Zero Punctuation Review: Burnout: Paradise

Yahtzee takes Burnout: Paradise for a spin.

Oh god.

Someone must remake Carmageddon, like an NC-17 version... the grandma used to run away from your car yelling "I was in the war!!!" *SPLAT*

I remember playing the game for days, my favourite car was the yellow monster struck with the screwdriver mounted up in front. I used to imagine that thing driving through my school and impaling everyone.... though I think Vlad The Impaler's car could work just as well...


>> ^Farhad2000:
Someone must remake Carmageddon

I loved that game, and the sequels (each slightly less than the previous). Many, many hours spent playing that on the lan at college rather than, you know, actually doing academic-type stuff. The fact that there were three ways to win any round was a nice touch, though I can't say that I ever met anyone who actually bothered to win via racing. *Boring*


>> ^thebug44:
I've always wondered this...why the hell is his name Yahtzee!?

I'd guess it was from his first series of adventure games starring his signature character Arthur Yahtzee.

Here's his profile from his Fully Ramblomatic site:

REAL NAME: Ben Croshaw
POSITION: Editor/Webmaster/Staff writer
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Evil
SHOE SIZE: 12 and a half

Yahtzee was born in Warwickshire, England, on the day of the great storm of 1983. Twenty years later, when England had become too small to accommodate the five hundred kilometre-wide tumour growing out of the back of his neck, he moved to Brisbane, Australia, where a chance encounter with an enraged surfer caused the tumour to become detached. It has now gone on to star in a number of Japanese fetish videos, while Yahtzee occupies a treehouse on the edge of the city, struggling to learn how to live with corks around his hat. The enraged surfer tries to keep in touch, but Yahtzee never answers his phone.

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