full view of world events at large. Man has always been corrupt and corrupted even in our own lives. Heaping down judgment for judgments is not the point of Jesus...heaping down forgiveness for loves sake, however, is. Loving someone enough to forgive their actions is much greater than telling them they are wrong, IMO. Behavior is nothing, the soul is everything.

(Grammar edit )

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