What The F*** Is That? - Funny Ass Reaction From Gramps

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This could have taken a completely different turn, but luckily I happened to run into the funniest old guy ever! "We thought we were F**** hallucinating!" HAHA - THUMBS UP For Gramps and his hilarious comments! I sense a dubstep remix coming :D

Call me old fashioned (I'm up there in age but not as old as "Gramps"), but I just don't understand this shit. What is so wonderful about vibrating your entire car to the point of not understanding one friggin' word or anything else music related with the song you are playing? I enjoy a bit of heavy bass with the music of my choice, but that crap completely ruins the "enjoyment" part for me.


>> ^ToastyBuffoon:

Call me old fashioned (I'm up there in age but not as old as "Gramps"), but I just don't understand this shit. What is so wonderful about vibrating your entire car to the point of not understanding one friggin' word or anything else music related with the song you are playing? I enjoy a bit of heavy bass with the music of my choice, but that crap completely ruins the "enjoyment" part for me.

Obviously he competes in events. DB drags 'n such.


It's not like these guys never listen to music at a reasonable level, usually what comes a long with a hobby like this is the process to the end result.

Endlessly tinkering with new parts and doing all the wiring, tuning etc, it can be a fun hobby. So the enjoyment comes from seeing how all that came together, they're not listening and going "Wow these are really great lyrics", they're thinking "Fucking A, that speaker really booms! I think I can do X with it though!" or however they talk.

There is also something to be said about feeling + hearing sound, the effect at a concert is probably a more palatable experience for the majority of us but this experience isn't far removed from that effect.

>> ^ToastyBuffoon:

Call me old fashioned (I'm up there in age but not as old as "Gramps"), but I just don't understand this shit. What is so wonderful about vibrating your entire car to the point of not understanding one friggin' word or anything else music related with the song you are playing? I enjoy a bit of heavy bass with the music of my choice, but that crap completely ruins the "enjoyment" part for me.


Never heard of 'em. Not so obvious to me.

>> ^BoneRemake:

>> ^ToastyBuffoon:
Call me old fashioned (I'm up there in age but not as old as "Gramps"), but I just don't understand this shit. What is so wonderful about vibrating your entire car to the point of not understanding one friggin' word or anything else music related with the song you are playing? I enjoy a bit of heavy bass with the music of my choice, but that crap completely ruins the "enjoyment" part for me.

Obviously he competes in events. DB drags 'n such.


>> ^ToastyBuffoon:

Call me old fashioned (I'm up there in age but not as old as "Gramps"), but I just don't understand this shit. What is so wonderful about vibrating your entire car to the point of not understanding one friggin' word or anything else music related with the song you are playing? I enjoy a bit of heavy bass with the music of my choice, but that crap completely ruins the "enjoyment" part for me.

Then you have never listened to Drum and Bass.
I agree, for most genres so much bass just outright sucks, but with DnB, its heaven.
I know the problem of that because I listen to normal electronic music and DnB. I would need completely different subwoofers and enclosure for it to sound well with the other electronic music, but with DnB it sounds fantastic.


>> ^coolhund:

>> ^ToastyBuffoon:
Call me old fashioned (I'm up there in age but not as old as "Gramps"), but I just don't understand this shit. What is so wonderful about vibrating your entire car to the point of not understanding one friggin' word or anything else music related with the song you are playing? I enjoy a bit of heavy bass with the music of my choice, but that crap completely ruins the "enjoyment" part for me.

Then you have never listened to Drum and Bass.
I agree, for most genres so much bass just outright sucks, but with DnB, its heaven.
I know the problem of that because I listen to normal electronic music and DnB. I would need completely different subwoofers and enclosure for it to sound well with the other electronic music, but with DnB it sounds fantastic.

Dude, this guy's car stereo couldn't possibly sound good no matter what you're putting through it. His windows and doors and the panels and the entire damn frame of the car are vibrating and rattling and drowning out whatever the speakers are supposed to be putting out.


>> ^direpickle:

>> ^coolhund:
>> ^ToastyBuffoon:
Call me old fashioned (I'm up there in age but not as old as "Gramps"), but I just don't understand this shit. What is so wonderful about vibrating your entire car to the point of not understanding one friggin' word or anything else music related with the song you are playing? I enjoy a bit of heavy bass with the music of my choice, but that crap completely ruins the "enjoyment" part for me.

Then you have never listened to Drum and Bass.
I agree, for most genres so much bass just outright sucks, but with DnB, its heaven.
I know the problem of that because I listen to normal electronic music and DnB. I would need completely different subwoofers and enclosure for it to sound well with the other electronic music, but with DnB it sounds fantastic.

Dude, this guy's car stereo couldn't possibly sound good no matter what you're putting through it. His windows and doors and the panels and the entire damn frame of the car are vibrating and rattling and drowning out whatever the speakers are supposed to be putting out.

Any car would with so much power. That doesnt mean he would use all that power all the time. If I turn my volume up it sounds like crap too, but I only use it rarely at full volume.


>> ^ToastyBuffoon:

Call me old fashioned (I'm up there in age but not as old as "Gramps"), but I just don't understand this shit. What is so wonderful about vibrating your entire car to the point of not understanding one friggin' word or anything else music related with the song you are playing? I enjoy a bit of heavy bass with the music of my choice, but that crap completely ruins the "enjoyment" part for me.

smoke a blunt and sit in a car with a good sub. you'll swear someone installed electric massage chairs. its FANTASTIC.


"Now, the world don't move to the beat of just one drum,
What might be right for you, may not be right for some.
Because it takes, Diff'rent Strokes to move the world.
Yes it does.
It takes, Diff'rent Strokes to move the world."


>> ^TheSluiceGate:

At least the kid won't be bothering anyone for much longer. I give his hearing in general about 6 months.

Yes, I was in the back seat of a car with a boot (trunk) filled with loud subs for about 5 minutes once when I was a student and I've had tinnitus ever since. I really regret it and would strongly recommend against trying this!

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