Wil Wheaton on Leaving TNG, With Entire Cast

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In an incredibly touching moment at TNG Exposed at the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo, April 28, 2012 in Calgary Alberta, Wil Wheaton (Wesley Crusher from Star Trek: The Next Generation) speaks to the crowd and the entire principal cast about leaving the show. Aaron Douglas (Chief Tyrol from Battlestar Galactica) introduces the question.

Here was a funny exchange from Wil's autograph lineup from that Sunday.

Female Fan (to Wil): Hi, sorry, I know you are famous, but I don't know who you are. (Holds out her hand.)
Wil: (stares at her for a few seconds)... Hi, I am LaVar Burton.
LaVar (nearby to Wil): What?!
Wil: Yeah, I did Reading Rainbow for kids back in the 80s and 90s.

Fricken' hilarious.

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