Visit California: It's America's Future


Yep. It’s awful. A total anarchic hell scape everywhere. Believe it all. Stay away. Nobody wants to live HERE.

Don’t come begging for a handout red states. You insist California is a failed economy, we should start taking more from the federal budget than we contribute just like you have for decades. (California pays around $400 BILLION in federal taxes and gets about $140 BILLION back every year, meaning we provide about $260 BILLION in “welfare” to other (red) states yearly)


Democrat policies have failed its people.

Yet you blame FED government.

Typical Democrat. If we only had more $ we could fix it.

It's Democrat policies , not lack of $.


Yep. It’s awful. A total anarchic hell scape everywhere. Believe it all. Stay away. Nobody wants to live HERE.

Don’t come begging for a handout red states. You insist California is a failed economy, we should start taking more from the federal budget than we contribute just like you have for decades.


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