chicago police officer dominick Izzo has a message,and a request for the public.please,for the love of god...comply.
i have been following officer Izzo for a few months,and while i sometimes disagree with his conclusions,i admire and respect his very balanced and reasoned approach.recently officer Izzo was fired from the chicago P.D and the main reason is because is a very vocal opponent of how upper management and mayoral administrations handle citizens and even criminals at times.
they fired the man on christmas eve.
keep it classy chicago..keep it classy.
if you want to see a cops perspective and the things that bother them,and how much their hands are tied in certain situations.give this mans channel a shot.he is a very talented speaker,and he makes some very solid points.
newtboyComply....this is not a solution for the citizens, it's a solution for the officers. People clearly complying have been shot, on camera, repeatedly. Remember "hands up, don't shoot"....that was a slogan because so many people were shot while their hands were up complying. It sure didn't help the caregiver that was prone with hands outstretched begging them to not shoot at the totally harmless mentally challenged man child seated and playing with a truck, but they still did shoot repeatedly, hitting the prone caregiver.
Also, just comply means just allow them to violate your rights, claiming you can recapture your violated rights with no effort by suing...WTF?!? You have a right to know why you're being arrested. You have a right to not answer them when they scream at you. You have a right to carry cash without it being stolen. You have a right to insist on your rights not being violated in the first place. You do not have to allow them to violate you in the hopes that you can prove they did it....prove it against their lies, their fellow officers lies, the prosecutors bias, the judges bias, the evidence disappearing, the harassment from them and other cops, and while fighting the bogus charges that pop up when you file your lawsuit.
The police do act as judge, jury, and executioner many times....that's why people hate cops, not because they are confused about what judges are for. It's because cops so often abuse their authority and/or lie and in the process completely destroy multiple lives (both those they charge and family/bystanders) with impunity, immunity, derision, and zero empathy, then they usually blame their victims for not 'just complying'.
I'm already really beginning to dislike this asshat.
Just let them violate you to death and then sue them, huh? When those 2-3-4 officers all lie, hide evidence, and retaliate against anyone who contradicts their lies (including other cops), that 'remedy' rarely wins in court without incontrovertible evidence proving they all lied, incontrovertible evidence that the cops didn't know about to hide or destroy...and it can't unviolate you or restore lost time, sanity, or life.
...and yes, because they overwhelmingly stand behind those proven to have violated rights and worse, they all get painted with that brush until that changes. The blue wall is responsible for those "good" cops being painted as "bad", not the citizens who's trust has been so often violated. When you stand with a thug and support and protect them, you are one.
No quotas? OK, now this guy has moved from bad advice that benefits only the cops, not the citizen, to ridiculous self serving bold faced lies. It's been clearly, incontrovertibly, repeatedly proven and unashamedly admitted by uncountable officers and their supervisors in hundreds if not thousands of jurisdictions, most cops do have quotas.
BTW, that's EX officer Izzo....thank goodness.
i think you are being a tad over-zealous in your commentary.
now you know i agree with you on pretty much all aspects of police:brutality,malfeasance,hubris,fascism etc etc..
but we both realize that for the majority of police officers it is a job,and one they take seriously.statistically this is just a plain fact.
so i am struggling to understand your rage induced commentary directed toward a cop who is simply saying "please,comply".
that is pretty sound advice when dealing with an agent of the state who is not only authorized to use physical force,but carries a gun.
i found his advice pretty non-controversial.
your obvious points non-withstanding,because your points are accurate and have caused incredible misery,but his advice is also just as sound,and if it could deter even just one police beating.wouldn't that be worth it?
i am telling ya man,izzo is a pretty straight up guy for a cop,and he addresses pretty much every point you brought up on his channel.i know some of those points he makes you will disagree with,because i disagreed,but this man will surprise you on a bunch of points.i know he surprised me.
here is a video of him talking about his impending termination.he knew it was coming because he exposed corruption in his precinct:
*edit:i should post this video next round,give it a watch newt.
he has one video where he talks about quotas,and the reason why they are supposedly "non-existent".they do not call them quotas,but they are penalized if they give out too many warnings,or write a lower cost infraction.
trust me man,put aside your cop hate and check this dude can still disagree,but he does give a solid representation of a cops perspective.
eric3579Comply is the option to take for the best outcome if you are playing the numbers. It's worked for me up to this point. Of course if things are going south for you than i guess you have to do what makes most sense to survive a situation.
