Who's Behind the Smearing? ...Media Matters

"Media Matters - You're daily source of deception."
Reporting things "out of context"

wow look how utterly butthurt these guys get when called out on their blatant bullshit

suck it up, ladies.. conserve those tears.

media matters, from what i've seen, is actually pretty objective.. they call out MSNBC and other liberal news networks on their shit too.


Wow...just, wow. As if there were any doubt which side is worse, let's recap a couple of the wingnut statements: "Give them rat poison", and "The noose will be around their necks, not mine, I can guarantee that."

Honestly, I'm not at all sure that context even matters here...those statements are truly "vile, disgusting, and demented".


>> ^shiner_man:
Wow! Somebody took a bunch of clips and put them together. This is brilliant! I mean, this isn't propaganda or anything.

As if you would know what propaganda was, unless somebody spelled it out for you.

And even then, I guess they'd have to pepper their rhetoric with the xenophobia, jingoism, and Luddite sensibilities that pass for conservative wisdom.

Are you familiar with the psychological term "projection"?


>> ^Stormsinger:
Wow...just, wow. As if there were any doubt which side is worse, let's recap a couple of the wingnut statements: "Give them rat poison", and "The noose will be around their necks, not mine, I can guarantee that."
Honestly, I'm not at all sure that context even matters here...those statements are truly "vile, disgusting, and demented".

Stick around long enough and you'll see sifters upvote comments that call for the executions of conservatives.

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