Woman Tries To Put Hit On Husband--Its A Police Setup

Wow. This happened near my house.

I've always wondered how undercover police officers/Feds set themselves up as hitmen. Is there some universal hitmen advertising code that I'm not aware of? Is there a well-known hitman hangout no one has told me about?>


>> ^Throbbin:
I've always wondered how undercover police officers/Feds set themselves up as hitmen. Is there some universal hitmen advertising code that I'm not aware of? Is there a well-known hitman hangout no one has told me about?>

Sure. www.hireahitman.com


>> ^shuac:
>> ^Throbbin:
I've always wondered how undercover police officers/Feds set themselves up as hitmen. Is there some universal hitmen advertising code that I'm not aware of? Is there a well-known hitman hangout no one has told me about?>

Sure. www.hireahitman.com

I prefer www.hitmenthatarentcops.com


>> ^BicycleRepairMan:
Why would they fake the crime-scene? seems like an over-the-top hidden camera joke to me, how does that help make the case against her, other than saying "gotcha" in court?

It has to do with eliciting reactions to record for court to ensure that they get a conviction. The same reason as to why the police act as the hitman. In order to have enough evidence, what you're looking for is the criminal to slip up and give you information openly in a false state of duress.

In the court however where, a team of lawyers will spend 8 months arguing over "and, then, however, shit" along with the persons "emotional state", you need to cover every base. What you want is enough evidence so there can be no reasonable doubt when you go to the jury and say "they're guilty as all hell." Remember the key thing in trials, the defense only has to raise enough reasonable doubt to get them off.


>> ^Ogre:
I wonder if the murder market has been hit by the recession?

Murder, domestic/family violence, robbery, B&E, and so on go up during bad economic times. Take a look at data trends, the shittier the economy the busier the courts and police. And that's only the people they catch, the dark figure of crime is usually 3-16x higher, sometimes more depending on the area.

Just as an example of a city near where I live with near 400k people, so far this year. Domestic/family violence is up 400%, murders on par for this year, assaults are up 700%, B&E's are up ~600%, robbery(that includes stores and muggings) are up around 200%. I live in Ontario, lots of unemployed people from manufacturing jobs in all sectors, and spinoffs. If people are wondering why robbery is low but B&E is higher, it's because a person would rather break into a place and not confront someone, rather than confront someone. It's the nature of it.


>> ^alizarin:
They let her out on bail?

Yeah, they let women accused of trying to murder their husbands out on bail so they can sleep confortably at their mum's house and dress nice for their court appearances. Men in the same suitation are remanded without bail and turn up to court in cuffs and an orange jumpsuit. That way, the jury can imagine him as a convict already, which helps make up their mind when the time comes.

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