I got three minutes in and this cop is blathering on about parenting. Fuck off, as if you have some special knowledge of proper parenting. He's annoying, and whats up with that ridiculous haircut. Tell me you wouldn't be suspicious of the wisdom/intelligence of a cop that wants to project that image/look.
newtboyIt's his contention that absolute compliance is your only acceptable recourse in every situation, even when the police are violently violating your rights, stealing from you, and lying about it, and his further contention that any abuse can be remedied by civil lawsuit ...which is patently ridiculous. (and he conveniently ignores that police officers are protected from civil suit by law, and can't be sued personally).
Also his BS contention that 99% of the time, when a cop shows up to any situation, they dominate....then why aren't near 99% of cases solved and 99% of those who flee captured instantly? It's simply a line cops use to pretend that near 50% of chases and fights end up lost. (or used to the last time I saw stats)
If he had said 'your best bet to avoid injury and further charges is to just comply'. I would agree, it's the rest of his speech that I found self serving and misleading.
So, he has a minimum number of tickets/charges to write every week, he gets penalized for not being as zealous as possible (or not writing enough), but he says there aren't quotas because they don't call them quotas? And you accept that? What?
i think you are being a tad over-zealous in your commentary.
now you know i agree with you on pretty much all aspects of police:brutality,malfeasance,hubris,fascism etc etc..
but we both realize that for the majority of police officers it is a job,and one they take seriously.statistically this is just a plain fact.
so i am struggling to understand your rage induced commentary directed toward a cop who is simply saying "please,comply".
that is pretty sound advice when dealing with an agent of the state who is not only authorized to use physical force,but carries a gun.
i found his advice pretty non-controversial.
your obvious points non-withstanding,because your points are accurate and have caused incredible misery,but his advice is also just as sound,and if it could deter even just one police beating.wouldn't that be worth it?
i am telling ya man,izzo is a pretty straight up guy for a cop,and he addresses pretty much every point you brought up on his channel.i know some of those points he makes you will disagree with,because i disagreed,but this man will surprise you on a bunch of points.i know he surprised me.
here is a video of him talking about his impending termination.he knew it was coming because he exposed corruption in his precinct:
*edit:i should post this video next round,give it a watch newt.
he has one video where he talks about quotas,and the reason why they are supposedly "non-existent".they do not call them quotas,but they are penalized if they give out too many warnings,or write a lower cost infraction.
trust me man,put aside your cop hate and check this dude can still disagree,but he does give a solid representation of a cops perspective.
MordhausYou know, things would have been so much easier if Rosa Parks, Ghandi, Martin Luther King, and many others throughout history had simply complied.
hey i was offering a video from another perspective,the cops perspective.
but i have watched more than one of his videos.
i didn't post this as an excuse for bad policing,or just plain bad cops.
i was a bouncer,a bartender,a titty bar dj.i have seen my fair share of shit cops,and also good ones.
i think izzo is one of the good disagree.
siftbotPermanently discarding this video - kill requested by enoch.
Sagemind*Promote because I think Izzo's points of view are interesting.
Agree with everything about policing, I don't, but I do enjoy the views from both sides and I think it's important to keep the conversation open.
We can't just turn off the conversation when it's not going in one direction or another. I think Izzo brings a lot about policing to the table. Agree or disagree, that's fine, but lets hear both sides.
Both sides are important if we want to understand/discuss, fix or otherwise understand what is going on.
siftbotOnly published, queued, or discarded videos, published Sift Talk posts, and published blog posts may be promoted - ignoring promote request by Sagemind.
SagemindDisappointed that you killed this @enoch
yeah,i am with you on the balanced perspective thing,but with three negative comments and 0 votes,i didn't feel it was going to fair very well on the sift.
i think the main problem is that i had watched a bunch of this officers videos,and i found him to be reasonable,and he made a lot of really good points.
check out the link that i posted for newtboy,i think that was the first video of his that i watched that peaked my curiosity.
maybe i will post that video instead.
SagemindYes @enoch
I did watch a few of his videos, including the one you point out.
My neighbor before I moved was RCMP. Nicest guy you'd ever meet. It's interesting to see officers from another perspective.
There are a lot of corrupted ones, tarnished ones, and otherwise over-zealous ones. The quotas and demands of superiors doesn't help the system either.
I just like to see all aspects, it helps to remind us of the mind-set that goes into doing that job and the types of personalities in the position of demanded respect. (as opposed to earned respect).
yeah,i am with you on the balanced perspective thing,but with three negative comments and 0 votes,i didn't feel it was going to fair very well on the sift.
i think the main problem is that i had watched a bunch of this officers videos,and i found him to be reasonable,and he made a lot of really good points.
check out the link that i posted for newtboy,i think that was the first video of his that i watched that peaked my curiosity.
maybe i will post that video instead.