Called “Real Change,” Sen. Bernie Sanders’ first presidential campaign ad casts the candidate as a principled and down-to-earth populist leader with the backing of millions of individual donors and a determination to take on Wall Street.
NPR detailed some of the back story behind the ad on Sunday:
The presidential campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., announced Sunday that it will begin airing its first campaign ads on television in Iowa and New Hampshire starting Tuesday.
Sanders’ campaign is spending $2 million to air the ads, the same amount that the campaign of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, his rival for the Democratic nomination, spent on her first campaign ads. Clinton’s ads have been airing since early August. In the months since then, her campaign has spent an additional $4 million on ads in Iowa and New Hampshire.
The announcement comes as Clinton’s campaign has been picking up momentum, extending her lead over Sanders in polls since Vice President Joe Biden announced he would not enter the race nearly two weeks ago.
bobknight33A guy who went to Russia for his honeymoon.
Guess Santa Clause is real and running for president.
newtboyIt's about time he runs some commercials, since the media has almost completely ignored him. So much for the 'liberal media', huh? If there were really such a thing, they would talk about him all day long, not ignore him in favor of a candidate that's FAR to the right of him, right?
*promote a candidate who's record matches his rhetoric.
siftbotPromoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Monday, November 2nd, 2015 8:28am PST - promote requested by newtboy.
Dumdeedumsays...My god, he went to Russia?! The monster!
Jinxsays...Next campaign:
"Really Real Change This Time. Honest"
PaybackBen Carson thinks the Jews should have had guns, then the Holocaust would never had happened.
A guy who went to Russia for his honeymoon.
Guess Santa Clause is real and running for president.
newtboyWow. I just found out that he also believes the pyramids were made by the biblical Joseph as grain storage buildings!
EDIT: And now his claim of having been offered and turning down a full scholarship to West Point has been contradicted by West Point, who said he never even applied and they don't offer full scholarships, and he's admitted he made it up...and other personal claims are also in question. It's looking more and more daily like he might just be a pathological liar.
Ben Carson thinks the Jews should have had guns, then the Holocaust would never had happened.
bobknight33At least they would have a fighting chance.
Ben Carson thinks the Jews should have had guns, then the Holocaust would never had happened.
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