Why you shouldn't throw paper clips at your coworkers:

Someone reached his limit.

This looks like a trading desk, and trust me when I say that this does happen. Especially when one of the traders is losing money and the others are heckling him. I've personally seen a Chinese man get up and round-house kick another trader for standing behind him telling him how 'NOT' to lose money. Very funny.


I don't know if anybody else here has ever installed security cameras, but being able to see a white collor workers desk is strickly forbidden, at least in the US. If this was a facory floor then that's one thing (wage workers have no rights after all). Seriously, do the math, it's fake AND well done.


fake because people would not sit around calmly while one man clobbered another, no matter how much he deserved it. They don't even really look that surprised. If this were real, I think the guy would probably have walked/ran around the table.


>legal reference please

Now I'm a lawyer?

I can tell you that commercial security system distributers would not sell us cameras for anything that was even near the margin of what's "legal". As to if this is law or a set of industry standards, I can't varify, but if there was no libaility would they refuse to sell equiptment?


> Now I'm a lawyer?

Then its probably best you stop making ignorant claims of knowledge of the law then isn't it?

The real law is and this is virtually everywhere that cameras are allowed so long as there is no reasonable expectation of privacy. Placing a sign or having the employee sign an agreement acknowledging the use of cameras will remove that for all but, in some states washrooms, showers, change rooms, etc.

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