When You Show Your Girlfriend the Doctor Strange Trailer

What happens when you show your girlfriend the Doctor Strange trailer? This... minor possible major spoilers for the Hunger Games series...

"It's one of *those* movies" pretty much covers it. It covers 'The Hunger Games' too. You go, you watch it, it's fun, you forget it afterward, but whatever, it was fun to watch. It's fine.


Chicks multi-task on a level guy's don't comprehend. Part of her was fully focused on the trailer and the other parts had other agendas but that's ok in their heads.


I'm going to have to start looking at comments before watching every video now. Part 4 is in the mail right now from Netflix. I might as well send it back now.

Edit: I see it's in the description now. I had opened several videos in tabs yesterday and went to bed with them open. I still probably wouldn't have seen it because I don't scroll down to the description before starting the video.


Spoilers for Hunger Games!

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