supercooled water - instant ice


when u put water in a realy smooth botel ore plastick contaner and then cool it slowly it is imposable for ice cristals to form becuse thay require an inperfactoin int he container bubble ore dirt molicure to begine growing. so u can cool it to sub 0 and then as soon as u shake it alows ice christals to form, making it turn to ice right away due to the whole substace alrady beang sub 0.

this is the opasite to super heated water whitch can acure by microwaving water ore just normall boiling in a very smooth glasses ore pans. at the moment u shake it it all boils at once.

the best way to creat this is to make distilled water boil water and colect the water vaper. then leave it outside on a freezing night. then in the morning simply shake it ore pore it into a glass. im sure if u were skilled enough u could pore it and hand it to sumone then as soon as thay went to drink it it would freez on them. could hurt if it happend inside them lol


Hmm About the lime in the Corona. Once this exact thing happend to me with a corona but I didnt have any lime in it, all I did was take it out of the freezer, pop it open and took one zip and put it back on the table and it freeze instantly. Still dont understand why it did it.


Bottles of dasani or aquafina in my dorm fridge used to do this every single time I opened one. It doesn't freeze the entire mass of water, but makes enough tiny filaments of water crystals to suddenly turn the fluid opaque. The structure of the resulting ice is like raw wool or cotton.

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