What do you want or what are you giving for Christmas? Gift Ideas Accepted Here

So, it's December now with a scant one and a half fortnights until the big day. What's the forecast for your gifting season?

What are the gifts that your kids are begging for? What are you going to be giving children?

More importantly, what are you asking Old Saint Nick for? And what are you giving to your spouse or other contemporaries?

I'm just curious what everyone else is most hoping for and what they're giving to those nearest and dearest. From the extravagant to the simple, please fill me in.

To be honest, it's kind of hard for me to even imagine something that I want because I have all I'll ever desire in Charms. Hopefully some of your ideas can inspire some want in me that I have been hopelessly lacking thus far this gift-giving season.

blankfist says...

For my parents: An HD-DVD player and Transformers HD-DVD
For my live-in girlfriend: Don't know yet. Looking for ideas.
For my nephew: Money for his future college fund.
For the rest of the family: Meh. Gift certificates. Where has my Christmas spirit gone? Jesus!

For me: 42" LCD and an HD-DVD player (and the complete Kubrick collection!)

lucky760 says...

You can tell us what you want though, MG. Don't tell me, a "working" TF2 dedicated server? (I gave up too.)

Thanks for your very detailed answer blankfist. That's exactly the kind of info I'm hoping to squeeze out of this here post!

42 sounds like a magic number this Christmas.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

An external USB hard drive because I want to learn and try more video editing in the new year.

A gym membership because I've been on VideoSift forever.

MarineGunrock says...

42 is a great number (for reasons other than it being the ultimate answer ). It's big, yet it won't overwhelm the living room.
Me? Well, if you want, I would like a new scoped .30-.30, please. Or maybe another 8800 GTS so I can go SLI. That would be nice.

And yeah, I gave up. Damn DS doesn't want to execute the .cfg file, so I executed it!

choggie says...

I want some Delta-T antennae, small array, 6 40' diameter weather balloons, and a sack of radiosondes, oh, a radio-controlled heliocopter, one of those teensy ones.....

smibbo says...

there's what I'd like to give and then there's what I will be giving... I'd like to give Soupskin a glock and a 42" plasma HDTV and I'd like to get my second son horseback lessons and I'd like to give my eldest a trip to Europe and I'd like to recieve a gift certificate to Amazon.com and I'd like to give third son a new computer for gaming and I'd like to give the family an Xbox and a PS3

I'll probably get a few things at Target for the boys; some DVDs, some games and maybe (if there's money left over) I'll get them some neat Gir shirts from Hot Topic. If there's money left over, maybe I'll get myself a graphic novel or two. I'm not saying what I'm getting Soupskin (since he reads the site) but it is nothing near as cool as a glock or HDTV.

smibbo says...

truth be told, my boys aren't very consumerist and they don't beg for much. Second son wants action figures but honestly I'm not too sure what action figures there are left for him to collect - he's got so many already! They always appreciate movies and games though. There was an awesome action figure of the Creature from the Black Lagoon he wants (from the McFarlane series) but because it ws discontinued you can only get it on ebay for hundreds of dollars. Same with the old style 70's Godzilla he wanted.
If you want a (cheap) suggestion, I am always happy to get lotion from Bath and Body Works but I just recently went there and stocked up with a gift certificate I got for my birthday so I won't be asking for that (though I usually do) us wimmin usually dig that sort of thing.

Fedquip says...

- I got my mom one of those digital picture frames...filled it with pictures of my fish.
- My Dad..Soviet Series DVD set
- My 91 year old grandma...donated to the CNIB in her name
- My Brother..not sure thinking of CIV IV

gorgonheap says...

Well being a G.I. Joe fan I want the 25th Anniversary collection. A new electric shaver. And a xbox 360 would be nice but I'm not holding out for it. (My original xbox is being stupid, and no it's not the operators fault.)

For the Wife I got her a new watch, A bathrobe, and a generous gift card to her favorite shoe store. I also bought her the moonlight book series. She wouldn't tell me anything else.

Both our parents are getting Family photo's of us (because they don't want us to be poor they asked us not to give them anything.) But this is a fairly cheep gift and it's at least something.

