Where The Hell is Matt's Girlfriend?

Matt's first video made the world cry. This one returns the favor. (From College Humor)

Matt's girlfriend? Why she's been waiting patiently for Matt to return. She's understands his passion and has accepted that Matt is away a lot.


ah, you're not intoxicated enough to appreciate it! Try a slam of your fav liquor and watch again... lol
>> ^spoco2:
Meh... It was a single joke that was dragged out and not executed very well at all.
I thought anyway.


No this is a true story. Different names have been used to protect the...er...guilty. Anyway, I had Tuesdays and every other Saturday.


Matt's girlfriend? Why she's been waiting patiently for Matt to return. She's understands his passion and has accepted that Matt is away a lot.

Comment funnier than video.


>> ^ant:
I wonder what Matt think of this spoof/parody.

I imagine when he gets home from visiting another 30 different areas of 30 different countries, meeting thousands of interesting people in interesting situations, and expanding and broadening his mind beyond our wildest dreams, he'll go, "Heh".


Fuck Matt. Vain, rich motherfucker spends a day or two in some tourist traps, hasn't bothered to learn anything at all about the culture of the places he goes and we're all supposed to swoon over his dumb ass video with it's faux ethnic music. Not buying it, Matthew.

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