Zero Punctuation Review: Drake's Fortune


Well, I hadn't noticed it until he mentioned it... Surely I must have shot some crackers in there somewhere. I don't recall.

Funny stuff, and accurate, but for the record, I loved the game. Campy and obvious, but that was part of the fun of it.


I have to say the part where we actually see him was really unexpected... I suppose that explaining that part either couldn't have been properly explained with images or otherwise to use the joke of press X to dodge...

He should have had his hat on... If he had one... *looks left, then right, then starts running before getting shot*


>> ^Peroxide:
>> ^Fjnbk:
Awesome, the first PS3-exclusive game review, and one that I own. Uncharted is pretty fun, and it is definitely like an action movie. But his criticisms are accurate.

Does the game actually have a racist slant?

The perceived racism almost definitely isn't intentional, and near the end of the game, it definitely seems that I was killing Caucasians.

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