release us-a short film on police brutality by charles shaw

500 innocent Americans are murdered by police every year (USDOJ). 5,000 since 9/11, equal to the number of US soldiers lost in Iraq.

In 1994 the US Government passed a law authorizing the Pentagon to donate surplus Cold War era military equipment to local police departments.

In the 20 years since, weaponry designed for use on a foreign battlefield, has been handed over for use on American streets...against American citizens.

The "War on Drugs" and the "War on Terror" replaced the Cold War with billions in funding and dozens of laws geared towards this new "war" against its own citizens.

This militarization of the police force has created what is being called an "epidemic of police brutality" sweeping the nation.

"The inclusion of Trayvon Martin in this video was inspired by the Directors of 'No Justice, No Peace," who dedicated their film to him along with the victims of police brutality. Although I concede that Trayvon Martin was not killed by a police officer, I chose to include him because his murder at the hands of George Zimmerman is representative of American Law Enforcement's general attitude towards young Black males (the single largest demographic of those murdered by police), and the "Stand Your Ground Law" which motivated Zimmerman to hunt Trayvon Martin down and shoot him is a law which Florida Law Enforcement fully supports, ergo, creating an extension of the police through this dangerous and aberrant form of 'Community Policing.' I do not expect everyone to understand or accept this, but it is a choice I stand behind in the hopes that his inclusion makes a statement and fosters further dialogue about the use of force in America."

~ Charles Shaw, Director

Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued - promote requested by original submitter enoch.


I am ALWAYS respectful when being addressed by police officers. I believe in justice and am not opposed to a social contract with law enforcement. It's only in hindsight that I'm outspoken against them -- because they rarely return the respect.

I did speak with a respectful officer last night and that was refreshing. I enjoy conversing with law enforcement because I truly respect the profession. I'm just let down easily and feel ashamed for them, which then becomes anger. An idealists anger. Not good.


Just reading the caption is enough to dismiss this in toto. Trayvon Martin was killed because he was beating the hell out of a guy who was protecting his neighborhood, beating him ground and pound style. Almost nothing reported in the news was true, much like that savage in Ferguson.


Because, obviously, one example invalidates the rest of the argument. I don't know why I ever click the "read anyway" to uncover my lantern ignore.


500 innocent Americans killed is total bullshit anyway. I want to see names, not just some strawman argument. 11 million people are arrested every year, and many of these 'American citizens' are mental cases, gang members, hardcore criminals, drug addicts etc.

The video states that 'the DOJ estimates that 500 innocent Americans are killed every year'. I would love to see where the DOJ determines their 'innocence'. I want to see the document on that one.

And if one example (Trayvon martin) doesn't invalidate their argument, how can a handful of other examples (as seen in the video) validate it?

If 'a black man is murdered every 28 hours', then ask yourself why so many black men are resisting arrest or engaging in conduct that leads to them getting killed.

You can listen to a police scanner in any major city and the majority of calls will involve police calls for assistance regarding a black man or men engaged in violent criminal behavior. Go ahead and listen, you might learn something. And these calls are generally coming from other black people who want to be protected from the criminals who live amongst them.

The video also states that police officers always get off scott free after killing people. Give me some names. The DOJ went after Darren Wilson with everything they had and eventually had to admit that he acted properly and within the law.

'This ain't a war zone!' the man cries. Did he search everyone in that crowd? How does he know they are unarmed?

The video also concerns an Australian police action. What does that have to do with American police, which is the subject of the video?

Furthermore, the police acting improperly on the video...what is the story behind each officer? Was he/she reprimanded, suspended, fired? There is no followup, it is just assumed that they all got away with improper behavior.

The whole system is racist, says the sign. Tell it to Eric Holder, the black attorney general! lol give me a fucking break

Where is the attention given to black on black crime? You don't hear about it. 2500 people shot in Chicago last year, look it up.

Charles Shaw, you are a fraud.


and you are an apologist,and a tool.

i am not going to even waste my time dissecting your factually challenged and logically twisted comment because it would serve no purpose.

there is no chance of changing your mind,inspiring you to see events with a different perspective,which could lead to new vistas of understanding.

you hold the fundamentalist mindset.
you are convinced of your righteousness.
you are a true believer and any information contrary to your worldview will be deemed "heretical" and shall be automatically deemed "wrong" and dismissed on those grounds.

as evidenced by your commentary.
such a small,and narrow place to reside.
i feel sorry for you lantern.
you have my pity.