As for siblings, they aren't sparing a dime on us so we're holding off any gifting exchanges until I'm done with school and making more then a paupers living.

thesnipe says...

Hmmm well I have to say that we ordered a 42" lcd tv with Bose surround sound for my dad for his Christmas gift (and birthday gift as well hehe).

I'm getting my mom a...*insert blank stare*...I need ideas! She's just getting into the computer and whole e-mail/skype thing. I have a USB speakerphone for her, a KT Tunstall and Coldplay cd she's been wanting, but I could use another gift.

My best friends are getting some gift certificates to American Eagle or Express.

I have a million spoiled cousins so no worries there...

and myself, well I sorta got this computer with the 5.1 speakers as part of my early gift but my parents won't count it b/c it's used for school (yes I know I'm spoiled). Soo I really have my eyes set and room cleared in this house for a Rod Hockey Table. I grew up playing one at the arcade each week with my dad and I've always been wanting one. Not to mention I'm wishing for new Altama boots, I wear the 14" high Altamas for my EMS duties but need something scaled back for everyday wear.

blankfist says...

Wow, 42 must be the magic number this year, for sure. I looked at a 50", but the darn thing was only 768 resolution, and I wanted 1080p. Also, Vizio seems to be the deal of the century for 42" HDTVs right now, too, becuase I picked mine up for 900 bucks. Way cheap. And, I found a true 1080p HD-DVD player for only $260 - usually they're 400.

BTW, I figured out what I have to get my girlfriend for x-mas. She's been wanting to go on a vacation for so long, and, to be honest, she works incredibly hard on an incredibly demanding account, so she deserves a break. In any event, we're going on vacation this week. Unenthusiastic yay. She's paying for half, though, which will be my gift. Yes, you heard it right. The vacation she wanted, she's paying half of it and making that my gift. I don't mind, though. It'll be fun. We were going to go to San Fran, but I think we're now going to Santa Ynez for some wine tasting. BridleWood and Matei's Tavern here I come!

raven says...

Creature from the Black Lagoon action fig from McFarlane, eh??? I think I just figured out what I want for xmas... damn, I'm gonna have to keep my eyes out for a deal on one of those suckers!

Anyway, what would I like? Well, a charter membership to Vsift would be nice, if anyone should happen to be reading this who needs ideas (got some familial frequenters of this site myself)...

Otherwise, my family is not too big on the gift giving now that all us kids are all grow-ed up, my grandmother for the last two years has given all her adult apartment dwelling grandchildren giant garbage-bag wrapped care packages of detergent, kleenex, toilet paper, and other household supplies. Basically we just spoil the two younger ones (which is backfiring, as they get older they get more obnoxious), my cousins ages 6 and 9, whom I've found out are getting a Wii, so I think that is what my whole family will be doing on xmas, playing Wii tennis.

Farhad2000 says...

Even though I live in Kuwait, the Christmas spirit is very well here as well, as retailers love nothing more then having some excuse to push products on consumers, and they in turn appreciate the chance to spend their money on some shit as well. My family never really celebrated it though, bar getting really trashed, our plan for this year is always the same as each, try and acquire as much alcohol as possible and get trashed.

I did get a sort of present a much needed internet upgrade (for research purposes... er and VS) a 1mb connection which is still about 1000 times more expensive then services in the West. My parents seem fixated on buying a huge Sony Bravia so they can watch movies, which will be neat, only I don't really know where we would stick it.

winkler1 says...

For my 20-something bros, 120 gig external USB drives. 4500 RPM but small and need no external power supply - easy to throw in a coat pocket. And NewEgg gets stuff to me the next day UPS ground. They are amazing.

Ring bottle opener - http://www.thinkgeek.com/caffeine/accessories/756e/ for a buddy

Sony Ebook reader for me off EBay - last gen. $160. It's nice to have a single-threaded non-networked device. I buy my own gadgets..

my mom's BF is getting a ton of stuff from the Shameless Commerce Division of Car Talk - http://www.shamelesscommerce.com/

Our friend who married us is getting an Eye-Fi http://photojojo.com/store/awesomeness/eye-fi-wifi-memory/ . The plan is to setup a camera to upload to flickr and do a slideshow in realtime at the ChrismaHanaKwanzika party.

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