Let's have some political variety

It's well known that the vast majority of us are Obama supporters, but I see no reason why that should prevent us from taking a critical eye to him. Most of the political videos posted seem to be affirmations that we've made "the right choice", but surely Obama has not done everything right and surely some of his positions don't jive with some of his supporters.

This is a call for valid Obama criticism videos. This is also a call to acknowledge things McCain has done right. One of the things I took from last weeks debate was that there are quite a few things I agree with McCain on (nuclear power, for example).

Democrats: Republicans are your opponent, not your enemy. It's not treason to admit it when they've accomplished something good.
maatc says...

I wondered the same exact same thing today. Are there no clips pointing out Obamas flaws? Surely there must be some but it seems the McCain camp is not too good at getting them out there. Maybe they can be found on sites I never visit.

In any case: Freedom of Speech = *quality!

Farhad2000 says...

My problem with McCain is that he is so wildly inconsistent in his views, there was alot I agreed with him before, but his straight talk express doesn't always stay straight. Especially on the question of torture.

Obama, we'll he's just so wishy washy I don't think you can nail him down to any view. But that's the Democratic way sometimes, they don't really carve out a definitive stance.

joedirt says...

The list is too f-ing long. FISA, now supporting the "surge", plans to keep troops in Iraq (yes two more years is 2000 too many dead Americans).

How about keeping with the Democratic tradition of doing everything he can to lose. Explain to me how with this economy he is so close in the polls and losing in electoral votes. How with the disaster that Bush has caused and all the GOP scandals and convictions and unpopular war, unemployment, current stock market crash... How can he be losing? It's truly insane.

my15minutes says...

good post, and appeal for more balanced commentary.
i especially appreciate it, as a libertarian, being accustomed to agreeing with each party half the time. was actually considering putting my blog to halfway-decent use again, by posting my very conflicted views on mccain, while it's still relevant.

i was a big supporter of his getting the republican nod in '00. went to a big rally of his, here in rochester, just before the NY primary. shook his hand. wanted to be able to take him aside, tell him that i knew what happened. once again.

i really do miss that john mccain, with an immense sincerity.
i may not have always agreed with him, but straight talk wasn't an eye-rolling punchline, in 2000.

kulpims says...

both parties need to chill the fuck down and stop the bs, focus their attention on collapsing economy and greedy cheating bastards that made it such, not pointing out to yet another imaginary, self-fulfilling foreign threat as they do now, criticizing russia over georgian escapade they themselves orchestrated. don't they realize the mess we're all in? not just the states, asia, europe and the whole world will suffer from the eventual downfall of this global money laundry machine...

MrFisk says...

It took awhile for me to back Obama. The first thing that impressed me was his refusal to accept PAC/lobbyist money. I could easily see a candidate saying, "Yes, the system is bad but in order to change it I must win and in order to win I must accept their money", ad nauseam. The second thing was his race speech, which every one of his advisers warned him would be political suicide. Not only did he display the leadership to buck against these advisers, he wrote the speech himself and delivered it with much needed vigor. I have watched Obama mature and I thank Hillary (in hindsight) for her relentless tenacity. McCain, on the other hand, didn't have to exert nearly as much poise, endurance, or leadership to win the Republican nomination. And now that he has won the nomination I see him being led against his will by his advisers. He had an uphill battle coming off of Bush Jr. That said, I'm in complete agreement to weigh in on both candidate's merits and faults. Simply put, Obama has been more vetted this year than McCain already. Let's just not lie when we bring in criticism of either candidate.

joedirt says...

"refusal to accept PAC/lobbyist money"

bwhahaha... If you believe that seriously, then I have a box of Hope I would like to sell you. I even have a bridge made out of ponies, any takers?

volumptuous says...

>> ^NordlichReiter:
Obama's stance on the second amendment. Google It, I'm tired of posting his voting record on gun rights.

Well, I did google it, and other than comments from a lot of right-wing blogs, I found zero conclusive evidence that he wants to do anything at all to the 2nd amendment.

From his website:
"Barack Obama is committed to upholding the Second Amendment and promoting policies that will protect wildlife habitat and ensure that hunters and anglers have access to open spaces for generations to come."


volumptuous says...

The first video I ever posted here was critical of Obama, and his weak stance on same-sex marriage:

This is a high-quality discussion, yet at the same time I haven't thought those of us who are pro-bama are "in the tank" or agree with him on everything. He is definitely the most charismatic person to ever run for POTUS in my lifetime, but I'm not sporting Obama stickers on my car, or wear his tshirts.

blankfist says...

What have you done? You've awakened the Obama cult! Don't anger them! They must enjoy their koolaid without interruption from such silly things as non-partisan perspectives! You may have endangered us all!!

Fjnbk says...

There are Republicans I respect and admire, but most of them are either dead/retired (Lincoln, Nixon, Bush I) or never on the airwaves (Olympia Snowe). Most GOP supporters on TV now are idiots or liars, or just mundane enough that their videos wouldn't be sifted.

Yes, the Lies channel and its friends are dominated by Republicans, but I welcome any videos of lying Democrats.

volumptuous says...

>> ^BillOreilly:
and it's well known that Obama wants to do away with our guns, just look at his history

I just did:

There are all of his votes.

One for providing a trigger lock with all gun purchases (except private sales).
One for allowing the AG to define what an "armor piercing bullet" is.
One for letting children under 17 right to trial.
One that says the DHS can't use its funds to confiscate weapons.
One (S.397) that even pro-gun activists called a "non issue".

And a couple of others that contain a lot of confusing language, and many many bills, but nothing that says "let's do away with our guns".

I really REALLY dislike Obama's stances on: FISA, Iran, same-sex marriage, and the unconstitutional scam that is "faith based initiatives".

rougy says...

Obama is the "not Bush" candidate of 2008.

He and Hilary were both the most right-wing of the Democratic contenders, aside from that rimjob Lieberman.

I don't think he's the answer to all our problems, and he said some things in the debates that ruffled my feathers, but a person has to face facts and the fact is that four more years of McCain will perfectly translate into four more years of George W. Bush.

One of the bad things about voting Obama is that we'll be seeing four solid years of attack-dog journalism just like we saw during the last four years of Clinton.

jwray says...

Lieberman was never in the 2008 primary. He left the democratic party in 2006 and endorsed McCain and the entire neoconservative agenda. He's a Hagee fanboy to boot. Gore shouldn't have picked him in 2000.

rougy says...

>> ^jwray:
Lieberman was never in the 2008 primary. He left the democratic party in 2006 and endorsed McCain and the entire neoconservative agenda. He's a Hagee fanboy to boot. Gore shouldn't have picked him in 2000.

My mistake. Lieberman pretended to be a Democrat for so long that I got mixed up. But the gist of what I said is true.

Obama and Hillary are right-leaning candidates in the Democratic party.

They're no Kucinich or Wexler.

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