Your organization (the police) has fought tooth and nail to keep those names and the numbers from being complied in a useable form, or viewable form. You know this well, and yet you dishonestly pretend that not having them somehow invalidates the numbers the DOJ compiled. They're hidden from the public by the police themselves, and there's only one reason for them to be 'hidden', police are embarrassed at the real numbers. Police kill >10 times the number of citizens compared to the number of people that kill police, yet police are constantly whining about how 'dangerous' their job is (not even in the top 10 most dangerous in America), and insisting on rules and equipment to allow them to kill more people with impunity while putting themselves at less risk. Most Americans don't think cops should have their own laws or loopholes, nor should they have any offensive equipment not available to the public, and there should be no purely defensive equipment outlawed.
Blacks aren't necessarily resisting arrest more often, they are definitely being attacked by police more often. 100% of dog bites on blacks is telling to anyone with a brain...but not to you. So is 85% of use of force being against blacks. Blacks have a reason to not want to be under police control, it never ends well for them, and often ends with them dead, it is never just a minor inconvienience.
How often are those reported 'black' suspects actually not black, pretty often.
Of over 500 innocent deaths per year in this law enforcement report, how many prosecutions? How many convictions? I bet close to 0...if not 0.
Hey Bill O, non-violent civilians are not actively fighting military, armed or not a war zone.
Since 99+% of officer's crimes are not even reported, and of those that are 99% are not investigated, and of the 1% of 1% left, <1% are prosecuted, so it's a good bet they got away with the improper behavior.
Wow, you're really blind to racism, aren't you? One person in a position of power does not erase racism, sometimes it causes it (can you say Obama)...and racism happens within races as well. The report on New Orleans shows that even when the police closely resemble the populace, racism still happens, even from black officers against black citizens. You've said some fairly racist things in this thread alone...but you are so used to blatant racism that you can't see your own racism, ever.
Eric Holder told us, we don't need to tell him. Give me a fucking break!
Now Bill O...that's a fraud.


No, you are a tool because you refuse to think logically. You can't refute my argument so you just attack me personally. Therefore, you lose the argument.


and you are an apologist,and a tool.

i am not going to even waste my time dissecting your factually challenged and logically twisted comment because it would serve no purpose.

there is no chance of changing your mind,inspiring you to see events with a different perspective,which could lead to new vistas of understanding.

you hold the fundamentalist mindset.
you are convinced of your righteousness.
you are a true believer and any information contrary to your worldview will be deemed "heretical" and shall be automatically deemed "wrong" and dismissed on those grounds.

as evidenced by your commentary.
such a small,and narrow place to reside.
i feel sorry for you lantern.
you have my pity.


None of your arguments stand because Eric Holder is in charge of the entire US Dept. of Justice. He can't get it done? Ridiculous.

And I agree that police work is not the most dangerous job in America. But the difference is this: police officers die enforcing the laws that you put on the books, they die protecting those who cannot or will not protect themselves. This shows that the police act unselfishly, which makes their actions heroic.
Cops aren't perfect, they lose it on occasion, but over 99% of the time, they act within the law to protect the ungrateful (you).

Furthermore, every use of force is required to be documented by any modern law enforcement agency. Every pursuit is investigated to make sure it stays within departmental policy. Every citizen complaint is investigated to make sure the officer's actions are lawful and within policy.

Police officer's are reprimanded, suspended and fired if the situation determines it. There is nothing in this limp video to illustrate this simple truth.


