Yahtzee takes on the Batman franchise with Arkham Asylum.

And yes, he likes it!

Tags for this video have been changed from 'zero, punctuation, yahtzee, batman, arkham, asylum, writing, batspank' to 'zero, punctuation, yahtzee, batman, arkham, asylum, writing, batspank, anti thing spray' - edited by ponceleon


I absolutely love this game.

I got it the day of its release (Woo, $38.93 for a brand new game!) and didn't put it down for three days.
The gameplay wasn't the longest (Only roughly 8 or so hours) but it's got a lot of side quests to do with the Riddlers challenges. I basically went all OCD with those things and didnt't stop until I found every one.
(And didn't actually use the internet for any of them..which doesn't happen too often.)

There's a lot of neat things like finding some of Penguins umbrellas, or old campaign posters for Harvey Dent..not to mention finding the room of the stupidest Batman villain I've ever heard of.

Voice acting was awesome, and most of the guards looked alright..although some were a little..off.

And for those of you reading this that've already played, and are curious as to who the extra guy is that sits in his cell grunting in the room with Sharp, and Clayface, that's actually a contest winner. He won a contest for something or other a while back and got put into the game, and when you see Harleys list, his name is the very last one (And the only one who you wouldn't recognize off hand.)


I have only the demo thus far, but my god it's a fine looking game, fine sounding game and damn fun to boot.

It's my new 'must have' game.

Except... well... I have four kids.

So, I kinda never get any time to play games... ever... Bioshock was my last... *sigh*


Just FYI, if you want to see Batman attacking someone from the victim's perspective while he glide attacks them, you can press R2. It's pretty awesome watching Batman descend from above this way

I really loved this game and thought Yahtzee got everything dead on. Boss fights were so bad. I also had weird headaches from playing the game for too long. But that's just me


One of the best video games I have ever played. I have a few of the same minor gripes as he does, but they pale in comparison to the greatness oozing out of this game. This game would have been great even without the Batman license, but with it it is near perfection in my book. I am 88% complete with only the challenge levels to complete. I even got ALL of the Riddler challenges done!


I tried to buy this yesterday but, as seems to be the norm lately, Future Shop didn't have it. Lately every time I go there to buy a new movie or game, they don't have it. They get it a week or two later after they figure out how the shipments got screwed up. I could buy it on Steam but I really like to have boxed copies of games.


>> ^budzos:
I tried to buy this yesterday but, as seems to be the norm lately, Future Shop didn't have it. Lately every time I go there to buy a new movie or game, they don't have it. They get it a week or two later after they figure out how the shipments got screwed up. I could buy it on Steam but I really like to have boxed copies of games.

I've had nothing but good experiences so far with gogamer. If you preorder PC games often they ship them a couple days before release so they arrive at your door on release date. And the prices on new games are routinely $5-$10 less then you'd pay at a store.



I'm guessing he didn't wait through the credits to see that ********** is still alive and he as the ********.....

Really at the end of this game I actually sat through the credits like I had just finished watching a big budget comic book movie waiting for the pay off after the credits, AND I GOT EXACTLY THAT!


LOL, amazingly good HR department. Brilliant.

>> ^budzos:
I tried to buy this yesterday but, as seems to be the norm lately, Future Shop didn't have it. Lately every time I go there to buy a new movie or game, they don't have it. They get it a week or two later after they figure out how the shipments got screwed up. I could buy it on Steam but I really like to have boxed copies of games.

I've run out of box space, now I just wait for the Steam MEGA-SALES

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