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Why South Park Apologized – Wisecrack

In their latest episodes of South Park, Matt and Trey seem to be apologizing for the doubt and cynicism they helped perpetuate around the issue of global warming. In this video, we'll explore South Park's history with climate change and some of the economic logic to which the show alludes. -yt

Well, look at the brightside.

If you're not part of the 1% you'll perish along with the rest of the world.

If you are part of the 1% you will be living in the hell you've created until you decide to put a ray gun to your head.

What do think all those Twilight Zone shows were about?


Now they need to donate >$100 million to climate change mitigation efforts. Until then, their "sorry" is as empty and hollow as BP's.


For newts, even the .1% will go down before the rest of the world.
When I moved here, N California, I would see newts and frogs constantly, even a >1' long giant tiger salamander in my greenhouse. Now, 19 years later, I still see some frogs, but no newts or salamanders....hardly even any banana slugs.

I always figured I could just go full Morlock and live a nice cannibalistic lifestyle underground if I survive civilization's death throws.....but I'm probably old and soft enough that I won't.


Well, look at the brightside.

If you're not part of the 1% you'll perish along with the rest of the world.

If you are part of the 1% you will be living in the hell you've created until you decide to put a ray gun to your head.

What do think all those Twilight Zone shows were about?


Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Monday, November 19th, 2018 11:04am PST - promote requested by original submitter eric3579.


Moving this video to eric3579's personal queue. It failed to receive enough votes to get sifted up to the front page within 2 days.

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