Your organization (the police) has fought tooth and nail to keep those names and the numbers from being complied in a useable form, or viewable form. You know this well, and yet you dishonestly pretend that not having them somehow invalidates the numbers the DOJ compiled. They're hidden from the public by the police themselves, and there's only one reason for them to be 'hidden', police are embarrassed at the real numbers. Police kill >10 times the number of citizens compared to the number of people that kill police, yet police are constantly whining about how 'dangerous' their job is (not even in the top 10 most dangerous in America), and insisting on rules and equipment to allow them to kill more people with impunity while putting themselves at less risk. Most Americans don't think cops should have their own laws or loopholes, nor should they have any offensive equipment not available to the public, and there should be no purely defensive equipment outlawed.
Blacks aren't necessarily resisting arrest more often, they are definitely being attacked by police more often. 100% of dog bites on blacks is telling to anyone with a brain...but not to you. So is 85% of use of force being against blacks. Blacks have a reason to not want to be under police control, it never ends well for them, and often ends with them dead, it is never just a minor inconvienience.
How often are those reported 'black' suspects actually not black, pretty often.
Of over 500 innocent deaths per year in this law enforcement report, how many prosecutions? How many convictions? I bet close to 0...if not 0.
Hey Bill O, non-violent civilians are not actively fighting military, armed or not a war zone.
Since 99+% of officer's crimes are not even reported, and of those that are 99% are not investigated, and of the 1% of 1% left, <1% are prosecuted, so it's a good bet they got away with the improper behavior. Wow, you're really blind to racism, aren't you? One person in a position of power does not erase racism, sometimes it causes it (can you say Obama)...and racism happens within races as well. The report on New Orleans shows that even when the police closely resemble the populace, racism still happens, even from black officers against black citizens. You've said some fairly racist things in this thread alone...but you are so used to blatant racism that you can't see your own racism, ever.
Eric Holder told us, we don't need to tell him. Give me a fucking break!
Now Bill O...that's a fraud.


OK, so you say my arguments don't hold water because a democrat is in charge of a government organization, and so you imply that means everything will be done properly without obstructionist barriers put up to halt the process, because the fed, and democrats always get the right thing done even when obstructed? That's a new 180 deg. turnabout viewpoint from you.

Actually, many of the laws being enforced by cops were put there, or kept there by police lobbying organizations. The prison guard union (cops) is the biggest, best funded, heaviest lobbying union in the nation. You know this, but you ignore it to spout nonsense.

Acting non-criminally only 99% of the time is 1% too little. If I only don't kill or attack 99% of the people I meet daily, I'm a cut throat thug on a murder mission. Are you so insane you don't get that?

Yes, required by law to be reported, but not enforced at all, with ZERO oversight. That means unless there's incontrovertible proof that's already gone public, they'll deny the charges, intimidate the abused, and have even gone so far as to steal and destroy the evidence of their crimes. Who's going to stop them, fellow cops? I think not.

My citizen complaint was first refused, then obstructed, then ignored. It was NEVER investigated, and no reprimand was ever given to the officer that jerked me out of my car, threw me to the ground, pulled his gun on me, and stepped on my head, all because HE read my license plate wrong and wrongly assumed my car was stolen...that's an assault and battery with a deadly weapon (yes, he was calling me disgusting names and threatening me while he did it, and afterwards) but my hard fought official complaint was never investigated at all. When the follow up is left 100% to the people being investigated, there's no follow up or investigation. That's the system we have today, we must trust the cops (who break the law daily, at least 1% of the time according to you) to police themselves, when it's been proven 99.99999% of the time they won't do that, and will lie, obstruct, destroy evidence, intimidate, and even kill people with honest complaints.

A few police may be fired when they can no longer hide the truth about their actions, but those times are few and far between compared to the proven indisputable situations that warranted far more than firing, as in prosecution, which almost NEVER happens even when they shoot unarmed kids in the back.


None of your arguments stand because Eric Holder is in charge of the entire US Dept. of Justice. He can't get it done? Ridiculous.

And I agree that police work is not the most dangerous job in America. But the difference is this: police officers die enforcing the laws that you put on the books, they die protecting those who cannot or will not protect themselves. This shows that the police act unselfishly, which makes their actions heroic.
Cops aren't perfect, they lose it on occasion, but over 99% of the time, they act within the law to protect the ungrateful (you).

Furthermore, every use of force is required to be documented by any modern law enforcement agency. Every pursuit is investigated to make sure it stays within departmental policy. Every citizen complaint is investigated to make sure the officer's actions are lawful and within policy.

Police officer's are reprimanded, suspended and fired if the situation determines it. There is nothing in this limp video to illustrate this simple truth.

curiousityjokingly says...

OMG, right?!?! It's like how I know I'm not a racist because I have a black friend.


None of your arguments stand because Eric Holder is in charge of the entire US Dept. of Justice. He can't get it done? Ridiculous.


Paragraph by paragraph:

Ok, your first paragraph doesn't make sense. Re-read what I wrote.

The vast majority of laws are written by lawyers voted into office by citizens. Your assertion is a stretch by any measure.

The only way I can be insane is by continuing to think you may be influenced by common sense. That remains to be seen.

Now you're starting to sound like a conspiracy theorist. Is that you?

If a cop shoots an unarmed kid in the back, wouldn't that be very easy to prove? I think so. Perhaps your conspiracy gene is more prevalent than I thought.


OK, so you say my arguments don't hold water because a democrat is in charge of a government organization, and so you imply that means everything will be done properly without obstructionist barriers put up to halt the process, because the fed, and democrats always get the right thing done even when obstructed? That's a new 180 deg. turnabout viewpoint from you.

Actually, many of the laws being enforced by cops were put there, or kept there by police lobbying organizations. The prison guard union (cops) is the biggest, best funded, heaviest lobbying union in the nation. You know this, but you ignore it to spout nonsense.

Acting non-criminally only 99% of the time is 1% too little. If I only don't kill or attack 99% of the people I meet daily, I'm a cut throat thug on a murder mission. Are you so insane you don't get that?

Yes, required by law to be reported, but not enforced at all, with ZERO oversight. That means unless there's incontrovertible proof that's already gone public, they'll deny the charges, intimidate the abused, and have even gone so far as to steal and destroy the evidence of their crimes. Who's going to stop them, fellow cops? I think not.

My citizen complaint was first refused, then obstructed, then ignored. It was NEVER investigated, and no reprimand was ever given to the officer that jerked me out of my car, threw me to the ground, pulled his gun on me, and stepped on my head, all because HE read my license plate wrong and wrongly assumed my car was stolen...that's an assault and battery with a deadly weapon (yes, he was calling me disgusting names and threatening me while he did it, and afterwards) but my hard fought official complaint was never investigated at all. When the follow up is left 100% to the people being investigated, there's no follow up or investigation. That's the system we have today, we must trust the cops (who break the law daily, at least 1% of the time according to you) to police themselves, when it's been proven 99.99999% of the time they won't do that, and will lie, obstruct, destroy evidence, intimidate, and even kill people with honest complaints.

A few police may be fired when they can no longer hide the truth about their actions, but those times are few and far between compared to the proven indisputable situations that warranted far more than firing, as in prosecution, which almost NEVER happens even when they shoot unarmed kids in the back.


You said Eric Holder can get it (ending racism in the police) done. What else could that mean besides this one democrat heading a federal agency is expected to have abilities never exhibited by any human before him? EDIT: ...and he's expected to do this during a period of political obstructivism and discord that's halted progress on nearly every issue at hand.

Kind of. Most laws are actually written by lobbies, and voted in by our 'representatives' (that don't represent us on any side, but represent the lobbies instead). Some few states have 'ballot initiatives' that allow direct voting on issues, but I think most don't.
(As an aside, I wish we would follow what I've read was the original draft of the constitution that 11-12 of 13 colonies ratified, but was discarded in favor of the one we follow today, which said clearly that lawyers can't hold public office outside the courtroom).

Common sense says if you are non-criminal only 99% of the time, you are criminal 1%, so at least once per day if not more often. If you don't understand that, or wish to continue to ignore it, you are insane or severely learning deficient. You can't even argue against that reality, so you turn to personal by your own rules, you loose.

I'm describing personal experience and long standing repeating investigations showing the same thing. When you're theory has been proven right, you are no longer a 'conspiracy theorist'. I didn't come to my conclusion until long after it had been proven true in many many cases (not all).

Yes, easy, and you would think that would matter, sadly not. It happened here in N Cal. 3-5 years ago, white kid even. No question the kid was shot in the back, and had no weapon, but the cop claimed he 'thought' he saw a weapon and feared for his life, and that the kid had quickly turned away right as he shot, and that's pretty much where it ended. Not the first stupid unarmed kid shot here, won't be the last with that outcome.


Paragraph by paragraph:

Ok, your first paragraph doesn't make sense. Re-read what I wrote.

The vast majority of laws are written by lawyers voted into office by citizens. Your assertion is a stretch by any measure.

The only way I can be insane is by continuing to think you may be influenced by common sense. That remains to be seen.

Now you're starting to sound like a conspiracy theorist. Is that you?

If a cop shoots an unarmed kid in the back, wouldn't that be very easy to prove? I think so. Perhaps your conspiracy gene is more prevalent than I thought.


I'll wonder if you are the same person who watches a video of a black person misbehaving and say 'all black people are criminals'

you do the very same with cops

you should be ashamed of yourself

but if you'll only see the error of your ways and apologize, we will forgive you


Black people and police are not equivalent groups for comparison. Police are a special group that have legal authority to use force, including deadly, against people and you are at their whim if they aren't a good person.

I know that you used black people because you are trying to push that back on other people (projecting is the term, I believe) and black people are on your mind. I know, I know, you aren't racist. You are just "stating facts."

Police are just people. Some good, some bad. I've dealt with great ones and I've dealt with ones that lack any semblance of honor or integrity. The major issue I have is that that accountability for police bad behavior is unreliable and varies greatly. I believe part of this is pure self interest in people saving their jobs and keeping their department looking good while backed by an "us vs. them" attitude that becomes prevalent among police over time.

I think the "us vs. them" attitude is a tough one to avoid for police departments. I think multiple factors feed into that. Politicians outlawing victimless crimes makes people take police less seriously and see police as a nuisance instead of a helping force. Managing police departments by quotas and numbers instead of hiring good managers to actually manage people. Police unions that protect violent cops preventing the firing of known/shown unfit cops until they do something that is bad enough that even the union can't protect them. As a cop, you usually deal with the assholes of society which will taint your view over time. Well, it's not something that going to change quickly, but ignoring the problem with transparent and consistent accountability does nothing but kick that can down the road.


I'll wonder if you are the same person who watches a video of a black person misbehaving and say 'all black people are criminals'

you do the very same with cops

you should be ashamed of yourself

but if you'll only see the error of your ways and apologize, we will forgive you


Where I work, accountability is something that is taken very seriously. If a citizen makes an arrest, the facts are investigated and if the departmental policy was broken, the person was reprimanded, suspended, or fired.

We had a cop who had an accident while DUI. He was suspended, busted in grade, an interlock was installed in his probably cost him over $5000 total.

A rookie cop we had was calling up women he met on the job and asking them out, he was shitcanned immediately.

Also, thanks for playing the race card, I knew that wouldn't take long.


LOL! Too funny coming from you after your past comments, you probably don't even realize what you wrote. I believe citizen arrests are investigated like you said, but not the one's made by officers, which you tried to imply. There is no accountability for most criminal cops, and you know it well.

I hate to tell you, but a citizen would loose their job, especially if their job entailed driving, but often even if not, and it costs an average of over $15000. Sounds like some serious strings got pulled for this drunk driving cop to still be employed and only fined <$5K.
You are a repeatedly caught bold faced liar (and likely lie in your 'duties' as a cop, causing irreparable damage to people's lives with those lies), so you have no standing to call someone else a liar, and no, I don't lie even about little things (there's no such thing as a white lie) and it gets me into trouble all the time, so fuck you you whining tantrum throwing baby. My parents raised me to be honest at all times, so I'm no liar, unlike you.

By your own stated rules, because you had no argument against my post so devolved into name calling, you lose another argument...the last one with me, you aren't worth a minute of my abundant free time.

When a racist brings up race in a negative connotation time and time again, they should be called a trolling racist bastard.....and ignore.


Where I work, accountability is something that is taken very seriously. If a citizen makes an arrest, the facts are investigated and if the departmental policy was broken, the person was reprimanded, suspended, or fired.

We had a cop who had an accident while DUI. He was suspended, busted in grade, an interlock was installed in his probably cost him over $5000 total.

A rookie cop we had was calling up women he met on the job and asking them out, he was shitcanned immediately.

Also, thanks for playing the race card, I knew that wouldn't take long.


more trolling from newtboy, just pushing buttons. It's a shame you cannot understand allegory. I'd have better luck explaining this to a 6th grader.

You need to grow up.

By the way, 'loose' is the opposite of 'tight'. 'Lose' is the opposite of 'win'.

Perhaps a simple education would serve you better.

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